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3rd person pov

The team all went to the lounge to enjoy their chosen meals. Mj, wanda, pietro and peter were on the floor. Unfortunately ned had to go home just before the food arrived. The rest were sprawled on the couch happily eating. Mj and peter were spilling all the tea about there school to the other teens. Well mainly it was mj since she observed and listened to people when they thought she couldn't hear the because she was reading. Peter was quite shocked by a lot of the tea he also listened intrigued. (a/n not me about to write some of the tea from my school)

'So this new chick named scarlett came to school on Wednesday and instantly started talking shit about everyone, come first break everyone herd about her and despised her. She was calling any and everyone a slur of some sort making fun of people for the smallest things. By second break she tried to start a fight however no one was on her side, even all the islanders and barbie girl group were against Scarlett.' Mj took a moment to get the rest of the details in line. 'so than when the fight got broken up buy a teacher she was taken to the year level coordinator, right so she just stayed in his office for the rest of the day than got suspended for a week. And no one has seen her since never came back' mj smirks. Eating some of her noodles. Everyone was shocked at how much tea mj knew, luckily it got all there minds off of y/n. until an alert from Friday told the team they had a location. Everyone abandons their food and impatiently runs down to the lab.

'w-we got it' tony smiles. Hope returns again in everyones eyes.

'great where and when do we go' nat urges

'as soon as we can and they look to be in a base somewhere near new York almost 3 hours on the quintet.' Tony taps a few things. When everyone turns to leave a certain one eyed man walks in.

'you are not to go after this intern' fury orders.

'and why is that' sam asks, crossing his arms.

'your priority right now is the vigilantes' he informs.

'great were done that now we are going, byeeeeee' tony calls leaving the room. Everyone else sneaks out past fury who looks like he could kill anyone with a single stare.

y/n pov

i danced gracefully across the floor hitting every beat perfectly every jump landed with expertise. Last night they went a little far with the chains but that didn't matter my body was getting used to being in pain as well as beginning to get used to the lack of food. Every step hurt every stretch shot pain through my small body. I finished my routine and nodded to madame b before taking my ballet shoes off to do sets.

Just as everyone is getting taken to lunch, if you could even call it that, it was rarely more than a single piece of bread and a small fruit. But of course i was lead a different way. I sigh grabbing my gear and exiting through another door on the opposite side of the room. They give me the 10 minutes of lunch to tend to any of the injury's i have considering they want me to stay alive. They never give me enough for the amount i have so i only ever do the worst.

If someone was to see me now i would look like i was 10 i was that under weight. I was always tired as i would never sleep unless i was passed out. I was always in pain but didn't really care anymore. My mind battled with itself every day training was the only escape. I know what the redroom put in my memories were true i was just trying to convince myself that they wernt. No one loved me and i know that no one ever will. I was so scared at the possibility i had to go back to the tower the people i knew i loved just hurt to think about. I was yanked out of my mind by the door being harshly thrown open. It was the guard that would always take me to the excel room i sighed not really caring if this next trip killed me and followed him out of the room no argument.

Nats pov

We all slipped out from fury's fury and got our gear ready to head to the quinjet. I passed peter when we were leaving and needed to ask if he wanted to come or not. I was fully aware that he was spiderman and could easily be a brilliant asset however wanted his opinion on coming.

'hey маленький паук' (little spider) i greeted coming up to him 'are you coming on the mission or do you want to stay back' i ask before adding 'we can give you comms if u want to stay but listen'

' it is pretty late and may will want me back so ill take the second option thank you' peter smiles. I hand peter 2 comms and tell him to give one to mj as they leave. He nods smiling and heads to the elevator with mj already in it.

We all get to the quinjet all hoping we are not to late.

Peter pov

Mj and i talk on the way down to the lobby and i hand her the earpiece as we part. I smiles and wave a she waves back and i walk to an ally to get changed considering it is already 9 and i should start patrol. As soon as i put my mask on i get a ton of notifications from karen. But one stands out.

'Your apartment block seems to be in flames with 33 people still inside' i pale in shock hoping may wasn't in their still.

'karen begin reading lists of who is in the building and were' i ask her swinging home.


decided to spice a few things up. and as always see you in the next chapter.

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