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Nats pov

I take the long way back to the tower letting y/n just listen to the calm music. I think about taking her to the art museum but then remember that its closed. Eventually we make it back to the tower and i get out to go help y/n. she nods and lets me pick her up and i take her through the private entrance and up the elevator. Friday seems to already know what to do and takes us up. y/n has her arms tight against her chest as she leans into me her legs wrapped around my waist. we walk in and everyone is in the main room. I feel her muscles begin to tighten a bit so i quickly try to get past the others. All the avengers were around either eating, watching a movie or just around doing whatever. I try to get past only to be stopped my tony.

'so that's where you run off to' tony smiles with a drink in his hand. This catches everyone's attention they all start talking at once and i feel my shirt begin to get wet i look down to see y/n shaking a bit and crying. I push past tony and go into my room.

y/ns pov

i recognised another voice i don't know how but given the memories i thought it was one of the men tears pooled up in my eyes and i could fell myself begin to shake. Suddenly more voices started asking questions and it was to much i curl my hands into balls.

3rd person pov

Nat brings y/n into her room putting y/n on the floor. 'Friday dim the lights' nat instructs the AI 'Что произошло' (what happened?) Instead of y/n telling nat she just showed her whats going on in her mind.

The first memory is from the first day

y/n walks up to the bar where they were meeting the knew carer. Her sick face framed by the hair neatly brushed just below her shoulders. The worker leaves and y/n is pulled into the bar with Hayley.

'listen here you little brat. Your gonna have some fun with my friends before we leave. Okay' with that Hayley pushes y/n into the room with half a dozen grown balding men. 'have fun boys' she snickers as she closes the door.

She gets thrown to the ground as they started. All it was was pain for the most of it she was just hit or thrown into a wall. Their fun lasted for hours until Hayley busted back into the room. They stopped and Hayley thanked the men as they walked out. Hayley grabbed her hair and dragged y/ns almost unconscious body through the streets up the stairs and into her apartment. Where she was forced to clean the filthy place if she stopped for even a second a bottle would come flying at her head.

By the end of the long day y/n collapsed on the floor of her room not enough energy to make it to the bad excuse for a bed

The second memory was what it was like at "home'' other than that

Unlike many of the homes she had a room. It wasn't much of one but it was better. She had a bed frame and the thinnest mattress it could be a blanket. A single candle illuminated the room. Most of the time when she wasn't working or at the bar she was locked in the room for days without food some days she would sneak out through the window to get air only to be harassed on the streets. It showed what Hayley did to her over the smallest mistakes how she would walk away coughing up her own blood. The way the lines on her back were covered in welts.

And finally y/n felt like nat got the point she just showed her the last memory of her

y/n walking into class and seeing that person again than leaving. That was it.

When y/n looked up at nat she could see her red eyes even in the dimmer lights you could tell she shed some tears. Why? y/n never understood why but nothing she can do right. Eventually nats eyes met y/ns and she pulled the younger girl in for a hug.

'Вы вернетесь через час, если вы все еще готовы к покупкам' (ill be back in 2 hours if your still up for shopping) nat says walking out. y/n nods and stares at the wall in front of her.

Nats pov

I let y/n just have some time to think as i make my way back to the kitchen. Wanda is the first to come up to me

'h-hey nat is y/n okay' she asks obviously worried as to why she was back from school so early.

'she will be wands' i reassure her

'will be? Nat what happened' wanda asks

'she saw one of her old carers she shut down' i say hesitantly 'but she seems to be coming out of this one faster so hopefully she will be good for shopping later' i add after. Wanda nods and goes to sit on the arm chair obviously thinking about y/n. i see my sister walk down the hall with bucky. The two of them must be in deep conversation probably about their trauma Yelena loves to joke about it but i know it still pains her. they part when they get to the main area Yelena comes over to me and bucky goes to jump on his boyfriend.

'so why u run off earlier?' she questions

'i had to pick y/n up from school, she shut down' i say drinking some water. Yelena nods drinking vodka. 'do you ever drink anything besides straight vodka?' i question laughing

'yes actually i like a nice pepsi and butterscotch or pepsi and dark rum, they are nice drinks' Yelena says drinking some more. I roll my eyes walking to the couch. 


does anyone have a good recipe for gluten and dairy free desserts?

anyway hows life?

comment 1 power and someone can reply to it with its set backs for example

you can time travel

but someone replys with: but they further you go back the younger you age and vise versa

i feel like this will be fun to see what u guys come up with so. be creative 

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