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Tw de@th, @buse, tortur3
3rd person pov
When y/n was taken in peter hopes she was going to be okay. The spider swings back off to his and may's apartment hoping may was still at work. pete sticks a web to the window sliding it up and onto the ceiling he goes. Being his sticky self he scales the roof over to his door. Flinging a web on it he closes the door. Sighing in relief as he wasn't caught. Peter pulls his pyjama suit down hiding it in his wardrobe. Its now almost 3 and he is beyond tired plus he has a Spanish exam tmmr which he wont ace if he doesn't get any sleep. Spider boy turns of his phone and attempts to sleep.

Broken white boy dream land

Young peter parker is running around a surprisingly empty new York street playing with his uncle. When a bunch of people come up to them. They grab poor orphan peter holding a gun to his head and another at his uncle. 'give us what you have or your son gets it' the buff man spits. Peter was about to speak up and say that he isn't his dad but decides now is NOT the best time to do so.

'please we don't have much i don't even carry a phone' ben tries to get out. The man gives some gesture and his mates go up to ben grabbing him whilst another searches him. Just as they are checking the last pocket they find something, the blond whom peter assumes to be Greek speaks .
'now what do we have here' he smirks pulling out a wad of cash. That is what ben was going to use to buy peters new lego set.

'no. no please that is for his birthday present' ben speaks up attempting to get the money back. Peter has been used to not getting much for his birthday so when he herd this it was a surprise.

'ha looks like you lied about having things soooo' is what ben would have herd as his last words considering the buff man pulled the trigger releasing peter simultaneously .

'ben, ben, come on , no please' peter knew it wouldn't do any good he was dead on impact. The sick man pulls out his phone quickly changing his emotions.

'p-please come quick a man has been shot-' as soon as he ends the call him and his mates laugh. Peter has tears in his eyes when the police and paramedics come and he is pulled away from his lifeless uncle. When the doors to the ambulance close peter snaps to reality.


Peter pov
I wake up sitting straight up trying to catch my breath, however the day ben died keeps playing threw my head. Luckily i didn't wake may considering she leaves at 4 for work. I look at the time. 413. Peter lays his head back on his pillow trying to get some more sleep before 6. Peter was used too these dreams but it doesn't mean they don't hurt each time.

y/n pov
i fall asleep in nats comforting embrace. And is lulled into a not so nice reoccurring dream.

3rd person pov
y/n wakes back in her cell from the redroom after they realised she was different they locked her away from the other girls. She looks down to see her in the same performance wear she always had on considering her pyjamas were in the girls room. A thin pink dance leotard that she had had since she came to the redroom 2 years ago now was stretched and warn out. She had been 9 when she came back after being away for so long after being free for so long. Or as free as a foster kid could get. Suddenly the door swings open revealing the same guard she saw over and over again each day they did something new to her but first it was training with the other girls. Each day a fight to the death and each day y/n would kill another of the girls she grew up with. Before y/n could stand up she is pulled through the door her legs dragging from underneath her. She trys to gain some footing but fails accepting the drag to her friend's death. The pair comes across the same door the training is in however the guard just keeps walking down the dark cold corridor.

'Я должен быть в этой комнате' (uh I'm meant to be in that room) she says as they turn another corner. All she receives is a grunt. They are walked/draged up to a door which has the words excel in Russian followed by the red hourglass symbol mixed with a red octopus.
They walk into the room a mirror y/n knew was double sided was taking over the main wall there was a small tray next to a old fabric pealing dentist type chair. she was led and strapped to the chair. The guard leaves nothing happens for a bit which confuses y/n however suddenly the room light flickers and electricity courses threw her body she survives a few minuets before passing out falling limp head hanging to the side. What y/n didn't realise at that point is that this combined organisation had now altered her blood. She could bend other peoples or simply burn their blood cells. Thus how she had adapted into fire bending, the electricity that ran threw her charged her blood making it its own power source. She wakes up again in the chair days later to gasoline being thrown on her hands. Once the scientists left another one in a hazard suit walks in they lit the liquid burning her hands. Preventing her from using her powers for a long long time. After that she wasn't in that room for a while and returned to being trained in the redrooms ways even sleeping back in the girls rooms with a better excuse for a bed. She was top in ballet and guns beating anyone in martial arts and mastering every class she ever took. Lots called her the red widow. She would come back from missions always with red on her, her blade her face her arms anywhere. All her opponents would always be left with some sort of red typically their own.

y/n goes into the sleep room after killing another one of her "classmates" and see a guard there looking at her, the guard simply walks straight past y/n and y/n knows this is one of those days. She reluctantly follows an him and gets led to the excel room, she is put in the room and they have removed the chair now. Chains drop from the ceiling and y/n isn't feeling so good now. On these particular days they would chain her up and bring in this young recruit. the girls were never older than 6 and they would give the girls a very very sharp blade, and put them in with y/n. All these young girls were under the chemical subjugation that drakov came up with his wicked mind and they had one order. Connect the dots. The  first time these words were reapeated by the girls y/n assumed they were talking about her many many light freckles and that they would cut lines from each however when red dots were lasered onto her skin she knew she was in for a much different approach.

y/n was chained to the ceiling like usual and was just waiting for the innocent kid to get pushed through the door. However who came out of that door surprised her. A older widow with brown hair that she knew was in the higher classes. The teen had to be about almost out of here, she walked over knife in hand, y/n assumes since the little girls didn't do enough they would try the bigger ones. The first cut wasn't that bad just deep and quick across her abdomen. The blond threw punches to y/n aswell which was unexpected. She cut and cut and cut punched and punched until dots clouded her vision. She blacked out after a punch to the bleeding stomach.


y/n pov
i woke up bolting up right, i look at nat next to me she was sleeping so peacefully and i get up. I cant open the door since it would be to loud so i just silently curl up in a ball in the corner hugging myself trying to get the phantom pain to subside. I guess i wasn't as quiet as i thought since nat woke up. 'Детка Ты в порядке' (kid are you okay?) she asks trying to find me, however when her eyes land on me on the floor she rushes out of bed putting her lights on the lowest setting just so she could see me. 'мед, вы хотите поговорить об этом' (honey do you want to talk about it) she again questions. I just shake my head.

'лол нет больных быть в порядке' (no. no ill be okay) i try to convince her giving her a weak smile, she smiles sadly in return. She offers her arms and i crawl into them no longer crying. We sit like that for what feels like ages but it might have been because i fell back asleep, i feel her lift me back to the bed laying me on top of her. I smile and lull back to sleep. Nat always knew how to deal with nightmares and that im thankful for.

i dont know if i should be sorry for this chapter

From one short chapter to this one that is 500 words longer than usual. Lmao. Anyway next chapter soon. And as always see you in the next chapter.

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