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Louis' POV:

Overwhelming emptiness and vast loneliness is all I feel.

"Everything's packed, right, girls?"

I heard my mom ask my sisters and couldn't help but grimace. Is it really happening? Am I really moving? Do I really have to leave all my lads behind? Why does this grief never end? Looking around this empty room, which once was decorated beautifully, I finally shed the tears I've been holding since this morning. The same room where once Harry busted in to show his bruised thumb. The same room which held so many memories. Clamping my mouth, I broke down into sobs and whimpers. How did these two weeks pass by so quickly? Scratch that. How did this whole year feel like a dream? Dream because never in the past so many years I've felt what this place made me feel. It did feel like home. For the first time, I made so many friends and not to forget, my boys. A shaky breath left my wobbly lips, as I thought about my time spent with these people.

It felt so surreal and yet very real at the same time. I closed my eyes and remembered the day I first stumbled upon these boys. When I had first seen my Lucky charms clapping and jumping stupid, happy because he ruined a dating chance for my Harry. Oh, my Harry... my absolutely dramatic Harry. They waved at me and I waved back in hopes to find friends... I got more. I sobbed more. Remembering how Zayn used to be so closed off and cold towards me only for him to open up to me and show me his place. A smile broke onto my lips when I remembered how I had told Harry and Niall off for being creepy, and let Liam do the exact thing. These boys have always made me feel absolutely loved. Why would life be this cruel? Every time I feel I can be happy, I am reminded happiness won't last for me.

Shakily, I stood up and picked up my little satchel and blinked my tears back. I wish I could stop the time and spend an eternity with these people. However, life has its way and it's time to say goodbye to my home.

"Mom?" I hated how my voice cracked and extremely hated it when I saw my mom giving a sympathetic smile. I don't want anyone's pity. "Do we have time?" Do I really have any time?

"You want to meet the lads?" She asked with a knowing glint in her eyes and I replied with a nod. "Go ahead. We have an hour."

An hour?

That was it. I rushed out, literally sprinting towards the park as Zayn had texted me they'd meet me there. I could feel myself running out of breath as I tried to pace up because isn't it difficult to keep up with the pace of time. It was so unfair. Life was always unfair with me. Moving out before this wasn't this difficult though. Do I really have to leave my Lucky Charm's sweet presence? Am I really never going to Harry's little dramatic self after today? Am I never going to witness Zayn's weird art and his brilliant sense of humor after today? Am I never going to gossip with Liam after this? Will I ever be happy after this? With all these questions running around my mind, I could only cry miserably. I don't want to be dramatic, but this is bizarre.

As I reached the park, I saw my friends and the boys near the swings. The realization hit me hard that I am not ready to say goodbye. I sat just stopped dead in my tracks, breathlessly, crying pathetically in my hands. It is going to be hard. Life shouldn't offer happiness when it will only be snatched in the next minute. A minute later, I felt a familiar pair of arms around me; Harry's. And then came around from behind me and soon, I was enveloped into a big group hug. It only resulted in more tears, more realization that maybe I'll never be loved by anyone. Maybe happiness really isn't for me. But then again, when was it for me?

After a couple of minutes later, I felt everyone pulling away. With blurry eyes, I looked at them, feeling absolutely miserable. I really am not ready to say goodbye.

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now