to swap places

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3rd person pov

y/n passes out dropping from wandas arm around her and falls to the ground. 'y/n ohmygod' wanda exclaims dropping down next to her. this catches the avengers attention. Nat comes over faster than the others but a second later everyone is crowded around an unconscious y/n. peter nervously playing with his tie stands at the back watching. Natasha notices the strange behaviour and looks at him questionably

'peter what do you know?' she enquires pushing the hair out of y/ns face cupping the teens face with her hands

'uh' peter starts scratching his neck

'peter' she warns

'so i looked over to y/n during the gala and she was passed out in these random strangers arms, they were older people each having one of y/ns arms in their own, there was also a boy standing over them he was probably 20 ish. She was dragged and taken to the ally thrown to the ground by the boy um i took care of them-' peter was cut off

'you killed them?' steve questions, peter shakes his head rapidly

'n-no i didn't kill them only webbed them up anyway when i tried to get y/n awake it worked within seconds so i don't know what could have caused her to pass out again' peter tells the team

'did you see what caused her to pass out?' tony enquires. Peter shakes his head and he sighs. 'Friday hasn't found anything ill call bruce he should be home by now' he says shaking his head. After failed attempts in waking y/n up wanda picks her up hugging her in her hold and they all rush back to the quinjet.

'come on bubs wake up' wanda whispers holding y/n tightly in the back of the jet. Peter and Pietro were playing cards quietly glancing at y/n every now and again.

Everyone was doing their own thing but wernt paying all their attention on it. They were worried about y/n no one can just past out than have no identified reason. Considering the fact that they were at a hydra meeting who knows what they concocted to make this happen. Nats hands were shaking softly not to the extent that anyone noticed. Clint was flying the jet trying to get home as fast as they could based on how fast he was flying they would all be home in an hour. Every minute that passed and y/n was still unconscious everyones worry grew.

They got home and didn't even wait for the jet to properly land before opening the door and getting out. They rushed into the med bay and found bruce with a bed already set up since tony had called him on the way home.

'how long has she been out' bruce says coming over

'around 2 hours' bruce nods taping a pencil against his other hand.

'Ok ill run some tests' bruce reasons pushing everyone out of the room peter, nat and especially wanda were very resistant. Bruce couldn't do anything to get them out so steve and Pietro had to pull them out of the room settling in the viewing room. Banner started drawing blood and a bunch of other things before running them through many machines. Bruce walks around the room putting the vials in. a couple minutes later several dings go off one after the other. He takes some things out selecting paper from others he puts them all together and sit back in his chair.

The doctor waves everyone back in and says what it is 'shes been given some sort of serum i believe she was injected with a short sedative first and that's why she woke up so fast the first time however she was also given something to make her body shut off. Her bodys balance has set off but ive put an iv in if all goes well she will be awake in less than 24 hours' bruce nods going back to his lab. Stressing about documents he has to send in for a course the doctor was currently in he leaves the group going back to his desk.

Wanda looks at y/n and the machines around her all connected. What she would do to swap places with her right now. Wanda sits beside y/n grabbing her hand. Yes it was late yes she should sleep but she wont leave y/n. not after the dream she keeps having...


didn't really re read or edit so yeah

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