Chapter 4

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Mature Warning!!!

"You're good now right?" Ced asks with an embarrassed face. I nod at him.

"Why do you still look shaky then?" I hear Matt asks and look up to see him still fondling Dean. He probably came then.

"I-it progressional, since I went into panic mode, I'll have to do it again soon, since I didn't have-," I cut myself off though feeling awkward.

"Since you didn't have sex?" I hear and look up to look at Dean and nod.

"I'll be fine until at least the morning though, so thank you," I respond shakily and try to stand up but am held down by Ced.

"Will you do Dean then?" Ced asks and I looked at him shocked. I thought he was against cheating.

"I'm okay," Dean responds but Ced doesn't acknowledge him and just continues to stare at me.

"Uh well if he's unwilling, I wont-," I say until he cuts me off.

"So you'd do it?" He asks again and I nod shakily, "Dean let him, I feel like absolute shit."

They stare at each for a minute and then Matt pushes him softly and gives him a nod. Dean sighs looking back at Ced who wears a guilty expression. He then nods and looks at me.

My eyes widen and I walk around the coffee table and stand right in front of him. He spreads his legs and I get one my knees glancing at Matt who's staring at me like I'm the most fascinating creature he's ever seen.
Dean unbuckles his belt and gets himself out. He is also hard and just slightly bigger than Ced.

I feel slightly more awkward and aware of Matt as he sits right next to Dean as I carefully put my hands on his thighs glancing at Matt to see if he's gonna hit me. He just watches carefully. I lean forward breathing in the earthy scent of man and even harder. I grab him softly and delicately bringing my lips to his head and give it a big lick and he shudders under me. I stare into Matt's eyes as I pump Dean a few times while sucking on his head causing him to groan. Deans hand on the back of my neck already. The other pushing my hair out of my face. I slowly suck more in and let my other hand reach his balls. He basically spasms as I massage them. He definitely liked his balls played with.

So with that new knowledge he pops out of my mouth and I attacks his balls with everything I have. Licking, sucking, and fondling them causing his cock to just in the hand that's pumping him quickly. He lets out deep hungry growls and I keep looking Matt who surprisingly was now staring at me with lust dancing across his features.

After awhile of devouring his balls in keeps fondling them as I go back to his dick and begin deep throating him with hard sucks. He hand on my neck tightens causing me to moan on his cock and he moans at the vibrations. He slowly begins fucking my mouth and I let him. It was a big turn on after all.

He suddenly tries to shift away and before he can I suck hard and he comes deep in my throat and again I milk him until he's dry and his hips slowly rock back and forth with residing pleasure. I lick him clean, giving his balls extra attention before finally looking up at him.

He's looking at me with wide eyes but an otherwise unreadable expression on his face. I sit back and stand quietly. I felt good. The nervous jitters practically gone as I go to walk past Matt. Trying to get to the door but he grabs my wrist. He doesn't say anything but I know he wants sucked to but doesn't want to ask. I look at Ced to see he has a visible tent in his pants and is watching with a desperate look on his face. Dean is still slightly panting and every now and then his hips buckle. He then suddenly grabs Matt puts him on his lap. He yelps softly as he now sits sideways on his boyfriends lap and I go to walk away from the private moment but Ced blocks me with his body and sits in Matt's now empty seat.

"Um I wil go now," I say in an almost normal voice and they look at me with fascination.

"Sucking dick really helps you?" Matt says and I shuffle awkwardly nodding. He looks down thoughtful.

"Could you do another one?" Dean asks with a small smile causing me to bask in the beauty of it. I looks at Ced and he also looks  at me hopefully.

"Yea Matt needs to feel the amazing thing that is your mouth," I can't help but blush and nod as I look at Matt who's looking shocked at his boyfriends. I shuffle closer to him and he looks at me with wild eyes.

"Oh no, I'm okay," he says hurriedly and I look at him confused. He had very obviously looked like he wanted it.

"Shut up Matt, your beautiful," Ced says growling and Dean lifts Matt up as Ced pulls down his black sweat pants and under armor underwear.

He immediately covers himself looking away from me. Was he self conscious? I thought he looked amazing, he'll they were all hot as hell.
With permission from his boyfriends and no verbal disagreements from Matt. I awkwardly bend over and move Matt arms and take him in quickly before he can struggle. He gasps loudly and I get to work bobbing up and down and he starts pushing on my shoulder. He doubles over slightly at the intensity of my movements. He must still be sensitive from coming once already. I then do what I do for ever guy who's is self conscious and trail my hands up his body to his nipples. His back arches and he moans loudly.

It was easy to find what he liked. Rolling motions on his nipples set him into a blubbering, moaning mess as I sucked his cock, hands free. My knees tremble from holding myself in such an uncomfortable position and suddenly I sitting down straddling a leg. I go to move my head to see but a large hand grips the back of my neck.

I glance up to see Dean looking down at me shaking his head. So I don't move and continue ravaging Matt's cock. I did feel much more comfortable. Then suddenly Deans hand becomes more firm and a hand snacks in between my legs and roughly rubbing my aching cock. My hips buckle in surprise and I moan loudly on Matt's throbbing cock. I move to tell him that's he doesn't have to touch me but can't with Dean holding me in place. I look up at him and he smiles reassuringly at me before kissing Matt roughly. He shudders under me.

Ced unzips my pants and I shake slightly and he reaches in my underwear and jerking me off immediately. I'm a moaning mess as I suck Matt's cock hungrily. I twist his nipple and bring one hand to his balls.

Matt is rocking on Dean who groans at the friction. Then suddenly Matt freezes and unloads into my mouth. Where I for the third time today. Suck someone of every last drop and lick them cleans. However Ceds hands only get faster as I sit up. This gives him easier access and he jerks me roughly. I didn't know if he knew I was the type to like it rough or if he was just a rough person but I come in minutes. Squeezing my toes and holding back a loud moan. My cum covers the front of my shirts and I spasm slightly before shakily getting to my feet. I felt extremely embarrassed. I shrug off my denim jacket in attempt to keep it clean and turn back to the three men awkwardly.

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