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[ RECAPZayn was kissing none other than Liam Payne! ]

Unedited and kinda bad! But whatever- enjoy... xoxo

"Are- Are you okay, Louis?"

Now, that was one hell of a stupid question. The moment Harry and Louis had saw the unexpected, they had ran out of that place, still absolutely flabbergasted. It was something both the boys had never dreamt or thought of.

"I, clearly, am not okay, Harry!" Louis spat out in annoyance. There's no reason to yell at Harry, but Louis was feeling betrayed. The bitter feeling was engulfing his mind, body and spirit. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be, Lou. I-I cannot believe my own eyes." Harry tried not to grimace. "This- this is something I never saw coming!"

"None of us did, H." Louis sighed heavily, leaning against the lamp post for some support. "Guess what? You should always expect the unexpected." He muttered bitterly. "Now why the hell I am crying?!" He groaned loudly, touching the tear that just rolled down his cheek. "It has just been a day to that relationship."

"C'mon, Lou. Don't be so hard on yourself, pup." He pulled the younger boy in his arms. "Let it all out 'cause that what Niall said, remember?" He held his boy tightly, as Louis broke down in tears of betrayal. Nothing but pure anger burnt in Harry's heart. How dare Zayn break his' Louis' heart? Who does he think he is? Although he tried not to show his anger out loud, his eyes gave out the emotion. "Speaking of Niall, let's got to him. I'm sure he'll be so elated to see you, bubba."

"D-Don't leave me, Hazza." Louis cried, tightening his hold around Harry.

"Never, love."



Louis flinched in Harry's arms as Niall shouted, looking astound. "Easy, Ni!" Harry hissed, rubbing Louis' back.

"Fuck, sorry- but... are you fucking serious?"

"Yes, Niall. I am fucking serious." The curly haired boy grumbled. "Louis and I witnessed it happening."

"Zayn doesn't looks cheating type." Niall muttered softly. "No, I'm sure. He isn't cheating type!"

"So you're gonna defend him?!" Louis asked in a sharp tone, glowering at Niall. "I fucking cannot believe that out of all the people you don't believe me?!"

Niall's eyes went wide, he shook his head promptly. "You've got the wrong impression, Lou. I only mean that there must be more to it."

"More to it?! Have you lost your mind?" Harry scoffed. "What if it were you? What if we would've seen you kissing Amanda?!"

"No, please, d-don't say that!" Louis whimpered. "Fuck- what is happening? Am I not enough?"

"Louis, you are perfect enough for me, for everyone-

"Louis isn't for everyone!" Harry glared.

"Argh! I mean, you are absolutely enough for us, Lou. You don't doubt yourself, love. I just- look, I've known Zayn for years now and... uh, I can't just jump on some.. um- some conclusion without giving him a chance to defend himself." The Irish boy replied honestly, yet in a careful tone. However, Louis and Harry seemed quite appalled and hurt by Niall's statement. "Please try to understand me?"

"So you're gonna give him a chance even if he betrayed me?" Louis asked dejectedly.

"Everybody should be given a chance to explain their deeds, Louis. That's only fair." Niall muttered softly, but he looked pretty determined and Louis looked absolutely miserable. He pushed Harry's arms off of him and stood up shakily.

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now