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Here's your update. I aced my tests, if anyone cares lmao. Anyway, it's a cute chapter x

"Uh, Lou?"


"W-Would you go on a date with me?"

Louis laughed at Harry's hesitant tone. "Is it because you punched me?"

"Partly." Harry shrugged. "I did a lot. I just thought maybe I can do something to, uh, make you f-feel better?" He wondered out loud. "Stupid idea? I am trying to win you back."

It made Louis laugh again.

"I'm trying to be nice, motherfucker!" Harry blushed in embarrassment, covering his cheeks with his hands. "Little shit!" He mumbled dejectedly.

"I will go on a date with you. It is just funny- let me tell you one thing. A date won't always fix the stuff you do, dickwad." Louis elbowed his side, chuckling softly.

"Are you still angry?" Harry frowned.

"Just a tad." Louis agreed. "You said stuff. I am hurt." He muttered. "Give me time, will you?"

"Take your time." Harry mumbled. "So, date?" He asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers.

"Sure, sure."


"I was so upset that I skipped dinner, breakfast and lunch. And now I'm famished, Lou." Harry mumbled tiredly as they walked back home.

"Aw, honey, do you wanna join us for dinner? I don't have any plans for new years eve anyway." Louis cooed with a shrug. He hooked his arms around Harry's arm, loosely and leaned his head against it.

"But what about your dad? He gives me this disgusted look and scowls at me." Harry frowned. "Yep. Let him be. We'll annoy him properly." Louis chuckled derisively.

"How about If I make a move on you? How's that idea?"

"Not a good one, sweetie." Louis let out a forced chuckle. "Just let Anne know that you'll be joining us."



"This guy? Again?" Mark grumbled to Jay, directly looking at Harry with a grimace.

"Does he not know the concept of whispering? Or does he think I'm deaf?" Harry threw his hands in the air in disbelief, muttering to Louis, who gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Dinner's ready, kids. Come on!" Jay peeked out from the kitchen, gesturing to them to come in.

Reluctantly, Harry walked in the kitchen with a frown. The moment he stepped inside the kitchen he could sense Mark's judgemental gaze and it annoyed him to the core. Purposely, he dragged out the chair for himself and plopped down on it. He heard Louis stifle a chuckle and felt proud.

"Jay, Louis told me y'all don't have a plan for midnight. Do you mind if I take him to the lakeside for fireworks? Some of our friends will be there, too."

"And what are you both going to do?" Mark butted in quickly. He had a look of suspicion on his face and though Harry wanted to tell him he was going to kiss his son as the clock struck twelve, he just chuckled coyly.

"Enjoying it with our friends? Watch fireworks?" Harry asked in a 'duh' tone, trying not to sass Louis' father. Louis gave him a weirded out look. "If you want I'll find him a girl." Louis was genuinely lost. "To kiss and stuff?"

What the fuck?

"Louis is seeing a girl?" Mark asked curiously and he seemed genuinely interested in Louis' life for the first time.

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now