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(Time skip to Louis' birthday)

"-supposed to keep it a surprise, but that idiot Bruce and his big mouth!" Harry grumbled, angrily putting the lights on the tree. "'Cause of him we have to do this party beside the lake in fucking winters!"

"Harry, calm down, you are pulling the lights too much." Liam frowned, as he and Harry were the tallest and were assigned to put them on. Zayn and Lenny were setting the makeshift party table, the girls and Bruce were appointed to bring the cake and the cupcakes from the bakery and their mothers had already brought homemade delicious food and were now just sitting and chatting near the lakeside.

"Niall says they are on their way to here." Zayn informed them, setting the last plate on the table. "Stop whining, H. Please be satisfied for once, at least for Louis."



"How do I look?"

Niall looked at Louis from head to toe and smiled softly. "Always pretty. But, my favorite are your tiny braids. I see you've put tiny flowers in them."

"They are imitation ones." Louis replied proudly, checking himself in the mirror. He did look nice in his lilac jumper and boyfriend jeans. He smiled shyly as Niall put his hand out for him and took it. A little giggle escaped his lips as Niall twirled him and hugged him from behind.

"Why are you so adorable?" Niall asked as he played with Louis' braid. "Oi, don't play with it. It might mess up." Louis swatted Niall's hand away, "I'm not adorable."

"You say as if it's a bad thing, boo." The Irish boy placed a little kiss on Louis' clothed shoulder. "Happy birthday, Louis." He turned him around for a much needed kiss.

"Stop sucking my brother's face and let's go!"

"Lottie and Harry; both of their timings are outrageous." Louis huffed loudly. "Let her whine. You kiss me once more, then we'll leave."

"Your wish is my command, my dearest Louis."


"There he is!" Bruce was the one to announce Louis' arrival, as he ran and hugged Louis tightly. "Happy birthday, Lou!"

"Thank you," Louis hugged him back, but then Bruce was pulled apart from him with a force and he was engulfed by a warm body. "You need to calm the fuck down!" Louis laughed.

"Happy birthday, pup." Harry pulled away a bit to kiss Louis. "And no I won't calm the fuck down when I've been waiting to kiss you for so long, you absolute dickhead!"


Harry clicked his tongue in distaste when he heard his mom's warning tone. "Who even invited our moms?"

"Enough time for you, H. Now, it's my turn to wish him!" Zayn pushed Harry aside and brought Louis into another hug. "Happy birthday, dove. You look stunning as always." He complimented Louis with a kiss.

"Sometimes I get jealous of my own brother." Lottie huffed dramatically. "But you shouldn't." Harry retorted in a sing-songy way. "Yes, because the minute I look at you around him, I thank god that I'm single."

"I'm very proud of Lottie right now." Louis mumbled to Zayn, who was now replaced by Liam. "Happy birthday, Tommo." He kissed the corner of Louis' mouth, as they were still getting familiar.

"Party time!"

«skipping the party scenes because all the parties are basic and i hate them!»

Later that evening, when the party was officially over, everyone left with wishing Louis one last time.

"Please cuddle me, I'm very cold. Brrr... see." Harry trembled a little for the effect and wrapped his arms around Louis. "And this is perfect. You are where you belong."

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now