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"And she's so pretty grandma! Just like my dream wife." Niall rolled on his bed like a little puppy while skyping his grandma. "She has this long hair and pretty blue eyes. Prettier than mine!"

"Really my little boy?" The old lady smiled, wrinkles bunching around her eyes and face. Niall nodded. "Do you wanna see her?" He asked hopefully. "Of course, Niall,"

"Nialler, Call me Nialler. That's what Louise calls me..." Niall blushed when her grandma laughed. "Would you wait for me? I'll be back with her in five!" His grandma nodded.

Niall jumped out of his bed happily, sprinting out of his house. He ran all his way to 'Louise's' house.

Louis was helping his mom in cleaning the house. They jumped when there was a loud bang on the door. "I'll see," Jay left to open the door. She opened the door to find a blonde boy panting wildly. "Lou!" She called. Louis came out lazily. He looked at door and smiled at Niall.

"Hey Nialler," Niall came in and pulled Louis with him. "Mrs. Tomlinson, I'm taking your daughter with me. I'll bring her back soon!" Niall said hurriedly. He pulled Louis with him, who was in his galaxy print leggings and a white crop. His hair pulled into two braids.

"Nialler! Where are you taking me?" He asked to the older boy who was still running. "To my home," Niall said out of breath. "I'm not even wearing my shoes!" Louis exclaimed. Niall stopped and looked at him. Louis blushed when Niall stared at him intently. "Um... then I guess, don't slap me for this!" Niall said and picked him in bridal style and started running.

"Oh my god Nialler! I'm heavy, put me down. You'll break your back!" Louis hit his chest weakly. "I can barely feel your weight, Lou!" Niall said. Louis could see that Niall was sweating and panting heavily. He felt bad for him. They were about to get in the building when they heard a loud thud. "Did you heard that?"

"Yes but really don't care!" Niall laughed and ran all the way to his flat. Louis was impressed with Niall he looked very petite but had a lot of strength in him. Louis also wanted to be like him.


"Harry!" The curly haired boy felt something poking his sides. He cracked his eyes open to see Liam and Zayn looking curiously at him. "What?"

"Why are you lying here, under this tree?" Liam snickered. Harry made a face and looked around. He was indeed lying under a tree. When did he came here?

Suddenly his face twisted into realization. He saw Niall running to his house with Louise in his arms. He fainted at that sight. "Oh my sweet lord!" Harry cried getting up. Zayn and Liam gave him a weird look. "I saw them! She was in his arms. Oh no! My poor heart!" Once again Harry repeated his favorite scene. He clutched his heart and threw himself at a tree. "I want to die!" He sobbed. "What happened Harry?" Zayn asked worriedly. "Who were they?"

"Louise and Niall! Niall was holding her in his arms, bridal style. I'm going to die without marrying and kids!" Zayn scoffed at his over-dramatic friend. He gave Liam a look who shrugged.

"I guess I'll go now. You are being over-dramatic..." And then Zayn left. Liam threw a last glance at a crying Harry and he left as well.

Back at Niall's house.

"Oh she's really pretty, Nialler." Louis blushed when the old lady complimented him. "Yes she is very pretty! Look at her braided hair. Just like a princess," Louis hit his friend's arm lightly.

"Oh Louise, I've heard a lot about you, since, all Nialler talk about is you..." Niall glared at her, blushing hard. Louis was red as tomato. "Um... Niall, can I use your bathroom?" Niall nodded.

"She is really pretty, Nialler but there's this thing which is pretty weird." His grandma spoke as Louis left. "What is it?"

"Her chest is flat. Like there's nothing..." The old lady coughed slightly. "I don't care, grandma! I mean we can do surgery or something?" Niall kept his voice low because he didn't wanted Louise to hear him talking about her non-existing boobs. That'd be so creepy.

Louis came back straightening his top. "Your bathroom smells nice," Niall smiled, placing his laptop on the nightstand. "Thanks,"

"So you brought me your home just to show me to your grandma?" Louis asked.

"Yeah...." Niall shrugged. "I think I should leave now, Nialler." Louis stated. "Um no?" Louis laughed making Niall's heart skip a beat.

'Such a beautiful girl' Niall thought.

"Wait up prin- Louise!" Niall mentally slapped himself for the slip up. He got up and took Louis' hand in his. He leaned down and kissed Louis' cheek, practically burying his face in his cheek. Louis was dumbfounded. Niall pulled away. "Thank you for coming with me, love,"

Louis bit his lips. "I-It's okay, Niall." His voice cracked a bit. "Wait! You don't have shoes or slippers!" Niall frowned. "I'll manage,"

"No! You take my slippers."

Louis sighed and nodded. He put Niall's slippers on, which were quite big for him. "I'll leave then." Niall walked him up to the door. "Bye, I guess?" Niall ran his hand through his blonde hair. Louis shrugged and left.

"My favorite, My favorite, My favorite, My favorite girl..." Niall sung Justin's song softly watching intently 'Louise's' disappearing figure.

[ I hope you liked it x ]

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