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[A/N: This chapter is not just bit, but a lot all over the place lmao.... not that I care!! Because I loved writing it. I like this chapter. So, I'm not gonna beat myself for it. However, I hope you enjoy the chapter x]

"Why wasn't I invited to this gathering of yours?"

It was an hour later when all the planning and discussion was done among the four boys and Harry had sneakily texted Niall to join them. That's why the other three were looking at him as if deer caught in headlights, however, Harry's laugh resulted as an ice breaker and Louis' made a run towards his other boyfriend and hugged him. "I missed you."

"Not our fault that you decided to be a nerd and do your homework, Ni!" Harry retorted in a teasing tone.

"When did homework become a nerd thing, Styles?" Niall scoffed. "And you, Louis Tomlinson, you absolute arsehat, you miss me now? What was up with you for all this week? dry texts and no calls. No, you did not miss me." Though Louis could hear the teasing in Niall's tone, he knew the older boy was somewhat serious. However, both of them decided to let the comment slide and talk about it later.

"Not gonna kiss your other boyfriend, Horan?" Liam snickered as he Niall pecked Louis' lips. "Young Harold looks so lonely!" Except Niall and Harry, the other three laughed and Zayn and Liam high-fived at the comment, cackling harder as Harry pouted. "See he's puckering his lips out for you!"

"Shut up, Liam!" Niall scoffed, pretty embarrassed with the situation. "Harry and I don't do such stuff,"

"That's weird, but since it's none of my business, I won't poke my nose." Zayn snorted loudly. "Take your lessons from Zayn, Liam and stop being nosy." Harry flipped the mentioned lad off. "Geez, Harry, get your undies out of your buns!" Liam rolled his eyes. "I guess, I should take a leave now."

"Uh.. me too."

"Cool... text me... uh sometime later today?" Harry muttered after them awkwardly. "Hmm..." Zayn rolled his eyes before trotting out of the park with Liam.

"You are so weird, H." Niall chuckled. "So... Louis?"

That's it. There's no escaping. Louis knew now he had to open up to the lads, tell them the truth. But how? Does he have to be blunt? Or be subtle? That's the problem, though. There's no way to put this thing ingeniously. He has to be blunt and that's what scares him the most. How can one be blunt and tell their boyfriend(s) about his new interest. That's absolutely outrageous and Louis-

"Louis!" The younger boy jerked away in surprise, looking up at his boyfriends. "I'm worried about you." Niall tutted. "Yes, same. Louis, what is going on? Please share with us... maybe we could help you." Harry gave him a warm friendly smile to make him feel comfortable. "Baby, what's bothering you?"

Louis, without uttering a word, pointed at himself. "My inner self is bothering me."

"Stop making it more complicated than it already is, Boo" The Irish boy said sternly, yet his voice was soft. "Please?"

"I don't know how to put this delicately," Louis muttered meekly. It felt like his throat was closing up, his lungs were giving up or maybe he was just overreacting, but Louis was scared to confront. With a shaky breath, he looked at the two worried boys. "i don't know if I'm there yet, but, I kinda like uh.. um.. y'know..." He trailed off, stuttering and sputtering out, absolutely chagrined.

"Zayn?" Louis' head shot up, glancing at Harry with absolute shock and fear. How does he know? Was he that obvious? If he was, then maybe Zayn might have also caught up on it. "Louis, love, calm down!" Harry gasped out when he saw Louis lowkey hyperventilating.

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