an interesting night

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Tw kinda pulling an object out of someone and blood

Loki pov

I had received a text grinning at the message i straighten my black tie and sneak out of my room trying to get out of the tower un noticed. I held the single dark rose in my right hand fiddling with my rings on my left. i had planned this night for a while and i couldn't wait for it to play out.

Successfully i make it out of the tower glancing behind me to make sure im not followed i made my way to the old library. Looking around for a certain someone. I see them. Their long black hair carefully braided down their back the outfit they wore was elegant yet casual. I sneak up behind them wrapping my arms around their waist.

'evening darling' i hum and they smile.

y/n pov

i watch as loki sneaks out of the tower. I wait for him to get in the elevator before sprinting down the stairs in order to not loose him. When i get down i see him just a few meters ahead and smirk to myself as i silently follow them down the street. He looks behind and i quickly turn to the nearest ally. After a few seconds i look around the wall and see that he had continued walking. I follow him and begin to recognise the streets.

'the library?' i mumble so only i could hear. Why was he going to the library stark had one did he not. When we get into the place i only see one other person in there. Some mystery person with dark hair. I sit away from them pulling out a random book. In the reflection of the glass i see loki snake his arms around the persons waist. This peaks my interest. Did the god have a partner? I question.

I was about to leave when my phone went off. Like very loudly. I hear a loud sigh 'you can come out y/n' loki says. I slowly stand up and lean on the bookcase near them

'surprise?' i say. Loki shakes his head and i get the point. 'fine fine ill leave but give me the details' i point a finger at them. I dont give him time to disagree because i leave answering on of the many calls from wanda

'y/n? Y/N?' she says

'hey wands' i say as i begin to walk back to the tower.

'y/n omg i woke up and you wernt there or in the kitchen, where are you?' she asked worried

'im sorry for worrying you but i went to get water but i saw loki sneaking out and i well i wanted to see why. i was bored' i tell her truthfully

'that's fine im sorry for stressing. Are you coming back?' she questions.

'maybe?' i paused and sighed. 'i forgot how calm the city is at night. If its okay i might just walk around for a bit' i answer looking at the sky how quiet it could get at night.

'you don't need my permission have fun buba. Tell me if anything goes wrong' i smile and agree ending the call and walking to my old spot before it all.

Loki pov

After the young mortal leaves i turn back to my love. They were reading some poetry book and i smiled picking up another book. We sat side by side enjoying the company. Suddenly i remember the rose. I pull it out laying the flower on their book. They smile instantly picking it up careful of the thorns the grab it examining the plant 'thank you' they whisper leaning on my lap continuing to read their book. I smirk reading mine aswell

Time skip about an hour.

The library closed so i brought them up to the towers roof for a moonlit dinner.

y/n pov

i was sitting on my old roof. It was near the tower and relatively secluded. I shivered a bit at the cold considering i was just in a hoodie. I was lost in my thoughts. Me an orphan neglected as a child now had the best family living in an amazing home i couldn't help but smile. I laid back on the stone wall of the roof looking up at the stars. Suddenly the door to the roof opened

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