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[ It's almost 200 reads. I love y'all and your support. ]

Louis always got entranced by the beauty of nature. He loved to stroll around a park, see the little children playing. He felt calm when the cool breeze ruffled his long hair. But his favorite thing about park was flowers. The soft touch of their petals made Louis happy.

Louis' blue eyes flicked towards the batch of flowers. Different kinds of flowers. His fingers tingled for the touch of flowers. He ran his pointer finger on a pink rose which was covered with dew. "You are so pretty." He whispered softly and leaned to smell it.

"Oh you are here!" Louis jumped away from the flower only to find the two annoying boys again. He sighed heavily.

"What do you want now?" He looked up at them and squinted his eyes at them, he was still squatting in front of the flowers. The curly boy squatted as well, in his left and the blonde repeated the same but on his right side.

"We're here to say sorry." Louis rolled his eyes. "It's okay, Niall. I-"

"Oh my god! You know my name?!" Louis winced when the Irish lad practically screeched in his ears. "You know his name? How?" It was the curly this time.

"I know your name too, Harry.." Louis was so creeped out when Harry let out a very inhuman squeal.

"Erm.. you, okay?" Louis asked with a weird look on his face. Harry gave him a very shit eating grin, dimples popping out. "Of course! So how do you know our names?"

"I heard that day from my balcony when you both were fighting," he shrugged. "Oh, it was Harry who started fighting. I am generally a very quiet kid." The serious look on Niall's face was enough of Louis to agree with him.

"No fucking way Horan! You-!" Louis glared at the curly haired boy. "Don't yell profanities in the park! There are kids." Harry blinked his eyes repeatedly and nodded.

"What's your name pretty girl?"

Again! Fucking Again! Louis felt anger bubbling inside him but he shrugged it off. If they think he is girl then let it be. "Louise. Louise Tomlinson."

"Louise." Harry and Niall loved the way her named rolled off their tongues. "Your name compliments your face. PrettyPrettyPretty." And wow, the Irish lad was very flirty. Louis snorted softly. He leaned to smell the flower again.

It was such a sweet smell. 'This is home, Louis'. The voice at the back of his head said happily. He could listen the murmuring of the two boys but didn't said anything. He wanted to enjoy the moment.

"If this is how love feels like then I'm in love, lord." Niall sighed dreamily. "Are you kidding me? You are so stupid. This is not love, just attraction. What I'm feeling is love!" Harry argued.

"Ex-fu-freaking-cuse me! My feelings are greater than yours!" Niall scoffed. Harry opened his mouth to protest but stopped when he heard a girly squeak. They turned their heads and found the most precious sight in front of them.

'Louise' was surrounded by butterflies. They were fluttering their little colorful wings around 'her' long hair. A small butterfly was sitting on 'her' button nose. They were all over her sweater. 'Louise' was blinking her eyes repeatedly. "Help!"

Harry and Niall cooed loudly. Niall squealed and took out his phone to capture the precious moment. "Beautiful.." he breathed out whereas Harry was melting with fond. Louis tried to shoo all the butterflies away but they came back again. "Oh god help, you stupids!" He shrieked.

Harry was quick on his feet, he helped 'Louise' to get up and shooed all the butterflies away. He kept his hand on 'her' intently looking in her eyes with a big smile. "No doubt you smell like a beautiful flower, that's why they were all over you," Louis blushed furiously at the comment.

Someone pushed Harry away. Niall. He took 'her' hands in his and flashed his braced-teeth. "I don't agree with him because you smell like a big rose garden, so sweet and amazing," Louis never thought he could blush this hard.

But the next moment, Niall was on the ground. "You stink! So you should stay away from her. We don't want her to smell disgusting like you!" Harry shouted angrily. Niall looked like a kicked puppy. Louis felt bad for him.

"Don't be so mean, Harry!" Louis glared at him and helped Niall getting up. "Are you okay, Niall?" His voice held a genuine concern. He saw that Niall's eyes were glassy so he did the thing he thought was the best. He kissed his cheek.

The sound of kiss caught Harry's attention who was looking at the ground. Niall was red like a tomato. "Oh lord!" Harry clutched his chest like he was in pain. "Did you hear that crash? It was heart!" Harry fell on his knees burying his face in his hands. Louis found him so dramatic.

"Can I get on more kiss?" Louis was baffled by Niall's blunt request but shrugged it off as nothing. He kissed his cheek again. Harry shrank a little more. "I'll meet you in heaven, Louise..." and with that he sprawled on the ground.


"Don't worry! He's just a drama queen." Niall was still blushing but not too much. "Okay, then I'll leave?" Louis said awkwardly. Niall nodded sadly.

With one last look at Harry, Louis skipped away from their sight.

"Her lips are the softest!"

Harry rolled his way to the flowers, pluck a small pink flower, placed it on his chest. "I feel like it's my time to leave." With that he again went limp leaving a very laughing Niall behind.

[ please don't forget to vote. Share good words about "Louis-e" . Btw, I just got over < three hours back > with my right knee operation . I'm updating the chapter in hospital 😂 . ]

Louis-e (Zianourry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon