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peters pov

after nat leaves mj and i head back to class. I get there getting questioning looks but that's when i remember i said i was going to the toilet ive probably been gone for 20 or so minutes. Anyway i go to sit in my seat until class finishes.

We all go to our last break of the day and i meet mj at our table. And open a part of my bag i haven't opened yet today. I open it so see a snake my first instinct is to drop it and throw the bag out the window but i recognise the colour and patterns on its back. I groan rolling my eyes.

'LOKI what are you doing in my bag' i question the snake. Mj looks up at me to see the snake slithering up out of the bag and around my neck.

'that's loki?' mj questions pointing at the god or well snake. I nod and go back to my cookies. Flash comes over and im so confused as to why he is here today. He comes over obviously not noticing he danger he is putting himself in.

'hey penis parker' he snickers

'go away flash' i say as i feel loki begin to shift

'why penis what are you gonna do' he says loki lifts his head as flash takes another step closer flash stops in his footsteps a white face. Loki hisses and flash trips over a table and runs out of the cafeteria.

'thank you' i tell him going back to my food. He nods his snake head and curls back up around my neck. Personally ive always loved snakes which is ironic because i am spider man but i guess i just have always liked them. When i was 7 may got me a pet snake. Her name was boba fett she had a practically identical pattern on her head that matched their helmet. I see mj has her crisis book out again probably drawing flashes face why its fresh in her mind.

y/ns pov

i stare at the wall when all of a sudden i get a thought. 'Why me' i whisper to myself. No it wasn't a why me for all the bad things that have happened in my life but why me for all the good things.

Do i even deserve all this surly not. I don't deserve anything that has happened to me in these past what 2 months. I finally have a great family an amazing girlfriend and the best friends. But i don't deserve it why would i.

i can think of so many people that deserve better than what they have. So why me, why do i get all this privilege, because i texted the wrong number. Like come on that's not good enough anyone could do that and it doesn't come to this.

Lifes great i hate to admit it but i like it here, is that selfish? Me living here with amazing people that care about me a roof over my head and food on the table. I feel like i shouldn't have this. I haven't had this my entire life.

But i guess there is a time where you have to accept whats given to you for better or for worse. What it took to get here i would go through and read it again just so i could come to this chapter.

3rd person pov

Everyone was around in blankets and hoodies drinking warm drinks doing whatever they like. Wanda who you would usually see reading with blankets around her and a nice tea in her hand was sitting in the armchair thinking and hasn't even touched her drink a blanket over her knees that were pulled close to her chest.

Nat was drinking a tea and reading on the arm rest of the couch her feet resting on the seat as shes hunched over deep in 'one of us is lying' she seems to finish the chapter and get up putting her drink on the table. She makes her way down to her room grabbing another hot chocolate on the way. The assassin walks off down the dimly lit hallway.

Once she reaches her room and opens the door she sees y/n not on the floor but the balcony looking out at the city. 'эй, милая'(hey sweetheart)

'oh hey mom' y/n says moving over on the large egg chair. Nat smiles and sits next to her. she hands her the cup and she smiles as a thanks.

'so your good now?' nat questions

'yeah i guess i just needed time to think' nat nods and watches the city with y/n.

'so did peter ask mj out?' nat smirks

'mom! you know its not my story to tell. Besides i don't even know the full story of how it happened' y/n says taking another sip

'so it did happen' nat questions.

'uh less about peter. Are you and maria official?' y/n asks a matching smirk to what nat had when asking about peter and mj. Nat blushes but y/n hits nat with a pillow wanting answers, bad mistake. She chugs the rest of her drink before BOLTING out the door. she runs out of the room and straight into the main area. She looks around for a place to hide and sees wanda on the arm chair with a massive blanket.

'hide me' she says. Confused but happy y/n was back to her normal self she lifts her blanket and y/n jumps in under it.

A couple second later nat calmly walks in with a pillow and mug in hand. She puts the mug in the sink before coming to the loungeroom and just standing there staring at everyone. Scared everyone except wanda rat y/n out pointing to the ball of blanket on top of wanda. Wanda looks confused when nat comes over.

'did you need something?' she questions

'yes y/n actually you haven't seen her?' wanda shakes her head and goes back to her drink. Nat yanks the blanket off to reveal a curled up y/n holding wandas hand. Nat wacks y/n with the pillow once before returning to her arm rest. 'payback' nat says picking up her book. Everyone laughs resuming back to what they were doing

Wanda runs her fingers through her girlfriends hair after y/n repositioned herself. y/n had her arms around wandas stomach/lower back as her head rested on wandas chest. Both their legs were somehow comfy spread over the foot rest, arm rest, wherever but it was nice. They were lucky the arm chair was big. You could mostly fit 2 steves sat next to each other on the chair.

Peter pov

The bell goes and mj and i head to our last class. Many people either back away or try to come over and touch loki which he does not appreciate. We make it to our last class and sit down in the back. A student comes around with a white board marker and we all go up to write one thing that we learned this year. Everyone wrote weird stuff or school related stuff but i wrote

"i learned family isn't always blood related"

- P. Parker

When the teacher was reading them all out making sure they were appropriate and when he got to mine he smiled and took a photo. The rest of the session was having fun and messing around to music. 


frogs or crows 

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