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3rd person pov

The 3 were in drama at the back just sitting and talking as the teacher played some music. There was food on the stage and several blankets around the pac (performing arts centre). They had drama for 2 sessions in a row today so ms said next lesson they were gonna do some activities but for now they were just gonna chill.

y/n noticed peters hands a bit sweaty not really noticeable unless you were looking for it. He was talking to mj while also fiddling with something in his jacket pocket. y/n quietly chuckled and got up to get food and leave them be.

y/n pov

i watch from a far as peter and mj talk i then move my gaze to around the room. I see that 2 people in the middle of the room under a blanket whilst watching something on a computer. Others were talking quietly. A few students brought in cards so many people were playing that. I see something out of the corner off my eye and notice a couple off people walking around the halls suspiciously. I look back over to peter and mj and i can sense that someone is about to ask someone something. I would have to focus harder to see who and what but just knowing that it was either mj or peter satisfied me for now. I knew that if i was to check this out that i would have to be quick in getting back . i walk over to the teacher who was playing cards she notices me before i got to the group so i point to the door and she nods.

I thank her and leave following the students but acting as if i was just going to the toilet which conveniently was just down the hall. they are talking quietly but i can hear because of my senses.

'yeah i got it' one of the guys smirk. They were a year older than me and i barely knew anyone so i had no idea who they were.

'marks cousin hooked us up with some as well, tonights gonna be great' another says i roll my eyes just another party. I walk into the bathroom going to the sink. There was 1 other person in there and so it was awkward i turn on the tap grabbing some soap just washing my hands putting the cool water in my hands and washing my face as well. Suddenly i hear a plonk and someone aggressively grabbing toilet paper. I walk out of the bathroom, slightly disgusted. Like who does shits at school.

I make my way back to class and when i walk in i quickly notice peter and mj smiling and holding hands. I walk over to them sitting down next to peter and stealing his oreo. Just as the bell rings we get up and leave we leave our stuff here also because we will be here next lesson. 1st lunch is only 20 minutes so we just go sit in the library.

When we were all walking there i noticed mj wearing the necklace however some of the petals had fallen off. Ill ask peter about it later.

After about 10 minutes in the library a girl comes up to us. 'hey are you the girl that's dating the scarlet witch' she asks with a smile. Wow so forward.

'whos asking' i say tired already

'uh me?' she says confused

'why do you wanna know' i ask her

'oh if so i just wanted to ask you to thank her because she saved my family' she says i lift my head a bit now realising this girl didnt just want something form me or her.

'why don't i record u thanking her and ill show it to her' i offer. After a second she nods. I pull out my phone and record them saying it than send it to her.

'thanks' she walks away. Mj and peter laugh a bit. I roll my eyes and focus back on my book. The annoying sound of the bell interrupts the scene i groan and close my book idk why but i was already over today all of a sudden. Even after being in a good mood before. I guess that's just what school does to you.


a shorter chapter i hate writers block. Any way ITS FLORENCE PUGHS BIRTHDAY TMMR

ahhhh Florence pugh is a goddess.

whats something fun you did last year? 

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