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Yelenas pov

I make it to the avengers tower to surprise my sister and to be annoying, plus she still has my gun from when she found me in Budapest. Some guy named happy wouldn't let me up at the door so i go to my own methods, grappling hook to the roof it is. You know what the annoying thing is, going up a building its so extra whereas going down one is like a preview of falling which is a preview off death. I look over my shoulder to see im already half way up this building. 'this would be a sad way to die' i comment thinking of much cooler ways to die. its dark outside so at least no one will see me. I get to the top where i can faintly see lights on through the tinted windows.

I walk around the side of the building to try to find an open window cause i don't want my fist hurt it would be annoying. 'ah совершенный' (ah perfect) i smile as some dumbass left their weirdly large circular window open. I unhook my hook and slide into the persons room. Unfortunately i see the bathroom light on form under the door and a shower running. I look around the room to see a red spandex suit. God that must be uncomfortable. I think touching it to feel the tight fabric i raise my point of view to the couple action figures on spider man, then i notice that the suit matches. Spider boy, got it. I mentally take note. The shower turns off so i quickly go for the door stepping out.

My sisters friends are so loud so it is easy for me to follow the noise to where they are. I take a couple turns past many doors and look at many adults on the lounge or floor talking. But no natalia, i snoop around a bit more until im closer to the entrance of the room. 'Hii' i smile 'seen natalia anywhere?' i question. Some guy pulls out a bow from his back?? I even notice, he has an arrow on the bow and has drawed it back pointing it at me.

'how do you know natasha?' he questions i smirk, off course nat didn't tell the cool kids about her little sister. I roll my eyes dismissively, suddenly loud clanks catch my attention and i see a guy with a metal suit around him. I take a step to the kitchen really wanting a drink

'i will ask again, where is black widow' i emphasise the name finding a glass and filling it with some alcohol i found. Before i can take a sip the bow guy shoots an arrow through my glass shattering it. I look over at him and notice all the other people in the room with a weapon off some sort. More had gathered in the room since i saw them. There was a guy with the metal arm, a lame shield wait that's the guy alexi is obsessed with. There is the metal guy and bow guy, ooo the spandex boy is here, some person is just standing there with silver hair, another has a green neck. It was all quite amusing. I wonder why they are all just standing there.

'put your weapons on the ground' the spandex kid says i can tell he is trying to make his voice sound deeper so he must be a kid. I shrug my shoulders

'you want me to just lie on the floor orrr?' i question smirking

'hands behind your back or we will have to fight' captain America orders

'mmm effort' i say without making my mind. The metal guy shoots a beam at me which was rude so i throw a lazer thing at him paralysing his suit. Captain throws his shield which i narrowly miss. As he runs over to me going to hand to hand combat his little arm friend follows.

'under roos web her up' the suit guys says to spandex he nods calling the guy mr stark?' before i notice the kid is coming closer, i throw a net bomb at him because he seems to nice to be electrocuted he was just following orders and i know how that feels. I throw another lazer thing at metal arm and cap but that isn't enough so i throw a couple more after that,

'no offence guys but this is a pretty slow fight' inform them turning to the mohority that are just standing there, the arrow guy was out of the one arrow he had and the green guy had left somewhere, im not that ugly am i, i laugh at my own thought which confuse the surrounding people. suddenly the door swings open catching us all off guard. I stand up when i see my sister at the front.

'wow natasha couldn't even warn your new family of my arrival, how rude' i smirk

'yelena' she answers 'in my defence i didn't know your would be here' she fires back, i shrug my shoulders until i hear another familiar voice.

'yelena' i hear my name again and see. God y/n shes here, i was told she died less than a year ago, yet here she is, i smile a single tear building up in my eye. She runs over to me and i catch her in a hug smiling she hugs me just as tight. y/n pulls away

'i-i still have your vest' she says running off down the hall. I smile as some one clears their throat.

'right so guys this is my baby sister Yelena' nat informs them smiling at the ones on the floor. y/n runs back in with my vest handing it to me. I put it on over my suit smiling. 'and y/n, Yelena how do you know eachother' nat asks,

'i had to clean her wounds bc they wanted to keep her alive' i answer 'but i was told you died a while back, i thought i would never see you again' i tell her looking down at her

'cant get rid of me that easy' she smirks. Nat and the other chick they had walked in with went to help the others out of their traps and everyone sits back at the lounge. Cap and the person i learned to be wanda left. And i was stuck telling my life story which i didn't miss a beat in adding the parts with natasha in the stories i bet this team had never herd. y/n had fallen asleep on nat, and she told me that her and y/n had a sort of mother daughter relationship, but she didn't go into a lot of detail. She smiled at my reaction at me saying im an aunt. They night was short and everyone went to bed around 1.

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