Avengers groupchat

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3rd person pov.
having no were to go y/n pulls out her phone and texts the group chat

3 braincells

hello friends

spider mom
who said we were friends

birdbrain & y/n
ur mom

u guys are literal children

bird brain
so y/n who is ur favourite avenger

black widow is literally the best
like she is also russian
has red hair but dyed it blond like mua
and is a total badass
much better than any of the men

spider mom
i 100% agree with that

nats pov
i looked up at clint who was across form me at the dinner table. who was pouting, mumbling no one erver picks me etc i chuckle which makes everyone confused.

'what are you laughing at' steve questions

'nat and i are texting our friend' clint answers 'well they are more like nats child'. wanda gives me a look and asks me in my head if it was the child form the other night. i reply in my head yes.

'ooo i wanna know who' tony adds. clint looks over to me

'no. clint dont' i respond

'i just gonna ask' he responds looking back down at his phone. i sigh and see what he is typing.


bird brain
hey i just had the best idea

spider mom
oh this is never good

bird brain
child wanna meet our other friends??

spider mom

oooooo YES

spir mom
this isn't a good idea

ur probably right
but y/n imma add u to our group chat.

i hear everyone's phones go off and they all pull it out looking at the notification.

unknown has been added to group chat(a/n i couldn't think of a name if u have one tell me)

hello friends of spider and bird brain


hey kid


nice to meet you




u must be the reason spider was smiling

that i am
anyway i need names for all of u
tell me somthing bout ur selves
actually no someone tell me somthing about another
it will be more funny

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