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[ for next update - 20 Votes and 30 comments . i won't update next chapter until you complete the target 😂 ]

( enjoy 🌸 )

"Two days more and then we'll leave. Enjoy as much as you can friends!" Lenny cheered loudly. All of them were near the large lake. Louis was standing a bit away from the banks with Zayn. Since, the two boys can't swim.

Harry and Liam were already in the water. The girl were splashing water at each other and giggling each time they were hit water. Bruce and Lenny were swimming in deep water. Louis looked at them and smiled. He then looked Niall who was silently staring into the water, throwing pebbles in it.

"He's very quite today," Louis exclaimed sadly. Zayn hummed in agreement. "I should go and check on him." Zayn hummed again. Louis got up and walked towards Niall. He sat beside him and nudged his bare shoulder.

"What happened to my happy leprechaun?" Niall looked at him and sighed softly.

"I'm missing mom. When dad left us she used to take me to park pond every Sunday. We used to feed the geese and ducks and fool around. She always played with me since, no one wanted to be my friend except this one boy." Niall leaned his head on Louis shoulder and let out a shaky breath. "We always had each other's back. He was really my best friend." Louis knew who this boy was. He intertwined his left arm with Niall's right arm.

"What happened to this 'special' boy?" Louis asked.

"He isn't something special! He was actually a traitor. Wolf in sheep's skin. Don't worry, I hate him. We hate each other. Let's not talk about that bastard! He broke my trust. He broke me. People still laugh at me! I-I'm just a whore-kid..." Louis squeezed his hand.

"Don't call yourself that!"

"No one in this town talks to my mom. She don't have anyone except me. Just because of him s-so many rumors spread about her! I can never forgive him! I will never!" Louis could feel his clothed shoulder getting wet. His boyfriend was really fragile about this topic.

"Don't cry please! It hurts me too," He hugged Niall feeling his own tears stinging his eyes. Niall always made him emotional. Niall looked at him with teary eyes and cooed when he saw Louis crying as well.

"You stop crying then I'll stop," Niall wiped his tears.

"You started first so you'll stop first!" Louis smiled softly wiping Niall's tears. "Thank god! You are not an ugly crier. You know those people who snot out while crying and ew!" Louis made a face. Niall chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Oh and I'm not a leprechaun, my peter pan."

"You are, my leprechaun." Louis pecked his cheek.

"No! I'm not a leprechaun."

"Are too!"

"I'm not!"

"Are too!"


Louis kissed him and pulled away a bit. "The one thing I hate the most is to be proved wrong. So don't you ever argue with me. Just accept what I said as the truth!" Louis mumbled against his lips. Niall sighed softly.

"Okay my lord!" Niall pulled him closer and kissed him deeply.

"Ahh! My eyes!" Louis and Niall pulled away and looked at the owner of the annoying voice.

"What?" Louis glared at Amanda.

"I'm here for Niall. So you shut up!"

"You shut up! Don't ever dare to bitch with my baby or else I'll chop your hair!" Niall glared at her.

"Oh Niall! Don't be such a meanie!" She blinked innocently at Niall. "Why don't you join us?" She tried to take Niall's hand but the boy took Louis' hand and stood up.

"WE would love to join y'all," Louis loved a savage Niall. He loved the defeated expression on Amanda's face every time Niall rejected her. "Let's go, MY LOVE!"

Louis stopped him and shook his head. "I j-just want sit here spend some time alone. You can go if you want,"

"There! She agreed. Let's go Nialler." Amanda cheered.

"Sure Lou?"

"Yeah," Niall pecked his lips and left to his friends.

"I don't understand what he sees in you," Amanda tsked. "I mean look at you, such a weird girl. Lowkey ugly as well. Maybe you are just a charity case to him... huh?" Louis bit his lip and looked away. "Also, I saw you and Harry. Such a whore."

Hurt flashed in his blue eyes. He cleared the lump forming in his throat. "I a-am not in t-the mood for this. We are h-here to en-enjoy-

"And that's what you are doing right? Sucking other boy's dick behind your boyfriend's back. Poor Niall will be broken but he'll always have my shoulder." Amanda smirked and flipped her blonde bangs. "After all you know how boys are? Always behind beautiful girls, which you are not." Louis lowered her his head. "Aren't you the ugliest duckling-

"Aren't you the smelliest, filthiest and most disgusting person?" Louis looked up to see his boyfriend and Harry.

"Harry Styles, you shut y-

"You shut your filthy mouth!" Niall glared at her.

"I was just stating facts!" Amanda huffed angrily.

"Your fart smells like rotten eggs," Louis burst into a fit of giggles at Harry's statement. Even Niall snorted loudly. "What? I'm just stating facts!" Harry mocked the girl with an innocent smile.

"God bless Maggie-

"Who's Maggie, for the millionth time?" Harry exclaimed loudly making everyone laugh and Amanda fume with anger. "No but really who's Maggie?"

"A girl!" Well we all know who gave this smart answer; Bruce Wilkins. Duh!

[ i hope you like it x ]

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