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3rd person pov

The class makes their way down to the floor their on and bc their teacher is no longer there kady has to stay with them which she doesn't really mind. It is around 8pm so no one is really tired. The group decide to play truth or dare.

'ok so kate truth or dare' debra asks once it was her turn

'uh dare' she challenges

'ok lick someones elbow' kate looks shocked and confused but turns to betty and licks her elbow, betty was a bit shocked and confued as well but wipes her elbow on kates shoulder getting slight revenge. The rounds go for a while, some people ended up with penut butter on their eyebrows, don't ask whereas another had to chug lemon juice the group was about to play 2 truths and a lie before Friday announces.

'its 930 please go to your rooms and settle in. Mr stark has said you do not need to go to sleep but just do not talk, the sound goes through the vents and right into his workshop' the class laughs and nods even though the AI couldn't see them or could she, they stretch as they were getting up and leave to their bedrooms.

y/n pov

once mj and i get back to our room we change and get into our pj's. 'wandas?' mj questions smirking, i look down to see that i infact did have wandas pj's, they had her name on the back, apparently last yeah tony got everyone these pyjamas. i laugh and mj joins.

'uh yeah must've grabbed them by accident' i smile not really remembering. The room falls into a comfortable silence until i remember 'right mj, tony wants us as in ned peter u and me up at the penthouse at ten' i inform her

'that's nice i wonder if its another bake off' mj smirks, i smile and jump up onto my bed mj getting on hers. I was staring at the celing when my phone goes off, it was a text from mj. I open it confused bc she could have just talked to me but when i opened it i realised it was game pigeon and she wanted to play pool, i smiled and tapped the icon to play.

After a couple rounds my alarm goes off to begin to head up stairs. 'michelleeeeeee' i sing

'nooooooo' she sings back

'well that was rude, anyway we gotta get the boys and head up' i inform the girl. She nods and we make it out the door. Knocking on peter and neds door. peter opens the door in his spiderman onesie. 'you have a onesie of yourself?' i question laughing

'hey! May got it for me before she knew i was spiderman' peter defends i can see a bit of sadness in his eyes but he smiles as ned comes up to the rest of us. We all begin to go out to the elevator getting in and going up.

'what do you think it is?' ned asks but before anyone could answer the doors opened to weird cheery music playing.

3rd person pov

The group walks into the living room to hear Christmas music playing and a bunch of boxes on the floor and a random tree in the middle, y/n looks so confused everyone looks weirdly happy.

'cHiLdReN come here' tony summons the group. They walk over everyone seems to know what is happening except y/n. 'since it is the 1st of December meaning its almost Christmas (idk if the dates even match up but i have the power so) we r gonna put the tree up, do decorations etc etc and u children get to help' tony grins everyone smiles but y/n is trying to rack her brain for anything about this subject. After failing she questions.

'Christmas?? Whats that' everyone in the room goes silent as jingle bells rock plays in the backround. Nat is the first to speak

'remember photo day?' she questions y/n nods wanting answers 'well the one with the colourful tree and wrapped empty boxes was the supposed Christmas one' she explains, y/n nods briefly remembering parts.

'hold up' clint raises a finger 'we will get back to the whats Christmas thing in a second but the red room would put wrapped empty boxes under a tree for you to open just to take a photo?' clint questions

'yeah they did all the holidays in one day' y/n says

'dam that's messed up' he exhales

'hm so the assassin training isn't?' nat laughs y/n joins.

'no- that's—that's not what i ment' clint trys

'its fine bird brain but can someone explain how we begin to decorate this tree' y/n gestures to the green thing in the corner.

Everyone chuckles and grabs various tinsel and baul balls to decorate. Y/n is confused about the meaning of this but has fun anyway. Pietro is the first to get to the tree and attaches one end of the tinsel to the bottom of the tree than speeds around it wrapping the tree in silver. Wanda floats baul balls to the top because tony insisted on getting the tallest tree. Others were placing various things on the tree in the middle and bottom portions, making it very colourful. y/n helps steve wrap the lights around the tree. Tony hung little action figures of the avengers on the tree which made them all groan because he insists putting them up every year. This time he took the effort to 3d print ones of peter and y/n to put on the tree, the pair smiled when they saw this and hugged him. The tree was almost done.

'c-can i put the star on the top?' peter asks slightly jumping up and down. Tony smiles and nods, peter flicks a wrist webbing up to the ceiling to place it on top. He jumps down looking triumphant. The crew take a step back admiring their work. They look around at the remaining decorations and place them all around the room.

'good work guys' tony congratulates. They all smile and wanda walks over to y/n, grabbing her hands and pulling her away to the side.

'we still good for tomorrow?' she questions y/ns face brightens and she nods

'wouldn't miss it' she claims pulling her in for a kiss, they both smile into it as wanda wraps her arms around the shorter girls waist pulling her closer.

'GET A ROOM' peter and sam yell. Both girls point their middle fingers at him pulling away from the kiss.

'good night' they call stepping back into the elevator to hopefully get back without anyone noticing.

When they arrived back to the floor it opens to see one of their classmates watching octanorts on the tv. When the classmate herd the elevator ding they turned around. The group of 4 walk into the floor questioning looks on their faces.

'we didn't see you, you didn't see us' mj resorts looking at them. They nod and turn back to the tv. The friends get settled in their rooms saying goodnight and going to sleep. 


i litterally say this all the time but i love you guys all your comments make me smile alot more than i used to. so thank you and have a good day or night.

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