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y/n pov

we all get prepared for the trip ahead of course it was only 3 hours but that's a long time. I lean against wanda as she finishes my hair for tonight. Peter was trying to tie his tie somehow he got his wrist stuck in a loop he did so he had to keep redoing it. I was trying not to laugh. Im surprised he hasn't accidently choked himself yet.

'pass it here spider boy' i smirk outstretching my hand for it. He sighs and pulls off the knotted clothing and hung it on my arm. I untie it before putting it around my own neck and tying it properly. i throw it back at his head he snaps in my direction squinting his eyes before putting it on and thanking me. I nod and look up at wanda who had just finished my hair. I smile as a thank you and she smiles back softly interlocking our fingers. I sigh knowing this is gonna be a long night

'what food do you think will be at this event' i ask to no one in particular resting my head in wandas lap.

'i hope a lot' Pietro says laying on his back. Many of the adults question us teens always sitting on the floor but its probably because their old backs cant take it. I laugh at my own thought which confuses some people. steve stands up and stands infront of the table in the middle. He clears his throat and the avengers look over in his direction

3rd person pov

'ok guys we all remember who our targets are correct' he asks gaining a bunch of tired agreements. 'good stick to the plan if things go south in comms get y/n to cause a distraction-' steve begins. y/n loves this plan. It means if things went sideways than she can set something on fire. She smirks just thinking about it. This whole night was just gonna be eating, spying, dancing and possibly killing the leaders of groups with a lot of bad people. ya know average nights

y/n gets up and begins walking around the quinjet. 'whatcha doing kid?' clint questions. y/n doesn't answer until she pulls a panel off the side of the quinjet 'pulling apart the jet?' he says scrunching his eyebrows.

'entertainment' y/n grins standing up with a pack of uno cards in her hand. Clint just silently nods as she makes her way back to her friends '19 wins so far lets see if i can make it 20' y/n grins sticking the paper that had all their wins on to the side.

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it was obvious that the girls were better but everyone likes to play regardless. Peter delt the group 7 cards each Pietro who was left of peter started the round placing a blue 6 on the yellow 6 that was the origin card. y/n was next and she smirked playing a draw 2. y/n always stacked up her opponents cards as she got less and less until they realise she had a single card left. wanda looked at y/n with fake offence before putting her own draw 2 card down making peter groan and draw 4, Pietro goes playing a uno reverse giving peter back his turn. Peter nods to his friend and puts down a blue 2. Jumping to the end of the game y/n had 1 card left like usual, wanda had 3 peter had 9 and Pietro somehow ended up with 1 riveling y/n. peter places 1 of his many cards down luckily for y/n it was a long awaited plus 4 y/n smirks to herself and Pietro glares at peter while picking 4 cards up.

'what colour' wanda enquires

'yellow' peter says hoping that y/ns last card wasn't yellow. He watched as her face faulted inside he lit up a bit thinking for once he could win. He had a pretty good hand and waited until y/n started looking down on her card looking disappointed but when the rest of them saw the card after she put it down with a slam they looked defeated as the black colour changer card sat on top the pile of colourful cards. Since the teens didn't bring anything else they spent the full 3 hours playing uno. The adults watched in the backround usually the 4 couldn't do 1 thing for more than an hour.

Tonight as far as they know the event will last until midnight which gave them 4 hours to gather any information they can. they landed a bit away from the event and got out some gave them weird looks considering a group of people were randomly walking down the street in fancy clothes at 8 oclock at night. But like any other weird occurrence the passes by simply looked and forgot. y/n walked in the back pulling y/n back with her.

'no drinking tonight' nat warns taking her daughters hand exaggerating the swinging you do as you walk.

'mom are we really gonna act like i haven't drunk before' y/n whines 'im Russian after all' she grins

'yes but were not in Russia are we' nat counters. y/n rolls her eyes

'what are we gonna do if he is there' y/n asks in a small voice.

'i don't know hun. As much as i know how much we both want to kill him it has to be planned' nat says sometimes it calms her to plan peoples deaths.

They all walk up to the doors of the gala saying something to the guard but inevitably get allowed in looking at eachother before dispersing around the event. Going off to their assigned groups. Lurking around people listening in on their conversations.


netflix or disney + 

summer or winter

hot tea or iced tea

witches or warlocks  

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