Chapter 42

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Walking down the steps was possibly one of the hardest things I've ever had to force myself to do. And it wasn't even because I was scared of getting hurt. I wasn't even completely sure what I'm scared of.

I take deep breaths as I reach the bottom of the steps just to see Cedric coming out of the living room. My heart beat spikes up before fluttering. Until I see his expression and see no traces of fear. No quite the contrary. His face is full of lust as he stares me down.

"Matt told me he had quite the time," I turn my head in embarrassment. i hear him chuckle and step closer, "don't be so scared darling. All of us want you here, and if we didn't then you wouldn't."

I look up at him with hooded eyes and his own grow dark, "yea I know."

He suddenly smirks and walks towards the kitchen entrance. he doesn't he look back when he says, "oh and i cant wait to have as much fun with you as Matt did."

Then he's gone and once again I'm as red as a tomato. He was definitely gonna make it interesting. That much I know for sure. however a deep sigh of relief escapes me as I realize he wasn't angry. I look at the living room with a bit of trepidation as i imagine Dean in there.

"Fuck!" I mutter as i begin to walk towards the large door.

"Struggling?" i whip around at the soft female voice just to see Ginna staring at me with an amused expression and a raised brow, "you know my brother is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet, and no I'm not saying that because I'm biased. You're haunted. That much I can tell. The way you looked like when we first met was like looking in a mirror. That's why I had changed my mind about you taking me home. That look of absolute pain. its how I knew you were a good guy. Because no one who's gone through that much can be bad. They know to much about suffering to cause it. I want you to remember that my brother grew up in the same home as I did. He wont ever talk about it, he'll always say the worst parts of his past was watching momma and I get hurt. its because he's a good guy. The only way you or anyone would be on the receiving end of his true anger is if you betray the trust that he holds so dear."

My mouth is literally wide open in shock as I listen to this short little girl stare at me with such a pain twisted expression that a tear actually trails down my cheek. I couldn't process what was being said. The wise words from the young girl makes me more sad than anything I've ever heard. i step closer and tilt my head as she looks like she's about to fall. I hold my arms open and try to smile because words continue to fail me.

Her eyes go wide as they search my face before falls into my arms. A soft humorless smile escapes her. Then she stands on her tip toes to whisper in my ears, "Dean is the actually the most fragile one in this house. He doesn't have it as together as he makes it seem. Please remember that."

Then she looks over my shoulder. She backs up and grins at me. All traces of the broken little girl gone and replaced with her usual happy expression. she waves behind me and i turn to see Dean standing against the wall with a blank expression. His eyes follow after Ginna as she scurries off upstairs. Once she's out of site he turns his attention back to me.

"Uh how long were you standing there?" I ask in a soft voice. I didn't want him to think i was trying anything with his little sister.

His stares burns into me before he runs a hand through his hair and looks back up the steps, "she doesn't let me see her like that. She's always smiling. Its sad huh? Even my own sister is scared of me."

"Wha- What? Ginna isn't scared of you Dean. Neither is Matt or Cedric. They all love you very much," I respond incredulously. He looks back at me with those same unreadable eyes.

"And you? You're not scared of me?" He asks and for the first time i see it. I see what everyone has been telling me. A deep sadness in him. As he looks for confirmation in what I feel. I immediately knew how to respond.

I walk forward and tentatively wrap my hands around his waist. He quickly follows me and pulls me tight and I about melt in his embrace," I'm terrified of you Dean. I'm scared of everyone and everything because I am weak. I wish I could have been strong enough to fight back sooner. I'm not sure I'll ever not be scared, but I can tell you that I know you wont hurt me physically."

I'm pushed back and stare up at Deans emotion filled face in shock. He bends down and in seconds he's kissing me so needily that I cant help a soft moan from escaping me. He leans back a couple seconds later with his eyes closed and his head down, "thank you honey."

"You're loved Dean," I whisper with a tilted head.

"Of course he is. I know for sure he's never getting rid of me. What's going on?" Matt says loudly as he exits the living room. I smile at Dean and shrug. He just pulls Matt into his side and gives the confused man a kiss on the forehead, "whatever weirdos lets go watch a movie!"

Matt pulls Dean after him just as Cedric comes out of the kitchen with a huge bowl of popcorn and a bag of pre-rolled blunts. He winks at me as he follows after the others. I smile just as I go to trail behind them my phone rings and I freeze. The only people who have my number just walked ahead of me. I reach into my pocket and pull it out to see an unknown caller ID. I click answer just as I walk into the living room. I can feel eyes on me as I speak, "Hello?"


A/n: Hello everyone! I am officially back!! I've had so much going on from the holidays to moving that I haven't had the time to write but now I'm back. I hope to post at least once a day if I can. I've also recently made a Twitch and Youtube channel. So I'm going to have a lot of content coming out at once.

I want to start streaming my thought process on my writing. I've also heard so many amazing ideas from you guys through comments and such. I would enjoy talking them out with you guys on a better platform. So if you guys are interested let me know! I would even be willing to start today!

My Twitch is just { Cracked_Facade }

Here's the link if you're interested!

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