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neds pov
I was in awe about where i was, peter had asked us if we could come over to help the search for y/n. it had been a while since we have seen her 6 days really, and everyone was getting nervous. No one could get in contact with y/n and no traces of her had came up. Nat rushed into the room, dragging mj behind her.

'tony pull up y/ns apartment footage from that night' nat demands

'nat we have tried it is to encrypted even for Friday' he sighs. Ive never been not able to decode or hack anything so i decide to give it a try.

'i-i can do it' i look directly at tony.

'go ahead ned' tony smirks at himself for rhyming. I hesitate and nod walking over to his mass amount of computers and screens, i quickly get over my fascination and get to work. Since im not used to the whole 17 screens thing i just stick to the one small laptop of to the side. I quickly find the files and realise it was actually really easy to get through they only had 3 encrypted firewalls layered. Within minutes im finished and have a folder of all camera footage from that day.

3rd person pov
'that was really easy anyway here you are' ned says stepping out of the chair. All the avengers are impressed and smirking at how easily the teen could hack into the files whereas a grown billionaire genius couldn't even with his AI. Tony and Bruce's mouths were hung open as how he explained how he managed to do that. They all get out of there shock when the video begins to play. It starts when y/n gets home.

The team sees who they assume to be her foster parents looming over 5 different dead bodys. 'ahh y/n there you are' her wicked foster dad greets putting a hand on her shoulder as she enters through the door cosing it behind her. 'clean this up and you will be rewarded' he grins.

'i- i cant' y/n replys looking down at her hands.

'u will' the woman insists slapping her hard a distinct red handprint can be seen even on camera . She nods and gets to work as soon as they leave. y/n hesitates for a while before cleaning it all up which takes a good 3 or more hours, tony mostly skipped through that part. After y/n gets up and leaves. ned pulls up another screen that has the room she went into aswell as the main room. After a couple of minuets is laying in "bed" when she turns her phone off and leaves.

'that must be when we..' clint trails off. Instantly guilt is showed over all the avengers.

y/n pov
im sat on the ground, bruises covering my once  one colour pale skin. I have been getting thin to quicky. A month ago my body would have been used to no food for weeks but now, now i have been eating most days and my body liked the recent small portions of food. The poorly stitched stab wounds and cuts ached fortunately they only just stopped bleeding. My skin was stuck with red dry and/or sticky liquid and my eyes were so badly swollen i could barely see the figure coming up to me,

'Дрейков хочет, чтобы вы пересмотрели тренировки, следуйте за мной.' (dreykov wants you to resume training follow me.) i am surprised but relived by his request so i pick myself up completely ignoring calls from my body to not move. I follow him out to the training room and he shoves me in. the girls look at me before returning back to their ballet, madame b looks over to me and smiles a fake smile.

' вы / о / н ваша спина встать в очередь' (ah y/o/n your back) she smiles with fake enthusiasm (get in line). I quickly follow considering im still in training gear well if you could call it that it was several shades of red now with cuts littering the small fabric i swiftly nod stepping last into line.

Im a ballerina

After the excruciating hours of ballet stretching and leaping,  im lead a different way from the other widows the guard walks me down the familiar corridor and pushed me into the excel room. Im strapped to my acquainted dentist chair and, i wait impatiently for this torture. I have a feeling im going to last a shorter period of time because im already on deaths doorstep. The electricity shoots through my veins and leaves electrifying scars all over my back being the main point of contact. Im quick to pass out, my muscles stop tensing and im lulled into unconsciousness.

Nats pov
Everyone knew what we had done and it was horrible. We continued to watch in silence however when the door opened a familiar man walks through displaying on the screen. My breath hitched as i saw the evil mans face, he had gotten uglier since i saw him all those years ago. he scopes around until the couple returns home right as he was about to open y/ns room. He spins around signalling his widows to go out first. They walk in turning the corner and they see 2 people standing there without hesitation they shoot them with energy their eyes go black and they fall to the ground. After dreykov shoves them with his foot he tells 3 of the widows to stay watch in case any others came through whereas the remaining 3 followed him. They make it to the door and see y/n shuffling around eyes closed, he stalks up to y/n and stabs her with a needle. A couple of gasps are in the background but all i am focused on is this horrid man. The widows grab one of y/ns arms each after dreykov left and carried/ dragged her out of the room, all widows leave and dreykov looks straight into the camera, 'привет Наталья' (hello natalia) he mocks looking at me. I shut the recording down and look at mj she has a similar expression of hatred, the team knew dreykov was bad and what he runs but only i and wanda and i guess mj and y/n know what he really is.

'we need to find her' i was the first to speak up.

mostly a filler however the next chapter i cant say the same. Love you all. And as always see you in the next fun chapter

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