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A/N: This chapter is sort of (?) sad. I mean, a big plot twist, if you can call that, will be disclosed. Lmao, it's so funny to put it like that. However, it has always been there and there's a big possibility you would've caught onto it a long time ago. So... yay!

//Do you all still like this story?//

"Good morning, Niall." Felicite chimed from behind, a grocery bag in her hand. "Louis must be attending the doubt clearing sessions right now." She informed him as they entered the elevator.

"Aw bummer!" Niall muttered. "Here, let me carry that for you." He smiled softly at the young girl, politely, taking the bag from her.

"I can see why Louis admires you so much. You are very chivalrous." She giggled lightly.

"Why, thank you." Niall chuckled at the compliment. The elevator dinged as they reached the floor for Louis' apartment. "I'll accompany Jay or you girls for a while."

"Sweet." She smiled at him, ringing the doorbell twice. They were greeted by Jay, who beamed at him.

"Louis' busy, though." She pointed out. "Then I'll bug you for a while." Niall grinned cheekily, he carried the bag to the kitchen, placing it on the counter. "When does his class end?"

"Ten more minutes." Jay answered. "Where are the other boys?" She asked, referring to Harry, Zayn and Liam.

"Harry took Ivy for the routine checkup. He'll join us later. Zayn must be in the studio and Liam must be on his shift." Niall replied. "Is Mr. Tomlinson out of the town again? Since it's Sunday and... I hope you don't mind me asking that?"

Jay chuckled. "Oh, my god, not at all. Yes, he is on a business trip. It's in London, though. He'll be back by tomorrow."


"I swear to god, one of these days I am going to die because of all these stupid assignments!" They heard Louis yell, indicating the class must have ended. "That's my cue." Niall chuckled, making his way towards Louis' room, knocking twice. "I'm not in the mood for a lect- oh!" Louis stood there with wide eyes, his mouth formed like a little 'o'. "Niall?" He blinked twice, before pulling the boy inside.

"You don't look really happy. Should I leave?" Niall teased.

"I'm not happy. But, 'cause of these motherfucking assignments, not you." Louis huffed out, hugging Niall for some comfort. "I wanted to go to the vet with Harry, but these stupid classes!"

"He was pretty sad, too." The Irish boy took Louis' hand and pulled him towards his balcony with Louis' little garden. "It's like the old times. When we used to stand here and talk each other's ears off!" He chuckled.

"Ah, the times when you used to try to flirt and then trail off awkwardly and to make it less awkward you would start some random topic. Yes, I remember, lucky charms." Louis teased, leaning against the ledge.

"Awkward? Pfft... I was pretty good. It was you who used to make me nervous." Niall mumbled defensively, kissing Louis' cheek. "I feel eyes on us."

"Mom, please!" Louis turned around to glare at Jay, who was sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hands and clearly, she was just spying. "My room's better, Nialler. C'mon." He dragged Niall with him, pouting at Jay to let her know he's very cross with her.

"Behave, kids!" Jay called behind them in a smug tone. "Let's not behave, Niall!" Louis, purposely, spat out, then quickly ran to his room and locked the door. "Why are you so flushed? Is little Niall embarrassed?"

"You are annoying." Niall scoffed with blush rising on his cheeks.

"And you very adorable when you are embarrassed." Louis snickered lightly, pushing Niall on the bed, crawling on him. "I'm very pleased with you."

"Why?" Niall asked with a grin, propping his elbows as Louis straddled his waist. "Your words, the other day you said, it warmed my heart, Niall." Louis cradled his face between his face, caressing gently with his thumb. "Every time I think I know you properly, you say something wiser and win my heart all over again. I wish I could be like you someday."

Niall beamed with the appreciation, leaning back on the bed with a happy sigh. "Eh, why would you want to be so basic?"

"Basic?" Louis scoffed under his breath, rolling off the blonde boy, cuddling into his side. "You are the brightest."

Niall let out a deep chuckle, flicking Louis' nose in the process. "Stop being so romantic. I like when you are more sassy." In return, he got a little hiss from the younger boy. "Oh, Louis, what will I do when you leave." Niall whispered softly.

"Then why do you even think about it?" The fifteen year old pouted, feeling pretty sad.

"I don't even have to think. It's always there. The minute I am left alone with my thoughts, I'm reminded about it, Lou." The Irish boy took a shaky breath. "I'm reminded that what we have would never last."

"Niall, pl-please!" Louis swallowed the lump forming in his throat, his voice cracked. "It haunts me, too. H-However, I don't want to talk about it."

With another stuttery breath, Niall pulled away from Louis, sitting up and hugging himself. "It's pathetic. It's pathetic that I've become so accustomed to you that the thought of you leaving breaks my heart. I-I can literally feel the pain in my heart." He let out a watery chuckle. "You are my first love."

"And you are mine." Louis hugged him from behind, letting out a little sob. "Please d-don't think ab-about it right now. We can deal with it later."



"Promise me one thing..." Though Niall spoke in a hushed voice, Louis heard him. Something about his tone made his stomach twist with weird emotion. He could feel the bile rise to his throat. "You won't show me your face the day you leave. Because I won't be able to let you go..."


"Why do you look so overwhelmed?" Was Harry's first question to Louis, when he came with Ivy in his hands. What was Louis supposed to tell him? That he weeped on Niall's shoulder straight for an hour. No, then he'll ask why and Louis is definitely not ready to face Harry's reaction. Oh, his sweet Harry will be devastated. "Louis?"

"Huh?" He shook his head, looking bewildered. "I was- Niall!"

Niall sighed loudly, giving Louis an annoyed look. "We watched- Titanic—

"Say no more!" Harry stopped him with a hand motion. He took Louis' hands in his' and looked deeply in his eyes. "It is absolutely normal. I cried, too. For days, I was sensitive. Every time something sad would happen, I would break down."

"Of course, you would." Louis giggled, hugging Harry tightly. "You, silly boy!" Another laugh broke out of his lips. 'Thank you', he mouthed to Niall, who just shrugged. For now, he can laugh for hours because he has his boys. He can worry about his departure later. And when the time really comes, Louis knows he'll be shattered, but maybe with these boys the impact will be a little less hurtful.



Were you aware of it? I mean, I never tried to hide it. Louis did say they move around a lot. So, it wasn't a big surprise :)

Ques; Louis Tomlinson isn't Louis Tomlinson without?

[I always wanted to ask this question! Please answer ;) ]


Louis-e (Zianourry)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt