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[A/N: I enjoyed writing so much that here's another update. This chapter might be a bit all over the place, but I love it nonetheless. Zouis will happen in some chapters, I promise x]

Next few days went by quickly, as if they never happened. Louis was still a bit baffled by his boyfriends' revelation regarding his feelings for Zayn. What bugged Louis the most was his jumbled, twisted feelings. He was aware of his attraction and affection towards him, but he wasn't sure if he wanted any more relationships. It was quite absurd that he's just fifteen and is already in polyamorous relationship and now, he was jumping into another one. No matter how many times Niall or Harry would tell him they would support him no matter what, his inner voice would taunt him, make fun of how much of a thirsty person he was. Something inside him would call this behavior of his freakish, tell him how desperate he would seem if he made another boyfriend, how the world would make a joke out of him and his stupid wishes.

Then there was another voice telling him this step could ruin his relationship with Niall and Harry, as he has already betrayed Niall once by falling for Harry. Niall might not show, but Louis was sure he had hurt the boy by liking Harry, well it's what Louis thinks. Now he's on his way to hurt Niall for the second time and Harry for the first. Why, oh why does he have to like this? like a freak. Why couldn't he just fall for one person and live a normal life? This polygamorous thing makes him feel like a hussy and Louis couldn't help but shed two or three tears over his twisted feelings.


The loud call from his mum made the crying boy gasp and wipe his tears in haste. He made a quick run to his bathroom to wash his face and look decent. He heard her call his name again, this time a bit annoyed. "Coming!" He yelled and shuffled out of his room. Standing there was Harry, Zayn and Liam.

Oh Liam! He hasn't seen the boy in ages and seeing him standing there with a tiny warm smile made Louis a bit happy. Louis wasn't sure if he has forgiven him yet. Maybe he has because why would he stand there smiling at him.

With a deep sigh, he waved at them and went to hug Harry; one of his comfort persons. And Louis wanted to cry then and there as Harry cooed and hugged him lovingly, telling him how much of a bad person he is. Now if he looks back, he realizes he has created so many problems for all these lads. Because of him Harry and Niall fought at the camp and Niall got so hurt, he broke Liam's trust, Harry pushed Zayn in the lake because of him and god knows how many times he might have caused them emotional crisis.

"Something's wrong, baby?" Harry asked worriedly, cradling Louis' head. Louis tried to be subtle and an upcoming whimper because Harry was so considerate and gentle, his shaky breath and the tight grip around Harry's shirt didn't go unnoticed by the curly haired boy. However, he decided to push it for now, not wanting to make a scene in front of his friends and Louis' mom. "We'll talk later, love." He whispered softly in his hair and pecked his head. "Moving onto some really fun topic, Niall's birthday is approaching and we've decided to do something fun and cutesy. You up for some discussion about it?"

And Louis wanted nothing more than to sob and wail because he felt like such shit boyfriend for forgetting Niall's birthday because of all his stupid feelings. Niall has always been there for him and this one time when Louis should remember his day and make him like a special person, that he is, he forgets about it. He doesn't deserve Niall at all.

"Lou?" He heard Zayn mutter concernedly, rubbing his back gently. "Are you okay?"

Louis then realized he was still embracing Harry too tightly. Weakly, he pulled away from the boy to find three sets of eyes watching him with so much concern. "I-I am fine." He wanted to punch himself for sounding so weak and broken. "Please give me five minutes to change and stuff. Make yourself at home... um... be right back!" He tried to be a bit cheerful and ran back to his room.


"Did something happen, Jay?" Harry was quick to ask the woman, brushing his unruly curls away from his eyes. "He's acting all weird." Jay sighed tiredly and shook her head. "Nothing that I know of, Harry. But, you are right. He's been like this for a while now, zoning out, seems distant. I thought it had something to do with you guys, but I guess, it's something else."

"Do you think it can be something to do with his online school?" Zayn asked. "As I haven't seen Louis hanging out with any other people than us. It's either to roam around alone or with us or attend his classes."

"But how?" Liam voiced out for the first time, carding his fingers through his hair.

"I guess—

"I'm ready, guys. Let's go." Harry's sentence was cut in the middle by Louis meek, shy voice. Without any word, he went to Harry's side and linked there's arms together. "C'mon Hazza," he urged the boy to move, also motioning the other two to get up.

"You sure you okay, Lou?" Zayn asked softly and Louis hated how he blushed and shook his head shyly.

"I'm fine."


"I've also talked to Maura about it and she's on board, will help us set it all and financially too." Harry gushed out, pushing the swing back and forth with Louis perched on his lap. Liam was on the other swing whilst Zayn was leaning against the pole.

"But thw venue thing is still a problem, H." Liam frowned. "If we do it at Niall's, how will we decorate in his presence? If he choose park, then it's too public." He scrunched his nose in distaste. "The restaurant is um.. a bit too expensive for us."

Zayn hummed in agreement. "To be honest, Niall's place seems like the best place for a party among all these options." He averted his eyes to Harry, only to find a pair of blue orbs glancing at him curiously. It caused his heart to skip a beat and the boy looked away quickly.

"I'm with Zayn on this," Harry said quickly, leaning forward to kiss Louis' cheek. Harry was always so affectionate and it warmed Louis' heart. "What do you think, honey?" Louis blushed at the pet name, but hummed in agreement nonetheless.

"We can keep Ni away for a while," He whispered shyly, not meeting any of their eyes.

"You." Liam said. "You will keep him away while we prepare for the party. I mean, it's very reasonable because you will want to spend time with your boyfriend on his birthday, huh?" Louis glanced at him with curious eyes because he was still confused if Liam had forgiven him or not. It looked like Liam got his confusion and chuckled softly. "We're good, Lou. Don't worry and I'm sorry for not understanding and acting like a total arsehole."

"Really?" For the first time in the week, Louis felt excited and happy. Without giving a single thought, he jumped off Harry's lap and ran to hug Liam. This caught Liam by surprise, but he hugged him back.

With the lift of mood, Louis opened up more and more with them, making the atmosphere more comfortable and happy. The four boys talked for while— planning and discussing and bantering. Once in a while, Louis or Zayn would catch each other's eyes and would blush but nothing major.

...and the action never once didn't go unnoticed by Harry.



This is Catty, again, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did while writing.

Please leave a comment if you liked it or not? Or else, put for more effort next time or maybe no write, since, I don't wanna mess the book 😅

Pray for N, nothing happened to her, she's just having some boy problems *giggles mischievously*

{Also, I'll try my level best to update the book almost regularly.}

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