Chapter 39

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"What?" I look at Cedrics disgusted eyes and shiver. I clutch at my chest and try to calm my breathing.

I stand shakily and make my way to the front door hurriedly. Now out of my shocked state I lock the door and back away to the couch once again. For the first time in awhile I didn't feel safe in my apartment. If Kyle knew where I lived did that mean he knew as well?

"You're uncle carved the word whore into your back?" Matt asks in a shudder like breath. I sigh out heavily trying to relax. I nod in answer and shrug.

"I'll fucking kill him," I shiver as I hear the dark intense desire in Deans voice. I look at him just to grab ahold of myself in actual terror. The look on his face could scare tigers away.

"It doesn't matter anymore. If he's smart he won't mess with me. He- he should no better," I mumble out hurriedly. I had to remind myself that I'm stronger now. That the evidence I compiled when I got out could ruin him. He would be stupid to challenge that especially since the crime could still put him away.

When I got out I dived straight into hacking. I first started simply because I wanted leverage. I wanted as much dirt on Jeremy as I could get. When I found it, I sent it to him as a warning to leave me alone. I have no idea what would have made him change his mind. I just couldn't let him have anymore power over me.

"You're staying with us," I snap out of my thoughts abruptly at Deans sharp words. I gap my mouth at him but immediately close it when I see a sinister look on his face with a far off expression.

I swallow deeply trying to rid myself of the growing lump in my throat before opening my mouth to speak again, "Dean I can't do that. I'll be fine. By the way how did you guys get in?"

"You didn't lock the door Aron," Cedric answers in an exasperated tone, "anyone could have walked in."

Fear shoots through me and my breathing becomes uneven. My already aching chest pounds and I groan. I hadn't felt this severity of fear since I first met the guys.

"I don't want anything to happen to you Ronny. I was so worried when you didn't answer are calls or texts. Please come home with us? I want to help you feel safe enough to sleep," Matt mutter softly as he creeps up next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and something weird happens.

My breathing becomes more normal. His warmth consoles me. Fear is still instilled within me but I'm calming down and I haven't given anyone a blow job.

My eyes widen when I realize that I just got a letter from the man of my worst nightmares. The one who is the reason I have to do what I do and yet I haven't. I haven't even felt the need too.

These guys are beginning to become my remedy. I wrap my arms around d Matt slowly and a bit unsurely. I couldnt help the glance I throw at Cedric and Dean. It felt unreal that I was actually allowed to hold anyone of them and it would be okay. I grip him tightly against me and rest my cheek against his head that lay nicely on my shoulder.

"I don't want to be a burden," I whisper and I hear a snort and look over to see Cedric rolling his eyes.

"Yea shut the fuck up Lollipop, leta go pack you some clothes and get going," Cedric says waving me away and a smile actually crosses my face. He walks over to my bedroom and I let go of Matt reluctantly.

I go to walk after Cedric but am instead enveloped by huge strong arms. I gasp as Dean pulls me closer. I hear and feel him heave in a breath. I wrap my arms around him shyly and blush when he kisses the top of my head, "no one's touching you ever again Honey. We'll be your hive. We'll protect you."

A lone tear trails down my cheek and he kisses it away. Even with his pissed of expression and clenched fists he's so gentle with me. He lets go and backs away pulling Matt closer. I stumble after Cedric with a tomato red face.

However I'm to late because Cedric walks out with my huge duffel bag filled with my belongings, "got clothes and stuff, but if there's anything in specific you need you'll have to grab it."

I open my mouth to speak and close it when no words come out. I walk by him and to my closet where I grab my two laptops, some unused flash drives, and the Chargers. I shove everything into an old backpack. Then I grab some toiletries.

That was everything I really needed. I do go in my closet though and check to see if Cedric grabbed Deans goodies and smile when I see he did. Then I leave the room and walk back into my living room. The guys sit around with gloomy expressions and I sigh.

"Lets go guys, I'm beginning to feel restless," I say in a awkward tone of voice. They all stand and walk over to me. Where I stand closer to the door.

"Do you need it Ronny? You must be terribly anxious," Matt asks in a concerned voice and I smile softly. I did feel anxious I always felt anxious but I didn't need it. That didn't mean I didn't want to though.

At the random sexual thought I blush and immediately look down and away, "what's wrong?"

I can't look Matt in the eye and I cough to try and buy time to think of an answer. However Cedric chuckles and I look to see him giving me a knowing look.

"So is this one of those times where you want it over needing it?" He smirks at me and I frown at him for outing my thoughts.

"Lets just go," I grumble out and unlock the door but don't open it. Dean puts a firm hand on my shoulder and opens it instead.

"Everything will be okay, I promise," he whispers right into my ear and I shiver. I watch them all trail out with Dean carrying my duffel bag and Cedric grabbing my backpack with a wink. Matt grabs my hand and pulls me out too. I make sure I have everything before locking the door after me. The only thought in my head being that I really hope everything will be okay.

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