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It's Zouis time!!

"Zouis walked so that Larry could run."
I said what said.


The raven haired boy looked back and gave a big grin to Louis. "Hi!"

Louis jogged his way to Zayn and smiled. "Hey," Zayn was carrying a satchel with him. "What's that?"

"Just some art stuff," the two boys walked side by side.

"Are you going to your art gallery?" Louis asked curiously.

Zayn shook his head. "It's been a long time, I'm going to the lakeside."

"Lakeside? I've never been there. I didn't even know about it,"

"You wanna come?"

Louis looked somewhat excited. "Yes."


The wooden pier creaked when the two boys walked down on it. Zayn toed off his shoes and sat down on the end of the pier. Folding the end of his trousers, he dipped his feet in the lake water. Louis was still standing beside him, looking around the view. The surroundings were beautiful and the lake water was calm, besides the few ripples forming here and there.

"Sit," Zayn exclaimed quietly. He kept his satchel behind him and got comfortable. Louis followed Zayn's previous actions and dipped his feet in the water.

"Brrr... it's cold!" He shivered a little. Zayn chuckled at the boy. Louis was always so cute. His little braids made him look extra cute today.

"Give it some time," the raven haired boy shrugged. "It's been a while."


"We saw each other. Three weeks... I guess?"

"Since the horrible evening..." Louis sighed shakily at the memory. Liam was still a little upset with him, but not rude. "Indeed, it's been a while."

After that, for some time it was all quiet between them. It was mostly quiet time with Zayn. The boy liked being quiet and mysterious. Louis found him very unique. He remembers how Zayn told him that he lives alone in an art studio and his sisters are in foster care.

"Why are you not in foster care?" Louis blurted out his thoughts.

Zayn was caught off guard. "What?"

"I-I just— you told that your sisters are in foster care and you aren't 18, so um..." he trailed off in the middle, scared that Zayn might get angry.

"Oh... I just ran away from them. I lived in Bradford, had a beautiful family. But then everything messed up. They took us to foster homes. After some months of living there, I got more miserable, but my sisters were getting back to being normal, they had made friends and were happy. For me, it was all getting frustrating. I missed my old life. I missed my mom and dad. So, I did what felt right. I ran away from the place, ran away from Bradford, away from the memories. I came here and took a job in the art studio. I know, it is messed up. But, that is how it is." Zayn exhaled loudly, looking somewhat sad.

They were quiet for a while. Louis was at loss of words. It was surprising that Zayn went through so much and he still seemed so strong. Louis was astounded by him. "You are so strong, Z."

Zayn laughed a little. He flicked Louis' nose.

"Ah! Why'd you do that?" Louis rubbed his nose, which turned a little pink.

"I'm not strong. It was all just a coincidence. I just got lucky," He shrugged.

"You are just being modest." Louis scoffed. "But didn't that foster home people look for you?"

"They were all lousy, and also found me too rebellious to be in there." Louis hummed. "It all turned out to be nice, though. I found you guys, get paid well, have a fine place to live. I'm happy. This is my home."

Louis smiled because Zayn wasn't just strong, but also really mature for his age. "My, my, aren't you just perfect!" He exclaimed dramatically, putting a hand on his heart.

Zayn laughed and nudged Louis with his shoulder. "Idiot."

The two boys sat there for a couple of hours, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.

"Up for a joke, Zaynie?"

"Eh don't call me that!" Zayn growled playfully. "But yes,"

"Why did the mushroom go to the party?" Louis questioned.

Zayn frowned a little. "I don't know?"

"Because he's a fungi," Louis answered with a straight face.

It was lame but totally worth because next thing Louis saw, made his tummy flutter with happiness. Zayn was laughing hysterically, clutching his stomach. And okay, Zayn was really beautiful always. He felt content. It was the same feeling when he felt around Harry and Niall.

What?! No!

He has to stop doing this.

I hope you liked it x

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