18. [part two]

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[ I am going to India. Yay! Hello . ]

Louis felt a tug in his heart when Niall kissed him ever so lovingly. He didn't have any courage to keep him in dark anymore. He was going to tell Niall everything. Even if it means losing Niall but it'll be better than hurting Niall. Niall was already very hurt and sad.

Louis pulled away slightly. "What if I were a boy then?"

"Then I would probably say that you are the prettiest boy and then kiss you," Niall giggled and leaned down to kiss him again.

'Same as Harry. But do they mean it?' Louis thought.

"I want to tell you something. More like confess something," Niall frowned but nodded.

"You know, some boys like to wear dresses and do makeup because it make them feel pretty?" Louis took his vans off and dipped his feet in the shallow running water. A happy sigh escaped his lips.


"-and some of them like to grow their hair and feel pretty."

"Lou, what do you mean?"

"I'm... Niall, I'm not Louise." Louis whispered but Niall heard it. "I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson. I'm a boy. A boy with feminine features. A boy who loves to have long hair. A boy who loves pink and girly things. A boy who is always misunderstood as a girl." Louis looked at a very stunned looking Niall. The wind ruffled their hair. Louis twirled a flower around his finger.



"Any proof?"

"There's only one proof and I'm not going to show you that!" Louis squeaked out making Niall laugh loudly. "Oh wait! My flat chest. There's nothing there. I'm stunned that you all never noticed that or you all are just stupids,"

"That was the first thing Harry and I noticed, Louis." It felt weird to call him that but surprisingly, Niall liked Louis better than Louise.

"Perverts and creeps," Louis muttered.

"Hm, but..."


"You still are a very pretty boy. I can't believe that a boy can be this pretty but you are," Louis blushed at Niall's compliment.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for playing with your feelings but it wasn't intentional. I never knew that I'll start liking you,"

"You like me?" There was any sign of disgust. Niall was surprised and happy.

"And you aren't disgusted that I'm a boy?"

"No, Not at all. I'll never be disgusted with my home."

Sudden tears blinded Louis' eyes. Niall was very nice and deserved all the happiness and love. Louis hugged him tightly and was very thankful to the seventeen year old for not judging him.

"Lou, don't cry. I told you that I would never judge you. I'm man of my words."


"Soon-to-be man of my words," they both chuckled. There wasn't any awkwardness or strangeness.

"Erm... you still li-like me?" Louis asked hopefully.


Louis' heart broke and he wanted to do that Harry-heart clutching drama. There was no way a boy like Niall would ever like a freak like Louis. He smiled shyly when Niall put flowers in his hair.

"I really really really like you a lot, Louis Tomlinson." Louis smiled shyly. "So, Let's start it all over again?"

Louis nodded and held his hand out. "Hello. I'm Louis Tomlinson."

Niall took his hand and gently shook it. "Hi. I'm Niall Horan and I'm Irish. You are really pretty, Louis."

Louis smiled and leaned to kiss Niall's cheek. "Lou, my lips hurt. Cure them puh-lease or else I'll die!" Niall mocked Harry making Louis laugh loudly.

"Of course,"

The two boys sealed their lips into a sweet kiss unaware of two sad eyes staring at them in despair.

[ i hope you liked it . also, if y'all are on instagram then follow me - @/what_larry_feels . i'll follow you back which i always do . leave your users and i'll follow back . thank you x ]

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