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3rd person pov

Dinner arrives and there is so much food considering there was around a dozen people at the tower tonight. No one really had anything there was just a bunch of different noodle dishes rice dishes various meats and everyone just got a bit of what they liked. Thor was known for waiting until everyone got theirs then dumping all the left overs from every dish into his bowl. It was the weirdest thing to witness if you wernt used to it.

'so pointbreak, reindeer games how long you guys staying?' tony questions from his spot on the couch shoving food into his mouth.

'a week' thor smiles

'torture utter torture' loki mumbles under their breath eating some noodles. Peter and y/n herd and looked at eachother an unreadable expression on their faces. They shrug and turn back to the delicious food in front of them.

The teens had decided to do a power point night and somehow managed to convince the adults to partake in the wonderful event. Soon after dinner everyone got their laptops and put the finishing touches onto their projects. Tony being tony insisted on going last and everyone could tell his was gonna be something special. Up first was clint.

'who is most likely to wander off in the store like a toddler' he read 'staring the original 6' clint changed the slide.

'At number 6, bruce banner aka the hulk, bruce wouldn't even come to the shops'

'at number 5, tony stark aka iron man, this is just because he rarely goes to the shops either and if he did he probably owns it'

'at number 4, myself aka hawkeye i don't think i ever recall my self acting like a child, so i don't think i would wonder off' clint starts making some of the others laugh shaking their head

'at number 3, steve rogers aka captain America, i really don't know why but cap just seems like the type of person to not wander off' no one really argues with that

'at number 2, thor odinson, aka the god of thunder thor would walk off to go look at something BUT would quickly come back to show the person with him what he found.

'ill take it' thor smiles

'and last but not least, at number 1, natasha romanoff aka black widow' clint announces

'i second that' wanda smiles earning a glare from the red head.

'I know shes probably gonna kill me for this but on many occasions the black widow has walked off without telling anyone where she was going' clint avoids natashas glare 'i have video evidence' clint smirks moving to the next slide. Where it shows many security videos off nat just standing there walking with someone but suddenly going another direction. Nat rolls her eyes as everyone chuckles a bit.

'that is all, thank you thank you' clint bows

a couple more people go before y/n decides its her turn. 'MY GO' she says jumping up from the floor and going to plug in her computer.

'hey no its my go' peter says trying to reach the tv before y/n.

'to bad' y/n smirks holding peter with her magic, plugging her laptop in than releasing him. Peter pouts and goes to sit back down.

'why i shouldn't have to do school like wanda and Pietro' y/n smiles

'1 the reason they don't have to is because they were taught in hydra correct. And if im not mistaken i was also taught in the red room, right mother' she says motioning to black widow.

'yes дочь you were taught in the redroom' (daughter) nat confirms smirking.

'see, now if you see my grades from this term, oh would you look at that straight A's' after a couple more points y/n concludes.

'that is why i think school is useless and i shouldn't have to go' y/n spins and bows going back to her seat. More people go and finally tony is the last one. When his title shows on the screen everyone is intrigued but also a bit scared.

'photos people didnt know others were taking, (thank you to all the people who had them on their phones which i didn't steal to get), also special thanks to wanda and her blackmail file on her phone, containing a lot of the images for tonight' tony smiles

'how is that ment to be black mail now if everyone is gonna see them' wanda huffs

Tony switches to the first slide and it shows steve eating a chocolate at midnight when he was so big on eating healthy, and told everyone that the food of today had to much sugar in it and swore them off. Clint gasps dramatically and steve hides his face.

Next it is a photo of peter singing his heart out to his collection of spiderman dolls. Peter blushes a deep red and hides his face in mjs shoulder. She blushes a bit but runs her fingers through his hair.

After that it's a collage of wanda and y/n together cuddling. 'there was just so many' tony complains. Tonys presentation was the longest, many photos made people hide their faces in pillows or the person next to them

'and that concludes tonight' tony bows. Everyone gets up going to their rooms.

'uh mr stark where can mj and ned stay?' peter asks.

'well mj can take y/ns room or well not really anymore but yeah mj you can use that room y/n/n will show u where it is and ned can go in the room next to yours pete' tony says jumping in the elevator.

After a couple minutes everyone is in their rooms ready for bed.

'GOODNIGHT' y/n calls from wandas room.

goodnights are herd coming from all the rooms so satisfied y/n closes the door and completely bellyflops ontop of wanda who was already in bed.

'that hurt didn't it' wanda smirks wrapping her arms around y/n

'like a bitch'



i honestly thought this book would only be like 60 and it not even done yet

if you could see a movie for the first time again which one would it be

if you could read a book for the first time again which one would it be

if you could listen to a song for the first time again which one would it be

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