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"Harry! Stop lurking around the house like a zombie. What's gotten into you?" Anne took a hold of of Harry's shirt and pulled him back. "Mom!" Harry shrugged her hand off and glared at the wall.

"Don't 'mom' me! Love, tell me if there's something nagging you. I'm your mom," Anne ran her hand through his son's curly hair and cringed. "Ew Harry! Your hair are so greasy."

Harry scoffed. "What's the matter of washing hair when your heart is broken. It's like someone ripped it out of my chest. I'm so numb..." Anne sighed because she knew her son very well. He was very dramatic.

"Stop complicating things and tell me the real reason," Anne pulled him down on the couch. "Things are very complicated mom. It's not me, it's my luck. I'm just a body, there's nothing left with me. Just a useless bah-deh!" Harry dramatically sighed.

"Is this a girl problem?"

"The most beautiful girl problem mom. She's just so beautiful. So pretty. I can recognize her in a sea of people, she have that shine in her. That charm. Her blue eyes are deeper than any ocean, her pink lips are rosier than any rose, her cheeks have the natural strawberry dust and her hair are the silkiest, best quality chestnut brown color. Her voice is like honey. So sweet." Harry was in daze. He called it 'Louise world'.

"It's deeper than I thought. You are in deep, Harry." Anne smiled sweetly at her lovesick son.

"But there's a problem. Actually two problems." Harry picked on the lint of his jeans. "What?"

"Niall and Liam. They like her as well. But they only like her, I love her. I'm in love with her. But Niall don't understand this mum! He spends a lot of time with her. He took her to his house, in his arms." Harry threw his hands up frustratedly. "She belongs in these arms!" He showed her arms to Anne who chuckled.

"It's like I don't even care that she don't have boobs. I'm fine with her flat chest. I-"

"Harry! You stare at girls' chests?! I taught you better, son." Harry cringed internally. He gave his mom a sheepish smile. "It's something you can't ignore. You know what I mean?"

"Still you don't look there! That makes a girl insecure, Harry. If someone looked at your sister like that, what will you do?"

"I'll bash their head in the wall and then punch square in their ugly faces!" Harry sneered. "Louise's brother would do the same he finds out," Anne states.

"She don't have any brother to protect her. But she have me. I'll protect her," Anne cooed at her sweet son. "Such a sweet boy you are, Harry. Louise will for sure like you back,"

Harry beamed at the statement. "I should probably take a bath and clean up..." The seventeen year old got up excitedly. Anne laughed and shooed him away.

That night Harry slept in his bath tub which was filled with pink water, due to bath bomb with a photo clutched tightly in his fist. Louise's photo which he took sneakily.

[ I hope y'all liked it x ]


{ So I wrote a one-shot (Larry) . }


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Summary: Where Harry is a workaholic and don't have a personal life and Louis is a careless and free teenager who decides to teach him to 'Live a little'.

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