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[ a/n : if i ever got 1k votes on this book i'm for sure selling my soul to satan . mark my words *in justin bieber's voice* ]

"Tell me it's a joke!" Harry chuckled awkwardly. The tent fell silent except for Louis' occasional sniffles.

"Harry, uh... he is a b-boy," Niall muttered softly.

"What the fuck?! You were playing with my feelings from last so many weeks!" Harry whisper-yelled at Louis, not wanting the others to hear them.

Louis shook his head. "N-No I-

"Why did you do that?" Harry glared at him. Louis cowered away from him.

"Don't be a dickhead, Harry! It was us who assumed him as a girl, not him. So don't you dare to lay a finger on him!" Niall shoved him away from Louis.

"He played along!"

"You don't know his side of story!"

"He is gay and wanted attention from hot boys!"

"One, he is not attention seeker. Two, we were behind him and he never showed any interest. Three, you are not hot. So, you better think before accusing my boyfriend!" Niall proudly wrapped his arms Louis' shoulder.

Harry groaned loudly. He looked at Louis, who was crying silently and that was enough for him to melt. "I'm sorry." Louis looked at him with big tearful eyes.

"Why are you a-apologizing?" His voice was quiet.

"Because even if you are a boy, I can't stop myself from liking you and I can't see you crying or in pain!" Harry whined like a kid.

A small smile broke onto Louis' face. "You forgave me?"

"Erm... I wasn't that angry! I forgive and forget very easily," Harry exclaimed proudly.

"Especially when it's my Louis." Niall grumbled under his breath but the two boys heard it.

"Yeah. Niall's right," Harry smirked at the Irish boy.

"Look! I'm not going to share Lou-

"Well you have to! You don't have any choice. Didn't he told you that likes both of us. The old 'Zayn case'."

"Louis, you still like him?" Niall glared at the curly haired boy.

"Um... yes," Louis licked his drying lips.

"Ugh! I can't say no to you! What have you done to me?" Niall whined like a baby.

"Us. To us!" Harry corrected him. Louis looked at them confusedly.

"I can leave both of you alone, if you want-

"My wishes aren't this horrible!" Niall gasped.

"Neither are mine!" The green eyed lad looked very offended for some unknown reason. Louis rolled his eyes at them.

"Then decide. Make a treaty or something. We'll discuss this later!" With that the small boy left the tent and two very confused boys behind.

"Decide," Niall muttered, sitting down on the mattress.

"Make a treaty?" Harry sighed softly. "Fucked up! This is so fucked up!"

"If I agree on sharing MY boyfriend, I'm not letting you kiss me." Niall gagged at the thought.

"Ew! Hell no! Disgusting. It's a very disgusting thought." Harry looked really disgusted.

They looked at each other with disgusted expressions and shouted in unison.

"Ew! Fuck off!"

[ i took a week to update . that's really very horrible of me . sorry i was stuck . although it wasn't my best chapter, but i hope you liked it x ]

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