Chapter 15

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I back up slowly feeling like I was on cloud nine. My anxiety was almost completely sated and I smirk down at the shaking man. He stands with heavy breath and pulls his clothes back on with wide eyes. He looks up at me shyly and I smile at him.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and quickly go to his contact. Changing his name to Princess👑. I show him and he blushes like crazy before I pocket the phone again, "are you okay?"

He lets out a breathy laugh and nods, "I'm more than okay."

I smile at him widely, "good, thank you for such a treat."

I walk over to the door glancing at him to see him gaping his mouth like a fish. He then quickly shuts it and opens the door with a bright blush. I follow him downstairs and he peeks in the living room before doing the same in the kitchen.

"I think they already went out back," Matt says trying to get back his normal witty tone. I smile at him before following him farther in the house and out a back door.

Cushioned benches lay on either side of a decent sized fire pit. It was so cute and cozy. Cedric was at a small table that sits beside the already big fire and Dean was tending to a grill. It was so domesticated and I couldn't help but laugh at the adorable thought. They look up at the sound and smirk as they see Matt's slightly shaky form.

"Shut up, just shut up," Matt grumbles sitting down an a bench. I look at Dean to see him give me a knowing look before turning back to his task. Cedric laughs softly before closing his eyes and turning back around. Which I found strange but didn't question it.

"So you feeling better?" Cedric asks fumbling with something on the table.

"Yes, thanks you," Cedric let's out a snort.

"Bro," he shakes his head before setting down whatever he was messing with and turning around sitting on the opposite bench from Matt. Where Dean sits down at as well.

I immediately felt like I'm intruding as I sit beside Matt, "I realize your guys nicknames for him."

Matt groans out and elbows me softly in the side, "when the hell did you become a porn star?"

I chuckle softly shaking my head, "y'all are making me develop kinks I didn't realize I had."

"Wow what happened up there!" Cedric says laughing loudly with surprised eyes. Matt's face goes red quickly and he covers his face with his hands.

"He's a princess," I respond shortly and I almost choke laughing as he sputters and looks at me with betrayed eyes.

"Cedric is never gonna let me live that down!" Matt says in a shrill tone, "I'm done for."

"Hmm you really are one for cute nicknames, huh kitten?" Cedric asks in a teasing tone and Matt groans shaking his head.

"Listen I don't know what just happened in there, I didn't even know Ronny knew how to dirty talk!" Matt says coughing in embarrassment.

Deans eyes widen briefly before looking at me, "dirty talk? Like what?"

Now it was my turn to blush and look away but Matt decides to repay the favor by saying while using his fingers as quotation marks, "and I quote, 'I want to see you beg for it' or 'do you want me to be gentle for you?'"

I'm about ready to die. I had said those things? I was in a hazy fog and now I groan, "wow, we should have watched big Bear."

"Right! You guys know how I get when people sweet talk me like that, he turned into an absolute tease!" Matt says loudly basically returning to his happy go lucky attitude. I had half a thought to do it again and make him cry for it.

"I don't know what came over me," I rub the back of my neck chuckling. Dean smiles at me and Cedric laughs.

"You were gentle?" He asks with a confused look. I nod with a tilted head, "you're always rough with me."

"Because you like it rough, unless I was wrong?" I ask with actual concern? Had I read him wrong.

"Oh no," he says looking away awkwardly, "I- with you and Dean I do like it rough. I'm also pretty rough while topping."

He looks down at me crotch and rubs his lips thoughtlessly. Then his eyes go wide and he looks at me with wide eyes, "me too."

He calms down quickly and smiles. Dean stands up and checks the grill quickly before grabbing more fire wood and throwing it in. Matt sighs from beside me.

"So.. do you prefer topping or bottoming?" He asks me with a small smile. I chuckle softly and shrug my shoulders.

"It depends on who I'm with," I reply and for some reason that causes him to blush again.

"I meant like do you prefer to try and go for a specific one," Matt asks drumming his fingers on his knee.

"Um I guess I usually go for topping, I can control the situation a little better than," I respond and Dean lets out a deep chuckle before giving me a heated look.

"Do-do you like sex?" Matt asks stuttering slightly. I furrow my eyebrows at him and nod my head slowly. It all depended on the person.

"You've never asked to have sex with us," Cedric states munching on a random graham cracker. I immediately look at him with wide eyes.

"I already feel terrible meddling with your relationship, plus I don't need to have sex, it's just helps," I respond quickly. I wouldn't try and cut in their relationship like that.

Cedric groans, "you make it so hard."

"It's okay Ceddy, it's not cheating," Matt says and I look between them confused.

Cedric looks at Matt for a minute before looking at Dean and then getting a determined look on his face muttering, "it's not cheating."

He stands up and rounds the fire until he's standing right beside me. I look up at him and he clears his throat and breaths in deeply.

"Can I try something?" He asks and I look over at Dean and Matt confused before nodding slowly. He grabs me by my collar bringing my forwards quickly. Are lips slam together and I'm shocked. I don't move at first but when he starts trying to open my mouth I do. His tongue slips in and suddenly were battling for dominance.

He roughly pulls me out of my seat not breaking the contact between on mouths. He grabs at my butt and I groan against his lips. He moans back and pulls apart quickly. He sets his head down on my shoulder breathing heavily. I in much the same state look at Dean and Matt with wide eyes. However their locked in their own embrace. With Matt straddling deans lap and grinding on him.

Cedric also looks over lifting his head and letting out a breathy laugh, "I guess they liked the show."

"I- but wasn't that?" I say letting out and breath and he shakes his head harshly.

"Its not cheating, we all agreed we wanted you, so it's more like we're all gonna try and romance you," he says before turning back to his seat, "come guys we're outside."

Matt stands up biting his lip and turns away from Dean swaying his hips. I just stare at them wide a dropped out mouth and wide eyes, "did you break him?"

Cedric chuckles, "seems like it, come sit down."

I wordlessly follow seating in my previous spot. They wanted to be with me. My breath hitches at the thought. No, that was to good to be true. There's no way. I wasn't wanted. I was used. It's just how it always has been. I let out and sigh. I can't get my hopes up for nothing.

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