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Hi. Look at dad. One hot motherfucker, he is! Few days back, I was thinking how I needed to see Louis in a suit and fuck! He's so handsome. In love. Major, Major, Major and Forever Heart Eyes for Louis Tomlinson. Muah ! <3

After Harry's little confession, Louis was just speechless. He didn't know how to break it out to Harry, but it was important for the boy to know about the reality. Well, not just him, but everyone. Because moving away was inevitable. However, before any confrontation, Louis needed to talk to this one person who's already aware of the truth; Niall.

"Penny for your thoughts, my baby?"

Louis looked up from his phone's now blank screen. He must've zoned out. He gulped the lump which was forming in his throat and tried to smile at his mother. "I..." His voice cracked up as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Come here," Jay smiled sadly, pulling him into a comforting hug.

"It's- It's, erm... it'll be v-very hard to le-leave them." He choked out a sob, as body trembled feebly with realization.

"I'm not even sure yet, love." Jay muttered softly, cradling the back of her son's head.

"So, we're not gonna—

"Sooner or later, baby." And Louis wasn't able to come up with anything, but a little cry of despair.


"— okay, I'll prepare the mise." Niall answered. "You take care. Love ya, mom." The irish boy muttered quickly and put the receiver back. As he made his way to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. "Coming!" He yelled, frowned softly when the bell went off repeatedly as if the person behind the door was in some urgent need. "Jesus!" He muttered under his breath as he opened the door, a warm body ran into him and wrapped their arms around him. "Louis?"

The feathery haired lad let out a low whimper in response, clutching onto Niall's jumper tightly.

"Why- come in, love." He pulled the boy inside, leaving the door left open ajar and made him sit on the sofa. "What happened, love?" He tried to coax the boy as he sobbed softly in his hands. "Goodness, you are scaring me." Niall mumbled with furrowed eyebrows and in a concerned tone. Even Louis' soft sobs were too loud for the empty apartment and it made the Irish lad very anxious. "I'll get you s-some water."

When Niall got back with a glass of water, he found Louis was still crying weakly. The boy kept the glass on the center table and rubbed Louis' back for some comfort. "Louis, just— come here." He pulled the boy into a hug, placing one of Louis' hands and his ear against his chest. "Please try to breathe with me."

Now, he wasn't sure if this would work, as this is something he has just read somewhere, but it was worth giving a try when Louis was clearly hyperventilating. He even gently stroked Louis' pulse point with his fingers tips. "Take your time, my love. You'll be fine." He whispered softly in the smaller lad's ear.

It took some time for Louis to calm down to little sniffles and whimpers, his head was still laying against his' boyfriend's chest, who was quietly whispering sweet nothings. Oh, what will he do without this person?

"Louis, you are freaking out again, bub. I'm here, love." Niall stroked his back. "I'm here."

"And what about when you won't be?" It was barely a whisper, but Niall heard and his hold tightened against Louis. So, this is what all this was about.

"Is this ab-about you moving out of the t-town?" He stuttered out. Louis replied with a little nod. Gulping audibly, Niall dared to ask the next question. "Are you- uh.. is it the time?"

"No!" Louis squawked. "No, no, no- shut up!"

"Okay, okay, love, I'm sorry." With a sigh of relief, Niall muttered. "Here have some water, Lou. You've worn yourself out, love. You'll feel good."

As he had no energy left to fight back, Louis drank some of the water. The cold liquid felt so hood down his throat and it actually helped calm his nerves down. After that, it was just silent for a few moments. It was eerily quiet that they could hear the clock ticking and the water droplets trickling down and hitting the kitchen sink. Louis pulled his legs to his chest and wrapped his hands around them.

"What is bothering you?" Niall asked in a quiet tone, not wanting to trigger Louis any more.

"Mom says it is going to happen sooner or later."

Another moment of silence.

"I want to tell the others about it. I don't want them to get their hopes up for nothing!" The blue eyed lad spat out the last word. "Last evening, Harry said the sweetest thing and I couldn't even bring myself to reciprocate the emotions, Ni."

"What'd he say?" Niall asked quietly.

"That I'm his future. And when I asked what if I left, he- uh.. he said it's not possible 'cause we're always going to find each other back." He scoffed loudly. "Like it's ever going to happen to someone like me!"

"What do you mean?" Niall slipped his hand Louis' and entwined their fingers.

"All these years, every place I've ever lived in, I've tried to make friends, tried to make them like me. I would try and try endlessly and just when I would start to think this might work, we would move. I've just received weird looks and laughs in return because of how I am... For years, I tried until one day I stopped. Because I knew I'll be alone forever." Louis murmured sadly. He looked up when Niall squeezed his hand gently and smiled softly. "Until I came here. I found you guys. I was finally happy, satisfied and... in love. Oh, how naïve of me to think that I've finally found a home." He whimpered out. "Good things don't happen to freaks like me."

"I thought the same, until I found you. My best thing." Niall smiled sadly, as tears welled up in his eyes. "If it weren't for you, Harry and I still would've been fighting. If it weren't for you, I still would've been lonely. It hurts that you cannot see how precious you are.."

"You just love me too much."

"That I do and I am not ready to let you go." Niall cried out. "It hurts that- that my first love won't last ever. Thought of you leaving this place, thought of never seeing you again, thought of never get to touch you again scares the fuck out of  me. Losing you will be devastating, my love." He weeped. "The lads are going to be devastated."

"I'll be devastated. I'm already terrified. I'm terrified to leave this town, I'm terrified to leave you all. I'm terrified to leave my home." Louis teared up yet again. "What am I going to do without you?"

"Then don't go. Stay here. With me, with everyone." Niall cried softly. "For weeks now, I cannot sleep at night, I cannot focus on things, I don't feel like celebrating little things knowing that you're gonna leave sometime soon. I'm scared that one day I'll wake up and you won't be here. D-Don't leave me... and this time I don't want to stay strong for anyone. For once, I want to wail like a baby with you in my arms so that you won't ever leave me!"



Louis was cut off in the middle as the door creaked open. He gulped as Niall's eyes widened in fear. Frightfully, he turned to look back and his breath caught in his throat. There stood a very pissed off Harry with tears rolling down his cheeks and Zayn with heartbroken sad eyes. So, this was it then.


Personally, I don't like this chapter. I think I could've written it a bit better. *sigh*


I am excited for y'all to read next few chapters. I hope you all will like it. If not, I will still survive 😂

Um, kissy x

— Catty <3

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