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[A/N: I can't help but think that 'Louis-e' has lost its old charm (?) idk if it even had one or not before.... Lmao. Idk I think I has become very mellow and basic and boring. Gah, I can't help but hate smh. Whatever. Stupid Rant.]

Enjoy (I hope) :)

"Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, darling." Niall greeted him with a sweet smile and pointed above their heads. "Mistletoe."

"How amorous!" Louis exclaimed, feeling giddy. His heart fluttered as Niall kissed him under the mistletoe, as that was something he did for the first time. "That was my first time."

"Not mine." Niall chuckled, as he gently tugged Louis inside with him. "I'm jealous." Louis huffed dramatically. "Is she here yet?"


"How many girls have you kissed?" Louis asked with zealous vigilance. "Don't try to act all smug, Lucky Charms. I'm just curious," He quickly defended his actions as he saw Niall smirk to himself.

"Not much. Four or maybe five or—

"I don't want to listen." Louis exhaled forcefully and put his hands on his ears to block Niall's voice. He, purposefully, knocked his shoulder with Niall's, as he walked past him to the kitchen. "Poser!" He only grew grumpy when he heard the Irish boy chuckle.

However, his anger was taken over by shyness when he saw Niall's grandma. "Merry Christmas, Louis. Or should I call you Louise?"

Louis blushed brightly, "L-Louis-

"Don't give him a hard time, grandma." Louis stumbled forward a little as Niall hugged him from behind, with a tad bit too force. "She's just teasing you, love."

"Young love, I see." She mumbled in amusement. "You are more dainty in person. And my Nialler seems to like you a lot-

"Love." Niall corrected her with a proud grin, tightening his arms around Louis' middle.

"Certainly. You two look good together." Louis fought back a big shit-eating grin that was threatening to spread over his lips. He muttered a 'thank you' with a shy smile, however, he was absolutely flattered on the inside.

"You two do look cute together." Maura agreed with a soft smile, as she took a picture of them with her phone. "I'll share this with the other mothers. They'll be elated."

"Share it with me, too." Niall leaned forward to place a quick peck of Louis' flushed cheek.


"It snowed all night." Louis sniffled, wrapping the muffler around his neck, as they stepped outside. "Why in the world are we stepping outside?"

"Knowing my grandma, she won't let us be alone for a moment and will almost force feed us. However, I want to spend this Christmas with you. As this might be our first and the last Christmas together." Niall spoke softly, pulling Louis closer to provide him some warmth. He, then, cleared his throat and smiled. "Hot chocolate, Lou?"



"Every time is a good time to spend here."

Louis smiled brightly at the sun as its soft rays grazed their skins, providing the much needed warmth in the cold weather. After dropping by the cafe to have some hot chocolate, both of them went to the creek.

"Yep, pleasant as always." Niall agreed quietly, settling on the ground beside Louis. "I got you a little present. I mean, one might not even count it as a present, but when I saw them, all I could think of was you."

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now