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Peter pov

Just like every other day y/n and i are walking to the tower, y/n is telling me about the darkest minds book she borrowed from wanda. She loves the book and the way the powers were written were immaculate.

'why do you think nat wanted me at dinner?' i question

'honestly i have no idea' she pauses 'buttttt when mo-nat, asked i could tell she had a plan' y/n and i look at each other, slightly scarred than burst out laughing.

'uh peter??' she questions looking at me. I mumble in response and she continues. 'w-where have you been staying these past uh few nights?' she rubs the back of her neck looking at her really faded and small shoes.

'uh delmas roof?' i question if i should have admitted that. Ive never lied to y/n before so why start now.

'DUDE im sure if you asked mr stark he would let you stay at the tower' y/n suggests.

3rd person

'n-no i cant be more of a burden' peter insists. They didn't even realise they had made it to the tower until they ran straight into happy. y/n falls over and peter stumbles leaving happy to catch him. y/n picks herself up before anyone could help her. The pair apologises to happy and enter the building.

'hey olivia,' peter greets the intern. Olivia was the closest to the teens age being the 3rd youngest in the company being 23.

'hey parker, y/n' she nods smiling at the pair. y/n was deep in thought trying to decipher Natasha's true motive. Peter nudges y/n slightly, unfortunately hitting her fresh bruises and badly bandaged cut from when flash shoved her into a sharp locker. y/n winces but looks up.

'oh h-hey olivia' she smiles. Peter and y/n walk into the elevator going up to the lab. When they get there they see a large case on each of their lab desks,

'mr stark what is this?' y/n asks first to notice the cases.

'gifts, please open' he gestures. As peter and y/n walk to their benches y/n whispers to peter.

'whats a gift?' she questions peter stops in his tracks, and looks at y/n with a shocked expression,

'whats a gift? y/n. whats a gift?!!' y/n just shrugs looking emotionless wanting the answer. 'y/n a gift is something you get given when someone cares about you' peter is shocked to have to explain this to y/n. y/n nods realising how much life she has missed out on especially in the red room, better yet her child hood.

The pair make it to the desk looking at mr stark for approval. He nods with a big smile. Peter and y/n open the briefcases and they see their suits however much different. Nano fabric, and its super high tech. y/ns is a simple black suit quite similar to black widows actually, but with a mask like peters, the only colour was a red line around her upper arm. Peters was also a nano suit, red and blue with a spider symbol in the centre.

'thank you so much mr stark!' y/n smiles looking him in the eyes as a thankyou. Tony smiles again receiving a thank you from peter.

'glad you like them, also the king and princess of Wakanda are coming in about an hour so. Uh work on whatever you can ad your ai's to your suits, we go meet them after life stories than dinner' tony smiles widely at the thought of dinner. In which peter and y/n think is because he loves food, they couldn't be more wrong.

y/n pov

the suit is an amazing gift as peter explained it was i honestly thought they only got them in like shows and stuff, nether the less i was eager to add my ai and take it out later. I finished my watch a few weeks back and now working on the final prototype.

I add the ai putting the mask on as all the holograms and stats appear. I smirk to myself. I move around to my other side of my desk and pull out the box of parts. Ignoring the pain in my side. What feels like a couple minuets later nat walks in again, which i don't notice. Its not until im picked up and thrown over he shoulder when i register the new presence. However i just continue to fiddle with the parts while being dragged upstairs.

Shuri pov

I walk out of the elevator in the avengers tower annoying my brother until we are met with a bunch of people. i smile at the familiar faces but soon see a new face. A teenager.

'whos the broken white boy?' i question

'shuri be nice' my brother nags.

'im peter, merry Chrysler' he smiles

'well when life gives you lemons,' i smile back 'im shuri by the way'. Once we look away from our conversation we notice everyone around us confused it was quite hilarious. Just as steeb is about to question it my favourite assassin walks in with, another teen?. Oh this is gonna be a fun week. Nat puts the teen down and takes the gadget off of her she looks over to nat glaring than softens as she turns back to the group. I can tell she was waiting for someone to introduce her. 'y/n this is t'challa king of Wakanda and shuri princess of Wakanda' nat explains 'guys this is y/n' she gestures.

'what are those!' i said pointing to her shoes.

'they are my crocs' she says monotone but then breaks out into a smile. All the teenagers in the room (Wanda, Pietro, peter, Shuri, y/n) are smirking at the adults confused faces.

'she's wearing converse??' steve questions his face about to explode with confusion, we all stifle a laugh as tony leads us to the couch before dinner. We are all seated us teenagers on the floor away from everyone.

3rd person

'you think introducing them to shuri was a good idea' t'challa asks. Everyone shakes their heads realising the caios this is gonna cause.

'nat?' clint asks, she turns her head to Katniss and mumbles a yes. 'your shoulders bleeding' nat looks confused and looks at her left shoulder. Nat moves her shirl out of the way to see no wound. Only the shirt had y/n. she had thrown y/n over her shoulder. Wait. She thinks. Nat looks over at y/n seeing the evil glint in all their eyes kinds concerned. But then her eyes wander down to the red colouring the side of y/ns hoodie.

'y/n!' nat raises her voice. y/n whips her head in the direction confused by the sudden noise 'your bleeding' nat says like it was obvious. This catches everyone's attention, wanda goes to get the first aid dragging y/n with her. Nat smirks knowing wanda can take care of her, and sits back in her chair.

'are they dating??' shuri asks the boys, they look confused both saying no, 'really?' shuri says shocked by this information. This makes the boys think for a second.

'i mean they do cuddle and sit together a lot?' Pietro questions not really used to having any type of relationship other than with his sister. Peter nods in agreement.

Wanda pov

When i notice y/n bleeding i look over concerned then i see the red colour on her hoodie and drag her up to my room.

'y/n why didn't you tell anyone your hurt?' i question sitting her on my bed. She just shrugs.

'well i didn't think it would continue bleeding, than i got hyper-focused on my watch so i guess i just ignored it?' she sort of questions. I return next to y/n helping her with her hoodie. Once its off i notice all the bruises,

'y/n? whats with the bruises?' i question disinfecting the cut.

'uh i tripped in class and kinda knocked the desk over and it fell on me?' she lies really well. I nod, putting the bandage on. I don't make a comment on all the scars over her torso and limbs, even the concerning looking one from her hip i don't comment on how her ribs stick out of her chest not to much to be concerning but. y/n puts the hoodie back on standing up she pulls me up with her our faces inches apart.


I finally posted

Hopefully i can post another today 

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