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3rd person pov

'lets start shall we' y/n smirks. Sam groans. Wanda chuckles and peter is trying to find the difference between all the flours.

Both teams have been challenged to make a sweet treat based of a character in which they would have to draw from a hat. Clint brings over the hat with random characters names in it in which clint had just took people from the fandoms the people in the tower were in, lets just say there was a wide variety. wandas team go first they reach into the hat and pull a name out, sams team goes next and they do the same.

'who are you stuck with' clint asks like he is talking to a camera.

'we got Jonathan byers' wanda informs them

'uh we got some guy named nico di angelo' sam reads, y/ns face lights up and the other teams sighs.

'at least outs will taste better' peter equals. Wanda shrugs and gets to work. Mixing various ingredients peter asks how he can help and he has to mix colours for the icing which he happily agrees to because he doesn't really know how to cook.

'so what do you know about this nico guy' sam asks seeing y/n drawing on paper a design.

'ok so basically a lot. But for what matters to this i know just what will work. Its simple and amazing' y/n smiles

'ok shoot'

'basically we need a rainbow cake but the outside is frosted with black icing' sam looks at her with confusion but shrugs knowing nothing about this character.

'okay mix all these in a bowl' sam instructs y/n nods.

y/n pov

i had absolutely no idea what i was doing but i knew this idea was immaculate. I finish mixing the ingredients and telepathically communicate with wanda. Your going down sucker i inform her as sam pours in this yellow liquid.

Uh huh sure

Your just jealous

What ever helps you sleep at night

I roll my eyes and mix both substances together till it has no clumps and is a sold colour. Sam separates it in 6 different bowls and passes me 3, 'mix one colour into each' he instructs i nod and do that. After we mix it we tip them into trays and into the oven. Beginning to clean out work space.

Peter pov

I finish mixing the required colours for the cookies we are doing. We both brainstormed and decided to make camera cookies. Wanda cant find the cookie cutters so she just chops them which works surprisingly well. We get the cookies into the oven just before the other team, and begin to clean our area. The icing is ready for when they are done so now we wait. I look over to the other team and they are sitting down on their phones waiting. Well sam is on his phone and y/n is staring at the oven. Wanda goes to join her sitting next to her y/n leans into her and everyone smiles.

I wave my arms around signalling over to sam. He looks up notices and takes a photo, that's when i remember the trip, i quickly stand up and grab my form taking it over to tony who is at the couch.

'hey mr stark could you please sign this permission slip for my trip tomorrow' i ask he smiles grabbing the note and a pen.

'where you going' he smirks.

'oh we don't know the teacher is going to tell us tmmr on the bus' mr stark nods smirking i look at him confused until ms romanoff asks a question.

'y/n do you have a form' she slightly raises her voice so y/n could hear her, y/n turns to look at her.

'oh yeah, ill grab it' she says jumping up from leaning on wanda to run to her bag which was still on the floor. She unzips it and grabs the white paper and brings it over to nat. she signs the paper and hands it back.

'so you guys don't know where your going' she confirms, we both nod going back to the kitchen after putting our notes in our bags. Wanda opens her arms again and y/n sits in her lap and wanda wraps her arms around her giving her a hug. y/n leans back into wanda who smiles.

30 minutes later

Sam pov

I need to take the cakes out now but the love birds are sitting in front of the oven enjoying themselves and the warmth. 'ok love birds, wanda i need y/n back we are still in this competition.' I inform them, a light blush appears on their cheeks and they separate. y/n helps me take the cakes out with her powers and sets them on the stove to cool, once we step away after checking the centre the other team open the oven and take their cookies out.

10 minutes later

3rd person pov

Both teams begin to ice their sweet both turning out quite well. Wanda and peter have detailed designs on their camera cookies whereas sam and y/n have just simply iced their entire cake black. But that not being enough sam adds little black flowers as well. 10 minutes later the whole team is gathered for the tasting.

'first we have the walmart bird boy and the baby widow, with a black? Cake' clint questions

'it sums up nico's character' y/n informs.

'okay lets try it, nat if you will' clint steps a side and nat grabs a knife from her boot cutting the cake quickly and evenly.

'natasha please tell me that is not the knife you stabbed tony with this morning' steve shakes his head. Nat looks at him like it was obvious

'no that's this one' she says lowering her arm and lifting it again with a knife in her hand. He just nods while the rest are shocked tony got stabbed.

'MOVing on time to try' clint rubs his hands together. They lift the cake slice to see a perfect rainbow on the inside. The avengers look confused apart from wanda, peter and nat who had been listening to he rants about ghost king for ages.

The Wakanda's are the first to comment on how good the cake is, everyone agreeing quickly. y/n and sam smile and the team turns to wanda and peter

'and on this side we had witchy and webs with camera cookies'. The eager heros grab a cookie each and scoff them down. They all nod gesturing it is good.

'now whos is better' clint announces standing on the bench. 'cookie or cake' the votes are even so we need a final person. As if on que loud thunder is herd.

'Friday inform thor to get down her as fast as he can, say there is food' tony asks the AI, within the second thor is up the stairs and in the kitchen.

'i herd there was food' they nod and hand thor one of each, after devouring both clint asks the question.

'god of thunder which was better' clint puts a fake microphone up to the god.

'man of arrows the cake was the best loved the colours' thor smiles. Sam picks y/n up hugging her, shortly after putting her down to rub it in wandas face that they one. Wanda just chuckles and heads to the couch. y/n, Peter ,tony and bruce go down to the lab. For a couple more hours.


might post another today idk.

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