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[a/n: I've finally done something I wanted to do for a long time now. Harry's past, about his dad. It might seem too much for people, but i'm not exaggerating. It's real life happening and I've asked the person if I can use it. They were fine with it, and I've thought about adding this two years back when I had started writing the story.
I hope you enjoy it.]

Louis knocked the front door and backed out of it a little. A lot of thoughts were running in his head. He wasn't sure if Harry would let him pry in his personal life or be angry.

Anne opened the door after two minutes, smiling sadly at him. "He's a little sensitive right now." She moved aside and let Louis enter. "He won't tell me what happened but he has cried a lot in these past three days."

Louis felt bad for not returning Harry's call or replying back his messages. He was really angry. "I'm— can I go and meet him?"

"I won't stop you 'cause I know you are the key to my son's happiness."

Louis thanked her and made his way to Harry's room. He knocked the door but he flinched away when the older boy threw something at it. "Go away, Gemma!" It was slightly muffled, but Louis could tell he was sad.

"It's me, Harry. Louis." He knocked again. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared of Harry's reaction.

The door flung open quickly and the older boy whimpered. "Are you here to break up with me?"

The boy looked in a horrible state; bags under his eyes, greasy curls, red puffy eyes.

"Louis— please..." tears slipped down Harry's eyes.

Louis was quick to bring him into a hug. "I would never, H." Harry wrapped his arms around the small boy and cried. "Please stop crying."

He made Harry sit on his bed and cuddled him, rubbing his back while he sobbed. His room was as messed up as Harry himself. Some of his things were broken, some were just carelessly thrown on the floor. It was a huge mess.

"What happened, H? Why would you do that?"

Instead of an answer, Harry just gripped his shirt tightly and cried. His state was pitiful. He pried his hands off and pulled away from him.

"Please d-don't leave..."

"I'm not. I'll be back with some water."

Louis came back with a glass of cold water and put it on the table. He pushed Harry's curls back, wiped his tears and kissed his cheeks. "Here, drink it."

After having the water, Harry's cries subsided into hiccups and sniffles. He was looking at Louis very carefully, and regret was apparent in his eyes. "Louis..."

"Shhh... love, first you take a shower, freshen up. We'll talk after that." Louis cooed, brushing his curls away from his face.

"You won't leave me, promise?"

"I didn't come here to leave."


When Harry came back, looking fresh and less miserable, he found his room in a better state. His bed was all tidied up, the study desk was arranged properly, clothes were neatly folded. He was still busy looking around when Louis came back with a small platter of fruits and a juice box.

"I didn't know if you were hungry, so Anne gave me this. This is okay?"

Harry stared at the little boy and he felt nothing but remorse. "You are- I... What did I do to deserve you?" He teared up.

"No more tears." He made him sit down, forked a piece of apple and took it closer to Harry's mouth. "Eat."

Louis fed him every piece of fruit, while Harry kept sipping on the guava juice. It was silent throughout the activity, Harry just stared at Louis. "Do you want more?"

"No." Harry pulled Louis beside him, kissed his temple. "Thank you."

"Be right back," Louis muttered and walked out of the room. Anne smiled gratefully at him when she saw the empty plate.

Once back in the room, he saw Harry was sitting in front of the window. It presented a beautiful, pleasant view of the small woods behind their buildings, though they started from a good few distance from the housing area. Wildflower patches surrounded by some butterflies and insects. He could see a big honeycomb on the large tree, hundreds of honeybees buzzed around the sweet liquid. It was green, exuberant.

"It may look beautiful now, but it's ominous in the dark. Sometimes you could hear some disturbing shrieks coming from the woods at night. Don't let the beauty trick you."

Louis shivered at the thought. It does make sense.

"Is it haunted?"

The mere question brought a small smile on Harry's face. The boy was hugging his knees to his chest, resting his chin between them. "Nope." He averted his eyes away from Louis and peered outside again. Was it the greenery or Harry's eyes were always this green?

Harry was very silent, it was new. Louis was ready to break the silence but he wasn't ready for Harry's next words.

"My dad hung himself on that tree."

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now