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3rd person pov

When y/n was seen in Steve's arms as they were the last ones on everyone rushed to them frightening y/n more. Tears begin to stream down her face once again which concerns everyone, she squirms out of steves arms and runs to a corner trying to make herself as small as possible which wasn't hard. Her brain was fighting itself one side happy to be out of the red room but the other side which is winning is scared that these people want tot to finish her off. She scolds herself for being scared. Showing emotions should have been such a distant concept however it seems to be the opposite. The team exchange worried glances, they all notice her state and cant even imagine what happened to her. They decide to give her the trip to calm down.

'wanda can you see what she is thinking about' nat asks worried, when she was in the redroom things never got this bad sure they were beaten and barely fed but this is a new level, there was no patch of skin that wasn't hurt covered with bruises and cuts and even burns. Wanda just nods.

However that was a mistake. Wanda sees all the horrible things she had been through but what hurt her more was the memories, especially the ones of the team she remembers a lot of them but now, now they were all bad where the avengers turned against y/n. she realises this is why she was scared of them. Wanda turns to nat with tears in her eyes shock and guilt on her face.

'wanda whats wrong?' nat asks now very concerned. The witch takes a minute to compose herself before looking nat dead in the eyes.

'us.' She says quietly. The rest of the trip was quiet , small talk was next to nothing. the gentle hum of the engine lulled many to sleep. As it was almost 3 in the morning the only ones left were. Tony, wanda, y/n and Pietro.

y/n pov

most of the team had fallen asleep now it was only, quick silver, scarlett witch and iron man. The sokovians hadn't done anything much to me in my memories so i wasn't to threatened. luckily the worst had fallen asleep. Black widow especially. She had done more emotional torture which i was surprised worked. I felt my eyelids begin to get heavy but i forced them to stay open. Sleep is for the weak.

Quicksilver opens a bright purple bag spilling the contence on the ground Infront of him, the silver haired man chucks one at his sister and 2 at iron man before looking over at me.

Pietro pov

I open the bag of freddos (its chocolate) i had been stashing for a while and chuck one harshly at my little sister before looking at tony and throwing 2 in his directions. I look for anyone else awake but see no one apart from y/n i look over at her with a small smile before handing another over to wanda. 'could you float this over to y/n please' i ask smiling . She rolls her eyes at me before turning to y/n smiling a warm smile and floating it slowly over to her.

We watch as she flinches at the red thing and digs her nails into her knees curling up tighter. Wanda puts it down an arm's reach away smiling again before opening hers and decapitating the head from its body. Stank had already scoffed his down and was trying to sneak another in which i run past him a bit to close and his eyes water from the sudden wind. I smirk and take my place back next to Wanda. We all watch out of the corner of out eyes to see what y/n is going to do with the chocolate she just stares at it, pocketing it minutes later we smile and my sister and i go back to our quiet conversation

After an hour tony and y/n are both out sleeping peacefully however the down side is that we got home 20 minuets ago. neither Wanda or i could open the jet and were stuck. So sadly we have to wake someone, we weigh our options and wake steve.

'huh?' he questions

'uh we got back like 20 minutes ago. we cant figure out how to open the jet'

. He laughs and pulls a lever opening the door thingy. Steve decides to have the great idea of falling over knocking a few things and waking everyone even y/n who looks very scared as opposed to the verry scary avengers since they all just got woken up from amazing sleep.

'uh were home?' he trys rubbing the back of his neck. They all groan and pull themselves out of the jet.

Nats pov

We all get woken up and if looks could kill steve would be dead. Its not until we realise were are back when our glares lessen and we pick ourselves up dragging eachother up to our rooms most go to shower however i think clint and sam just passed out on the couch. I was about to leave aswell and shut the door when i notice another body still in the jet. 'y/n come on hun its cold we have to get inside'. She runs past me straight into the building. I sigh something is bad.

Just before i go to my room i make my way to wanda. Knocking i wait until i get consent before entering. 'h-hey nat' she greets in between a yawn.

10 minutes later.

Im holding back tears as wanda finished explaining what she saw when she was in y/ns mind. I thank her and try to get to sleep in my room.

Peter pov

After mindlessly saving some other people i make sure everyone is out however i cant stop thinking about may and how i couldn't save her. Stupid parker luck. I have no where to go, my home destroyed i cant go to the tower, to many questions. I decide to just find a nice roof to fall asleep on. I keep thinking it should have been me who died not may. May didn't deserve to die. I let the tears pour out as the stupid survivors guilt takes over. I look down at the photo album i had in my hands. And chuck it across the roof im on. It lands open on the page of the day of the stark display. I had worn my iron man mask and was so happy when ben agreed to take me. A sad smile curls onto my face as i realise i have no relatives left. Everyone is dead. I close my eyes but all i see is mays dead ghost haunting me. Her body falling under everything down many levels, tears well up again and im in a full out breakdown session. Eventually i have cried myself to sleep woken every now and again by a nightmare of may and other family members dead faces.


Happy days.

Also since uh when was this book at 13.5 k reads like thank you so much. 

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