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y/n pov

I begun to feel worse than when i work up, i really needed a drink but my throat was to sore to talk and my body doesn't have enough strength to get one myself, even if i was to stand up i would inevitably throw up. Accepting defeat in pain i try to go to sleep even if its for a bit just to stop feeling like this.

Nats pov

Im in the middle of making y/n a bit of lunch when i hear Yelena over my music. I take one of my earphones out and look at her. 'hmm' i ask.

'i said i don't think she looks to well' she informs 'worse even' she adds as i walk over to see y/n. i make it in front of my kid to see her curled up on the couch her face has lost colour and she seems to be sweating slightly, as she sleeps her face and body was tense. I reach the back of my hand to feel her forehead to see she is burning up again.

'shit' i mumble straightening up and turning to Yelena. 'can you watch the food i gotta get a few things.

'fine but im making spicey macaroni' she calls searching the cupboards for a pot

'i would have thought you have grown out of that by now' i chuckle down the hall walking backwards as her mouth is open her face expressing fake hurt.

I go to run a bath for after lunch making it as cold as possible. After that's done and i get the medicine a change of clothes and towel all set up i make my way down to bruce.

'banner could you come see whats wrong with y/n?' i ask stepping into the lab. He nods and without saying a word follows me up to the main room. When we make it Yelena is plating the food i made onto 2 plates i see her take a nugget from the one with more food which i assume is mine, i roll my eyes at her which she notices when she looked up at us. She spins around to the stove to grab her macaroni and basically dumps all the hot sauce on it. I ignore her and lead bruce over to a sleeping y/n. i crouch infront of her gently stroking the hair that had fallen onto her face behind her ear. Gently caressing her cheek i whisper for her to wake up.

'Давай, милая, ты должна проснуться сейчас' (come on sweetheart you got to wake up now) i coo in our native language. I notice she had woken up by her breathing but she doesn't open her eyes.

Еще 5 минут мама (5 more minutes mama) i hear her in my head.

Whats wrong with your voice hun

Hurts to much

Can you sit up bruce needs to see whats wrong with my baby

Im not a baby but could you help. to sore ..

i chuckle softy and putting my hands under her arms lifting her into my lap as she leans against me sleepily facing bruce. i can feel how hot she is and i need to get her fed. I don't know why but since i met y/n ive felt this motherly protection towards her and she has given me another thing to live for.

'y/n could you stick out your tongue' bruce asks pulling up a stool in front of us. When y/n doesn't do anything i softly bounce my leg up and down and she sticks her tongue out.

Time skip to after

'ok so the vomiting if food poising but other than that she just has a cold it will be gone in a few days' he concludes making his way back to the lab. I nod and thank him picking up y/n and bringing her to the kitchen.

'its about time you were taking so long i started eating without you' Yelena complains just standing in the kitchen with the hot pot and a fork. I softly push the plate closer to y/n as she kept dropping her food when it fell off the fork. She turns looks me in the eyes smiling than turns back to her food. I had gotten the two of us cold water and had to refill y/ns a couple times. Eventually she finished and turned to me again holding her arms out. I smirked picking her up. And walking back to the bathroom.

'noo i wanna sleep' she rasps upon seeing the bath.

'you can after the bath' i tell her she dramatically falls out of my arms and onto the floor with a loud thud. 'Y/N? WHAT WAS THAT FOR' she just shrugs. I was interrupted by my phone ringing 'if i come back and your not in that bath i will throw you out the window' i inform exiting the bathroom.

I take out my phone to see wandas contact. Confused i answer the call. 'hey nat just wanted to see how y/n was?' she asks

'your girlfriend is fine wands but is stubborn and wont get in the bath!' i say the last part a bit louder so y/n can hear.

'is her fever back?' wanda asks worry evident in her voice.

'uh yeah, bruce said its just a cold and will be gone in a few days' i inform her she sighs in relief until i hear y/n calling me. 'yes y/n?' i ask softly. She had gotten in the bath but i could tell how uncomfortable she was with the temperature 'bit cold?' i question smiling

'yes and can i talk to wanda, she is my girlfriend' y/n says. I smile and roll my eyes putting the phone on speaker on the bench.

'wands its on speaker you can talk to y/n and ill leave you guys be' i say backing out. I sit on my bed and i can hear their muffled voices and the occasional laugh.

20 minutes later i hear y/n calling me in my mind. 'yes?' i say walking into the bathroom.

'wanda had to go and im all wrinkly. could you help me out?' she ask, i nod and walk over to her helping her out of the bath and over to the clothes. Helping her again with the clothes i then carry her out to bed. Plopping y/n on the bed i leave to get a glass of water for when she wakes up.

I return a minute later with a glass and i put it on her bedside table kissing her forehead i say 'goodnight' and i leave the room turning off y/ns bedroom light.

'shes gonna be okay' i hear Yelena reassure me when i walk back into the lounge. I nod sitting down and picking up the darkest minds book.


i had no motivation to write but hope this doesn't suck but


if you guys have seen the latest episode of hawkeye or no way home please feel free to comment on this or pm me or anything bc i wanna rant to people and everyone else in my life hasnt seen it yet but is gonna 

also thank you @Romanoff276 for discussing theories 

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