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3rd person pov

Wanda wakes before y/n and rolls over to check the time. 722, she smiles turning back around to cuddle y/n which wakes her. 'mm morning' she yawns.

'morning buba' wandas voice croaky.

'what time is it?' y/n questions turning to dig her head into wandas chest.

'722' wanda smirks knowing y/n has to leave in 8 minutes

'WANDA' y/n rolls of the bed landing with a hard thump on the ground lying there for a second before getting up, y/n keeps wandas hoodie on but changes her pants to her cargo ones. 'permission slip, tooth brush, clothes' y/n mumbles as she packs her bag for the trip. Wanda sits up admiring y/n. 'i can feel you staring'

'im not staring im admiring my girlfriend' Wanda emphasises the word

'girlfriend?' y/n questions smiling

'girlfriend' wanda confirms, y/n smiles and comes over to kiss her girlfriend before leaving stopping at the door.

'ill see you tmmr' y/n comments.

'be safe' wanda calls before flopping down on the bed going back to sleep missing the warmth of y/n.

y/n pov

i say goodbye to wanda and make it to the kitchen grabbing a waffle just before clint takes a bite.

'i was gonna eat that' clint complains taking another one from the plate, i just smirk and walk away meeting the others in the garage being late.

'there she is' peter smirks, they quickly mount their bikes and head of toward school. The group pulls up on their bikes just intime for the class to be getting on the bus. Just as the first kid flash of course stepped on, peter and y/n took their helmets of and ran up to their teacher.

'sorry were late sir' y/n apologises getting in the back of the line. When they get to the teacher much like the other kids they hand the form to him and get on joining ned and mj on the bus. The class is talking exited for their trip, until the teacher urges them to shut up.

'Class quite down and i will tell you where we are going' with that the bus goes silent, the low hum of the bus is the only sound. 'we are going to.......... THE STARK TOWER or well the AVENGERS tower as it is now.' The whole class erupts into cheers, quickly turning to their friends asking of they will meet any of the avengers or even tony stark. Peter and y/n look to eachother and groan sinking further into their seats knowing that they will get embarrassed by their family. Ned goes on saying how exited he is to go to the tower, even though he has been their before AND met the avengers.

'oi penis, y/n/n ready to get caught in your lie' flash snickers 'you probably both got fired because they realised how stupid you are' flash makes a comment to his goons and they all laugh. Mj smirks knowing this is gonna be funny.

'how can you find our death amusing' y/n comments slapping her arm and leaning on the sit infront of her when the boys are sat.

Ned ,peter

y/n, mj

the bus trip has 20 minutes and in peters opinion that isn't enough time to prepare their deaths. Ned is still fan Girling about the tower mj is reading still finding this amusing. Flash keeps making comments about them and their internship some were very interesting assumptions as well.

'look we just avoid them and any areas we know they will be and we will survive' peter trys to convince them

'we both know they have been planning our death all night' y/n dead pans. Peter sighs knowing she is true. The rest of the ride is quiet flash still making comments about them trying to be funny but everyone is just tired of his voice now. 5 minuets later they are out side the public entrance of the tower.

'okay class follow me' the teacher says walking off the bus. Everyone rushes off the bus peter and y/n trailing slowly behind, being the last of the bus. 'come on you two i know your just as exited as the rest of us no need to hold us all up' he smiles collecting the class and walking in, everyone looking up admiring the exterior

'great. Peter and y/n both think as they walk through the doors.


AHHHH the first 2 episodes of hawkeye was so good im not gonna say some of my theroies on case some haven watched it but so good

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