mario cart

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3rd person pov
Peter an y/n were walking in comfortable silence kicking rocks on the ground and weaving through the people, until peter tripped, and y/n burst out laughing. Peter gets up looking unimpressed at y/n.

'you couldn't help me up?' he says slinging an arm over y/ns head and rubbing his knuckles into her head. She easily gets out shrugging.

'nope' she says popping the p. the pair make it to a donut place because y/n said she wanted to buy everyone donuts, peter happily agreed and they got 3 boxes of avengers themed doughnuts. y/n ended up spending all of her money. Which she wasn't bothered by. The duo made it to the main entrance wanting to give 2 people a doughnut that they wouldn't see using the private entrance. Peter struts into the lobby matching the beginning of the song and y/n loves the vibe he is emitting as the song that's my girl by fifth harmony plays. The teens were glad they had convinced tony to play music all throughout the building unless instructed not to. So now Friday was linked to the pairs Spotify and it was amazing.

They make it to their favourite receptionist and y/n dramatically opens the box matching peters energy. The receptionist laughs and happily takes a doughnut. (a/n i honestly cant remember if i gave her a name) next the pair make it over to their favourite security guard. Now peter is the one to dramatically open the box. Happy slightly smirks and takes one. Peter and y/n smile and head up to the labs, first bruce.

'why hello there' they both say at the same time in a deeper voice causing bruce to jump slightly and a bit of his vaines to turn green but when he sees the kids he calms down. 'want one' they say in sink again. Bruce seems hesitant but grabs a hulk doughnut. The dr thanks them as they head up to tonys lab.

The ride up the two were vibing t the music just as they walked in , i was made for loving you by KISS came on and they put the boxes down singing

' i was made for loving you baby you were made for loving me and i cant get enough of you baby-' they sang. They both knew they were bad but didn't mind. As the doors opened to tonys lab he want there which confused them tony never left the lab.

'FRIDAY where is tony' y/n asks looking at Fridays camera.

'Boss is currently in in common room my lord' peter stares at y/n in amusement shock and proudness (is that a word??). y/n smirks at pete and they head back into the elevator and up

When they get there peter and y/n instantly feel like throwing up due to the alcohol thor was back from asgard and obviously brought some with him. They both hold it in for now walking over to the avengers. When the elevator dinged everyone had turned their heads to the teens,

'who wants doughnuts' they say in unison again. The ENTIRE team rushes over as they grab 2 each luckily they had 30 doughnuts well 28 now and had plenty. However when they all stepped away steve and tony looked at eachother.

'is that the last red white and blue doughnut' steve asks pointing to it. Tony doesn't answer and just takes a big bite. We all laugh as everyone starts to turn to the avengers doughnuts they had gotten and eating their heads off. Honestly it was quite funny as they mocked hurt, the maximoff twins each had one of their siblings and were ripping eachother apart limb from limb. But they left the doughnut untouched which was strange. After ALL THAT and introductions to thor. Nat comes over to y/n.

'you okay?' she questions y/n just nods and bites black widows head of.

'sorry mom' she mumbles before eating another bite and slipping off to the couch. Nat just rolls her eyes and follows peter already there. When they get to the couch they see everyone playing mario cart, last time y/n was up here (for the internship) she had modified the game to allow much more players, and since tony insists on having the biggest tv everyone could easily see there characters. Everyone got comfy and they handed out the remainder of controllers.

'uh how do you play' y/n fakes pretends to not know how to play, y/n had gotten quite good while at haven orphanage since kaleb had gotten a switch. Everyone explains how to play insisting they will go easy and y/n smirks, which natasha doesn't miss. Nat knows what is going to happen as she did the exact same thing when the team first asked her to play.

Durning the game the team consistently complained at how y/n was in first. She just sat back smirking at their frustrated faces. After one grand prix y/n had beaten everyones scores and was doing a victory dance. They all sat back being sore losers mumbling. What they all wanted to see was nat and y/n against eachother since they were undoubtedly the best there. Both widows close their eyes as the team pick the map. RAINBOW ROAD was displayed on the screen and nat groaned she was good but hated this map. And the two set of playing.

It was the closest game there was always fighting for first, they were miles a head of the cpu's even when they were on hard, and still battling it out, on their 3rd round they could see the finish nat was in first y/n a to close second. Almost crossing y/n gets a dice, she ends up getting a shell, she smirks and throws it at nat right at the finish line. Nat was half a meter from the finish line when she was shoved of the map, and y/n jumps up as she crosses it, in first, when nat gets back on the map she had been demoted to 6th. y/n is smiling like crazy and doing flappy hands. (a/n if you know you know). She jumps back down on the couch but quickly gets picked up by thor and put on his shoulders doing a victory dance y/n smiles and laughs, nat again rolls her eyes. Luckily the alcohol was put away when the kids came in so pter and y/n didn't have to worry about throwing up anymore.

The team defeated at mario cart decide to do karaoke first it is pete and y/n considering they are the guests they sing kiwi by harry styles. When they finish they both laugh. 'were not that bad are we' pete says laughing along with y/n when the team doesn't laugh they look confused and concerned.

'what?' y/n questions

'YOU NEVER SAID YOU COULD SING' wanda and Pietro hype them, they just look at them confused.

'uh we don't sing' pete and y/n state thinking the team is playing with them however when everyone in the team insists they can they get pushed up to do another song, after some talking they decide on one of their favourite vibes. nuestra cancion.

When they get to the lyrics they begin to do the dance as well.
'Con flores te llevaste mi tristeza
Con colores
Dibujaste la nobleza de la mano
A tu lado creció nuestra ilusión' they sang singing and dancing beautifully.

After the song they laugh. 'that was beatiful' nat comments smiling. Everyone agrees. That was one of their favourite songs to sing it instantly lifted all there moods peter and y/n sung it for one of their Spanish tests. The whole class cheered. After the team agreed no one could top them they all opt for dinner because they were starving.

'pete you staying for dinner?' tony asks

'sure ill ask my aunt' peter leaves the room coming back seconds later smiling he just nods.

'pizza?' tony questions every one nods to lazy too cook they hadn't hade take out since the first night y/ns stayed over.

An eternity later

Food arrives and they bought a lot, they all sit at the lounge to many to sit at the table now. And watched starwars. y/n and peter quoting things A LOT.

you know what probably another today as well and like OVER 3K now like WOW
also not proof read so have fun if it doesn't make sense

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