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3rd person pov

'We need to find her' nat thinks aloud. Every one of the avengers nod. None of them knowing the total urgency of this situation.

'ill get on it, peter, ned, grab a laptop and start searching' tony instructs slapping his hands together and moving over to his screens.

'mj could you come with us and answer any questions we had about y/n' steve asks hopefully. Mj nods grabbing her bag and following the team up to the common rooms.

'ok so mj when y/n gets to school does she usually have any bruises or anything, any signs of things wrong?' steve asks another question.

'before i give my answer why do you need to know, and how is this relevant' mj asks a question of her own.

'1 your scary 2 because if they have any record than we can find we can then trace it to why dreykov killed them when he could have easily sedated them' clint answers 'is that relevant enough'.

'yes thank you and no she has never said anything about this couple' mj answers, nat can tell she is holding something back but chose to ask her later.

The team asks many more questions and wanda was about to ask something else when they herd Friday. 'boss has found something' everyone gets up and rushes down to the lab.

y/n pov

im pushed into the excel room like always however i see a huge machine and can only imagine what it is used for. I cant comprehend anything and I'm shoved harshly into the seat as the machine gets hooked up to me, its very uncomfortable and i cant see anything. Everything goes black until images begin to play.

3rd person pov

y/n sits in the chair confused however when the images begin to play he mind clouds. She sees people no not people her past foster parents beating the shit out of her all yelling cruel comments

'useless, pathetic, worthless, bitch,' her first carer scolded her, she was only 3.

'no one loves you and no one ever will' a foster mother she actually liked informed her.

'stop being special, stop winging, GOD DO YOU EVER SHUT UP' her foster sibling yelled at her when she was just 6.

y/ns mind was bringing back all these memories making her vulnerable. That's when different images occurred. At this point y/n couldn't tell if anything was real or not.

'I should have never talked to you geez could someone be any more annoying' peter spits dumping her books on the floor.

'why did you have to come here, you're an embarrassment' ned hisses with venom.

'why are you such a freak' mj snaps throwing a book at y/n.

y/n was just about to explode she couldn't comprehend anything. Every image now was someone she knew insulting her it was horrible the last one completely broke her.

'i should have never texted back' that now that one hurt

Suddenly y/n felt herself begin to get beat she didn't care, she was trying to get the thoughts out of her head. However the beating messed with her. Now she saw everyone she loves abusing her. Nat, wanda, the team all turned on her weapons raised, nat beats her up and shoots her, arrows stick out of her leg blasts leave nasty burns on y/n's back. The scene changes and y/n is getting pounded by peter on patrol and he doesn't hold back, like a gust of wind y/n is brought to another scene of mj throwing books at her very hard thick books. y/n squeezes her eyes shut trying to get the memories out and trying to think of a single good memory but it doesn't work anything she thinks of gets shifted.

They beating stops and she is lifted from the machine and thrown into eh training room, they were doing gun ranges, and y/n smirked. She walked over grabbed the gun and shot everything effortlessly, she shoots until there is no bullets effectively making very distinct holes in the wood. After her second ammo roll is complete she gets moved through to the punching bags, y/n wasn't allowed to use the normal bags instead had to use extra reinforced ones after breaking quite a few. With every punch she thinks of the people every kick she uses to get her emotions out. She wasn't mad at her people because she knew that it was true and she just didn't want to believe it. Once they begun hurting her she became scared. And y/n hated that she hates feeling emotions especially ones that make you vulnerable. But unfortunately she is human.

Wandas pov

After spending a lot of time around someone i subconsciously get a bond with them, and i could feel something was very very wrong. Although i cant see what is wrong or read y/ns mind i can sense it, so when we head down i enter nats mind quickly.

(Nat wanda )


Something is very wrong with y/n

What do you mean

I can sense it nat

Its really bad.

'shit' i hear nat mumble under her breath and take that to leave her mind.

'tony what did you find?' nat questions as soon as we enter the room.

'uh not me pete' tony admits pointing to the boy. I see everyone smirk to them selves and peter speaks up.

'okay so uh after looking at street cameras before and after y/n got taken there was nothing it was like nothing happened so i than turned to the building cameras from near the apartment and it shows a helicopter arriving and leaving in the same time period. So we just have to track that helicopter and it should lead up to her' peter smiles sadly. The avengers all gain a bit of hope in their eyes and usher the boys to continue while everyone goes to order dinner. We call ned and mj's parents and they both can stay over. After lots of deciding we settle on thai. 


 hope u enjoyed this very happy chapter as always see you in the next chapter

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