Epilogue- 'Home Sweet Home'

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[A/n: I don't like this epilogue, I never wanted to write one because it felt unnecessary. However, I did and I wrote the most basic and unrealistic epilogue. This chapter is over 15k works. 100 pages according to wattpad. Lmao. I know y'all can't read it at once, but reading it in instalments is fine. I hope you enjoy it, for the very last time.]

Also, if my Louis-e ever brought a smile on your face, then I'm glad :')

"So we are basically out of almost everything."

"Stating the obvious, are we?" Niall brought his hands to rest on his sides and gave his best mate a ridiculed look. "Harry, why are you so irresponsible!" He groaned loudly, running his fingers through his brunette hair.

Harry was sporting an unapologetic look, lips curled up in a small smile. "I'm sorry." He turned to open the refrigerator and crouched down to get two apples out of the fruits tray. With another smile, he tossed an apple towards Niall, who immediately caught it. "Problem solved. Now you won't have to attend your classes with no food in your system."

"That does not change the situation. We are still out of groceries." Niall scoffed. "And I have a solution for that. You are going to get them because it's your turn." He took a bite from the fruit, humming at the sweetness of the fruit.

"You'll tag along, right?"

"No." The irish lad replied. "I have lectures and an evening shift. Unlike you, I do not have an off today. Please utilize your free time and get the groceries, H." He worked as a customer delivery assistant.

Harry didn't want to go grocery shopping. He hated making a list of items and then walking around the store endlessly to gather them up and then carry them back to their place. It was a pain. However, Niall was right. It was his turn and he had been slacking off a lot. "Fine." He huffed. "But you have to make the list, Ni. You know I always forget to write something or other." It was true.

Niall let out a forceful, deep sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Harry was just lazy. "It's easy, H. Just look up what we don't have and make a list. Please, I am getting late."

"How rude." The curly haired lad clicked his tongue. "Fine. I'll do it myself. Shoo!" He dismissed his friend with a wave and slumped down on the dining table's chair, face buried in his hands.

"You will never give up on being dramatic." He heard Niall mutter, but didn't retort or look up. If shopping for clothes was boring, then shopping for groceries was a whole nother level of pain in the ass. Next thing he heard was the door unlocking and just like that Niall was out, leaving him to fend for himself.

It was far too early for him to make a list, get ready and go out. As a cue, a yawn escaped his lips. "Nap over everything." He whispered to himself and got up, stretching his arms over his head and let out a little groan. "Fuck them groceries."


Granted, a nap seems tempting when you feel tired, but when a nap turns into a whole four hours worth of sleep is concerning when you have important stuff to do. The moment his eyes flung open and he checked his phone for time, he was hit by reality. Niall would be returning in two fucking hours and he has yet to get everything done. Fuck. Hastily, he threw the covers off him and scrambled off the bed. He tried his best to not take a long shower and thankfully, he succeeded in it.

Once all ready and fresh, Harry rushed towards the kitchen to make the list. Boy, this is going to take long. "Why can't Niall do everything and I get to laze around happily?" He asked himself. It took him half an hour to make a list of things they were out of and that was a lot.

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