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[A/N: Hi! Wow this is weird. So, this is Catty, not N. Um.. She is feeling a bit unmotivated in general so uh... she asked me to write this chapter. I mean, she gave me a rough sketch and stuff and I wrote it. However, I've read Louis-e, so, writing about the characters wasn't really hard. Still I tried and please, please, please tell me if it was on point and satisfying or not, okay? This is my first time of writing. I really hope people like it.]

Louis gasped when he got his delivery on the said date and ran to his room, Jay followed him close behind. Quickly jumping on his bed, the boy ripped open the medium sized package and took out a nice wooden handcrafted box. It was beautiful. If the packaging is so good, his order must be A one. But before he could open the box, he felt some hovering over him. He looked back and screamed a little. Scared, he clutched his chest and moved away from his mother.

"Easy Lou! It's just me." She laughed.

"Yeah and God has given me a few eyes on the backside of my head!" He sassed.

"Louis.." She warned. The teenager pouted but muttered an apology nonetheless. "What's that, huh? Gift?" She smirked. "Who gave it? Harry or Niall?" She asked curiously and sat beside him. "Oh, oh! I hope there's nothing 18 plus inappropriate things in that box. In that case, I have to send the gift back,"

Louis gave her an incredulous look. "Niall and Harry are mature enough to not send me such gifts. Also, I'm very sure they are self—

"Don't tell me! Did you—

"No!" Louis shouted, blush creeping on his neck and cheeks. "It's no gift. I ordered this." He quickly told her, putting her mind at ease.

"You did? How did you pay?" She asked seriously.

"Pocket money." He simply replied, fiddled with the box in his hands. He was so eager to open it but his mom kept asking him questions.

"You could've asked me." She smiled, ruffled his hair. "I would never say no, y'know."

"Thank you."

"Anyways, what is it?"

Louis smiled softly. He traced the linings and little hand carvings on the box with his pointer finger. "It's something for me, Niall and H."

Jay cooed a little, bringing him in a cuddle. "So cute. Young love,"

"Do you wanna see?" He asked shyly.

"That was my sole purpose to sneak up on you." She laughed, ruffling his hair. Louis swatted her hand away.

"You are so mean sometimes." He murmured, opening the box. A gasp left his lips when he saw the little pendants hanging from slim chains. He traced the code engraved on it with the soft pads of his fingers.

'.... --- -- .'

"Morse code?"

His mother's questioning tone brought him out of his trance.


"What does it say?"

"Home." Louis grinned. "They are my home. I am theirs. Sounds very cliché but it's something very meaningful for us."

"How so?" She asked, very surprised.

"For me, I just simply never found a home until I met them. They make me feel like I'm home. For them, they lack some piece of their lives and found that piece in me." Louis explained shyly, still gazing at the lockets.

"My, my! I'm so happy for you." Jay teared up. Louis was quick to hug her and ask the reason behind her tears. "They are happy ones, Lou. I'm so happy you found someone who cares for you. I'm sorry we couldn't give you the home you yearned for."

Louis-e (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now