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{If you zoom into Harry's hand, you'll see the 'L' written on it. Louis loves to mark his man.}


«TW: Mention of r*pe. Assualt. »

"-and I wasn't really sure if the option A was right or the option B. so, I picked the option B, mom." Louis rambled about his Geography test he took this morning. "What if I fail?"

"You are not gonna fail just 'cause of a single mistake," Jay chuckled. "You have other questions too."

Louis shrugged lightly. "Mom, you never know. What if I somehow fuc- messed it all?" Jay shook her head fondly because Louis and his sudden cuss words. "I know my son very well, love. He is plenty smart and won't just fuck things up that easily." She smirked softly at him.

"You are so cool, mother of mine. I admire you," Louis cheered, dramatically putting both of his hands on his heart. "Doesn't give you a pass to swear in the house with your little sisters around. Now go bug someone else, darling."

"Harry and Niall are at the school. Not that I can meet H for a week, he's grounded for swearing like crazy at Niall's party." He pouted, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Jay giggled. "I know. Anne told me," She replied, kneading the dough for ravioli. "It's like you have somewhat become a mirror image of Harry. Swearing, dramatics, over exaggerating."

Louis huffed but decided to brush off the comment. "Anne and you are communicating?"

"All of us. Anne, Maura and Karen; Liam's mother. She wasn't at the party but Anne added her to our whatsapp group. Such lovely ladies they are," Jay commented with a smile.

"This is absolutely scary and amusing at the same time." Louis muttered under his breath. "I'll be back by lunch, mummy. Gonna stroll around for a bit. Do you need something?"

"Uh... Lottie's favorite biscuits are all out. Better get them before she throws a fit." She snickered. "Oh! And some cheddar,"



Louis smiled at the candies and chocolates he bought from the money left for him and his sisters. Lottie and Felicite will be so elated. Humming some melody, the boy skipped down the road, happily.

"Aye!" Someone whistled loudly, gaining his attention. He turned around to find the creepy college bloke from his building. Every time he would see Louis around the building or on the floor, his eyes would scream lust and only lust and that sent chills up Louis' spine. Like any other time, he was swift to turn back and ignore the creep. "Oh babe, please!" The lad called loudly, following the small lad with quick steps.

Louis wanted nothing more than to turn and show this bitch his place, but there was literally no living being around, no one in sight, just this lad and him. It's better to ignore and continue his walk.

"Aye girl, stop!" The boy caught up to Louis and yanked him back by his forearm.

The blue eyed boy snapped, snatching his hand away. "What?!"

"What's your name?" The lad looked in his twenties and was somewhat charming with a pair of icy blue eyes and brunette curls; nothing like his Harry though.

"Fuck off."

"That's a peculiar name for a beauty like you!"

Louis exhaled forcefully, brushing off the comment, he turned away from the creep to leave. However, the boy kept following, making crude comments about his body and whistling. Louis was ashamed and wanted to cry because this is downright harassment and he couldn't do a thing about it. The tip of ears were as red and hot as his face.

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