shut down

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Tw almost r@pe and slight @buse

y/n pov
i was trying to get out of the school to get fresh air when i was harshly dragged into another room. I look up to see him.

'hey y/o/n' he laughs. 'just because u altered ur name doesn't mean i wouldn't forget you' the filthy man smirks. I knew that look. I tried to leave but he just locked the door grabbing my short hair and pulling me down behind the desk. No. please. No. i scoot away from him hitting the wall. I hear his belt being ripped from his pants and pants hitting the floor. I close my eyes in fear something that doesn't come around often. I faintly hear a bell go but that doesn't stop him his footsteps come closer and i curl up into a tighter ball wrapping my arms around myself. A tear rolls down my cheek. His rough hands slap the tear away leaving my skin to go red just as he is about to do it the class walks in.

3rd person pov
'HEY!' y/n hears a girl shout. Sir stands up facing the students however a buff senior who y/n  assume to be a football player pushes him up against the whiteboard keeping him in place. The girl runs up to y/n careful before touching her. 'hey y/n' she says more softly y/n doesn't answer she is in a full shut down. She can hear but cant register. One of the boys goes up to help the other hold the teacher on the ground whilst others had already ran to the office. 'can you come with me?' Jamie the girl questions. y/n just slightly nods, not getting up if she didn't already know Jamie she would have never agreed. 'am i allowed to pick you up?' she questions. Another short nod and y/n is lifted into Jamie's warm safe embrace. They make it outside, y/n and Jamie had met a couple days ago when flash was beating her up. Flash had jsu gotten back form a trip to Italy with his loaded parents and was gloating, lets just say that flash did not like the comment y/n made . y/n's mind was trapped in a flash back, she was unresponsive and over all looked bad. 'y/n any one you want me to get or call?' Jamie asks starting to get worried.

Mj peter and ned run around looking for y/n, they knew sometimes when things got to much she shut down. They were just hoping that this didn't happen as she was commonly unresponsive in a ball somewhere. They see a bunch of teachers speed walking to a room aswell as many senior students. Mj walks up to one of her friends.

'ashlyn what happened?' mj questions.

'not for me to say, but if your looking for y/n she is outside' ash responds pointing to the door. Mj nods and walks out.

'Geez how many people do you know??' peter asks. Mj knows anyone for anything.

The trio makes it out to see Jamie sitting next to a balled y/n. 'Mj thank god. I don't know what to do she is pretty out of it'. Jamie says concern laced in her voice.

'that's okay jamie' mj assures. Giving y/n her hand to play with the rings. 'peter could you pass me y/n's phone?' mj asks to the tall boy holding y/ns bag. He nods snapping out of his bewilderment worried about hi friend. Pete hands mj the phone and. Mj uses her own finger print to open it. Her fingers flying threw the homepage and getting to spiders contact. Nat picks up after 2 rings.

Nats pov
I was in the middle of keeping clint from flinging mash potatos at sam and bucky when my phone rung. I was about to ignore it when i saw the contact. I let go of clint. Holding my hand up to shush everyone. The room becomes dead silent as i answer the call.

'hey nat, its MJ' i was confused as to why it was mj especially since they were all still meant to be at school but quickly wondered if something had happened to y/n.

'oh hey mj is y/n alright' i ask hoping nothing is bad. There is a long pause until mj replys.

'uh no not really' she pauses

'what do you mean?! Is she hurt?' i questions bringing a hand up to my forehead.

'no not physically but she has shut down' mj explains

'Shut down?' i ask not full understanding

'ok so when there is just too much of something like sound, light, textures or experiences sometimes she will just shut down she wont respond, doesn't move, sits in a ball, it has only happened a couple of times.' Mj explain i realise a breath thankful she wasn't hurt. 'i don't think she can last the day here' mj adds.

'okay can her carers pick her up or do you think i should?' i question not wanting to over step.

'uh i think its best for you to come here' mj resorts and i go grab my keys. Mj hangs up and the team gives me questioning looks.

'im going to pick y/n up from school' i tell them not giving them an explanation.

i arrive at the school entrance closest to y/n's location and rushed out of the car. I didn't bother to put on a nano mask considering mj said it was only them and a friend. I run up to y/n crouching up in front of her.

'hey детка do you wanna come back with me' (baby/kid) i say lifting her chin to look at me. She melts into the gesture allowing me to pick her up in a hug, she nods into my neck. I stand up her clinging to me chest to chest. I smile at the group and wave at the shocked black haired girl i assumed to be the friend. 'pete could you come put the bag in the front for me my hands are kinda full' i laugh, they smile and all follow me.

'bye miss romanoff' peter waves.

'bye pete see you later. And thank you mj, for calling me' i wave putting y/n in the passengers side and getting in.

A/n okay so a lot want pete but a few still want mj so i will just leave relationships for a while but if you have any idea or anything else you want please comment. see you in the next chapter.

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