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I'm tired.

[Ah! I forgot to mention. So, I'm publishing it again. Catty has posted her first ever book on this account. It's called "FOR YOU". Check it out and make my lovely friend happy :)

"You look so funny, Lou." Felicite giggled softly.

"Fiz, your brother is in extreme pain, love. Don't laugh." Jay scolded. She leaned down to kiss Louis' head. "You get yourself into trouble a lot." She turned to look at Niall and sighed. "What happened?"

Niall had called Jay and his mother to inform them about the incident, once they reached the hospital. Due to blood loss, Louis lost his consciousness for a while until the doctor treated and fixed his broken nose. The lad was still very much sad about the fiasco, but he wasn't going to tell his family about it. It might create another mess. "I ran into a door. Pretty badly."

Niall gave him an unimpressed look, but decided to keep quiet. "Clumsy, he is."

"How many times have I told you to be more careful and less hasty, Lou?" Jay scolded him. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Yeah, when I speak."

"Then don't talk." Jay replied. "Thank you so much, Niall. Thank you for bringing him here."

"I love him." Niall answered with a smile.

"I'm very glad about that."


"Any progress?"

Louis looked up from his book and gave Niall a painful smile. "My nose and eyes are swollen a bit, there's a bit bruising under my eyes and I vomited twice. So, you figure it out."

"Well, you are talking." Niall hummed. "Is that a good sign?"

"Mhm... it still hurts." Louis chuckled, but then groaned in pain. "How was your day back at school?"

"Apart from sharing Chemistry with Amanda, it was fine." The Irish boy replied as he sat beside his boyfriend and pecked his cheek. "I'm sorry, love. It should've been me."

"I saved you from a broken nose, I feel pretty great about it." Louis retorted. "As for the lads, I feel horrible."

"They should be the one to feel horrible." Niall sneered. "No, Ni." Louis sighed deeply. He closed his book and kept it on the nightstand. "I think I deserved this. I did keep a lot of things from them. I guess I've been a bit partial towards you and— well, it does make me a liar." He muttered as he laid his head on Niall's shoulder, getting comfortable. "You've always been a great source of comfort."

"And you, mine." Niall, meticulously, caressed Louis' cheek. His heart throbbed with pain for Louis. He clearly didn't deserve the hit or any of the words. "But I completely disagree with you."

Louis sat up a bit straighter, to face Niall properly. "Why?"

"No matter how much anyone loves you, this is your life and only you can choose what you want to do with it. So what if you want to keep some things to yourself? Fuck others. Take your time." Niall grabbed both of Louis' hands and rubbed circles on the back with his thumbs. "Harry and Zayn were angry, that's absolutely reasonable. But what about the unnecessary personal attacks? See, love, I am definitely not trying to get you against them." He gave a warm, loving smile.

"However, the things Harry said were not correct. He said and did some really hurtful things, as you said. Are you going to let people tread on you so easily? Without fighting back?" He asked in a soft, concerned tone. "I've said this earlier and I'll say this again, if people can call you out on stuff, then you can too. Be it Harry, or me or anyone."

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now