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3rd person pov

As soon as the 2nd group of people made it to the floor of the training rooms kady lead them through the double doors into a long room with a window. The class rushed up to the window to see all the avengers training. Of course. Wanda was floating dummys around for clint or nat to shoot which they did. it was quite amusing when wanda would go one way and clint would fire the arrow but wanda would move it making it miss, nat always anticipated this however and shot it effortlessly. Tony was at the top chasing sam around the walls whereas bucky and steve were in the ring sparing. T'challa was doing his own thing while Pietro was testing out his new treadmill tony made, essentially it was just a fabric type plastic thing on a loop so he could run and run and run without going anywhere. You could tell Pietro was enjoying it a lot, he turned to give a thumbs up to tony but the fabric broke and Pietro flew straight into the wall. Wanda drops the dummys and walks over to Pietro laughing, mj, shuri and y/n all stifled a laugh not wanting to be seen as disrespectful while peter was cringing at how that must've hurt. Ned was in awe along with the rest of the class. Suddenly iron man was out of view and the class was trying to find him. The door to the room swings open to reveal the tony stark smirking at the kids in the back.

'Peter! y/n!' he smiles catching the class off guard 'you never told me your field trip was here' he smirks the pair sink further into the wall as everyone's eyes are on them. 'well this wont do seeing threw a window, how about you come into the room' tony offers stepping out of the way. They nod and walk in. The class taking in the entire room finally stand in front of the avengers that have now gathered.

'well' steve starts, 'why don't we do a little training' he suggests a chorus of yes's are herd and steve claps his hand. Peter and y/n sink to the back and mj and ned stay put. Shuri goes over to talk to her brother that is yet to realise the new presence. 'first you guys can all have a go sparing with..... black widow' steve smiles

'don't worry ill go easy' nat smirks 'whos first'

'me! Im strongest im going first' flash steps forward. Nat raises a brow but leads him to the mats. The rest of the class follows. Bucky explains the rules of this and flashes face is smug, he thinks he could easily beat natasha because she is just some girl.

Nat waits for flash to hit first , which he does, the boy throws a punch which was sloppy to natashas standards but just absent mindedly blocked them after a couple minuets of flash trying to knock nat of her feet she yawns which amuses the class, she stands up straight and the class watches as her eyes grow dark within seconds flash is on the floor.

'3...2...1 time nat wins' tony claps aswell as the rest of the group. 'whos next?' he questions the class backs away and flash steps of the mat groaning slightly. Nat stands up aswell. The mats give her hight so she can see over the kids.

'y/n! good to see you been a while since we sparred' nat smirks and y/n hides behind peter who also smirks moving out of the way when a path was made up to the mats for y/n 'come on bet you cant beat me again' whispers begin in the crowd as natasha used terms that ment they had sparred before. After having everyone staring at her y/n slowly walks over to the mats taking her shoes of and standing opposite her.

'Действительно ли я должен это делать' (do i really have to do this) y/n slumps stretching.

'Да, или я не позволю вам свидание в кино с Вандой Томмороу ночью' (yes or i wont let you have your movie night date with wanda tomorrow night) nat smirks, and y/n rolls her eyes getting into a fighting stance, circling natasha.

Nat leaps first with no hesitation but y/n knew she would so this and grabbed her waist using her own momentum to throw her on the ground, gasps where herd in the room as orphan y/n/n took down THE black widow. Natasha quickly flips her over as y/n attempts to punch at her mother. Landing a few good hits. The class is shocked y/n is just punching an avenger and not getting killed. Suddenly y/n slacked against nats hold which confuses her. she realises a second to late and is flipped harshly on her stomach with y/n pinning her down.

'3...2' before tony could finish nat twists and throws her child to the side getting back up into a fighting stance at the same time as y/n they stare at each other before going to hand to hand combat throwing punches and kicks both were holding back as to not seriously hurt each other but it was a good show. The class were holding their breath in anticipation. y/n slides through nats legs taking them with her as black widow falls flat on her face, y/n takes this opportunity to leap on top of her effectively pinning her with no escape. y/ns family, friends, and girlfriend are all watching proud. A feeling y/n wasn't used to people having for her.

'3...2...1' this time the class counted and clapped as they saw y/n one their faces were shocked as and was quite funny to the avengers. y/n steps down off the mat high fiving several people on the way to the back wall. Wanda slips away from her family grabbing her water bottle and sneaking back to y/n

'here buba' wanda whispers. y/n smiles thinking her and drinking it before handing it back. 'no problem' wanda replys, kissing y/ns forehead and sliping back up to her spot next to Pietro and clint. But she couldn't stop smiling. That right there was HER girlfriend, she couldn't believe it.

'okay so next if no one else wishes to spar with nat lets do...uh... archery with hawkeye' steve suggests a lot of people nod frantically.

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