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3rd person pov

The class walks in admiring the colours, patterns and size of the place while everyone was looking around in awe peter and y/n were looking for certain people in sunglasses and baseball caps. Luckily they haven't seen anyone yet

'good morning are you guys midtown tech?' a familiar employee asks. All eyes are now on the person standing before them, nodding slowly after registering her question. y/n and peter look at the employee and god. Its kady (kayde) the trio have worked on many projects when mr stark was busy and she loved to tease them about things. Kady was like their older sister. The pair hide behind ned and mj trying to stop this first part of embarrassment.

'great im kady hunter, and i have the honour of being your tour guide for this trip-' she goes on explaining a couple safety thing scanning the crowed like any normal person would do when talking to people. until she stops. 'peter?, y/n?!' she questions everyone makes a opening so that the employee could see them. In flashes mind he was thinking that they got kicked from ever being in the tower again. Kady walks through the small path to the teens instantly putting them both in head locks. y/n gets out so she moves to rub her knuckles into peters head. y/n was laughing at peter trying to get out.. 'you didn't tell me you were here i would have embarrassed you the second you came in.' peter and y/n just shake their heads. Until someone clears their throat. Kady releases the teens head.

'oh right sorry, anyway these are you temporary visitor passes. After tmmr they will expire so you can keep them as souvenirs. Keep them visible at all times or security will throw you out a window' y/n peter ned mj and kady slightly laugh confusing others. Kady calls out everyones names exept the four but ned and mj slip on their passes before anyone could notice. Sadly tony shredded peter and y/n passes after them and the team started to get close and just programmed them into the system. The pair were hoping no one would notice but unfortunately someone did and it just so happens to be flash.

'uh ms hunter-' flash starts

'kady is fine eugene'

'kady penis and y/n/n don't have a pass' he snickers, the friends see a flash of anger go over kadys eyes.

'peter, and y/n don't need passes' kady emphasises the name,

'and why is that?' the teacher questioned.

'because they are the personal interns of tony stark' she grits 'anyway come through the scanner and we will start the tour' kady leads the group to these scanners.

'i don't know who you guys paid to get her to say that but its not gonna last long' flash spits as he shoves past them and everyone to get to the front. Kady steps through first showing the class how to scan and everything,

'KADY HUNTER, Metics level 4, no weapons clear, welcome back ms hunter' Friday greets, making the students jump, flash is next in line and confidently scans his pass,

'EUGENE TOMPSON, Freedmen level 1, no weapons clear' flash goes to join kady on the other soe of the scanners, after a couple more people a girl asked a question everyone was thinking

'whats with the levels?' she questions as other employees also walk through with many metics levels

'well there is 3 terrasses and 5 levels in each, the first is Freedmen 1 which is for tours, which is you guys, Freedmen 2 is for delivery peoples freedman 3 is for cleaners etc and Freedmen 4 is for guests and lastly freedmen 5 is for people here on business meetings. The next terries is Metics and this is for interns and employees like me. So Metics 1 is for new interns that still have to be showed the ropes, Metics 2 is for new employees, Metics 3 is for regular interns Metics 4 is for regular employees than Metics 5 is for advanced employees and interns that have been here a while and in the higher level labs. Lastly is Athens they are people of the highest importance. Athens 1 is for the employees that are the best of the best commonly picked by mr stark himself. Athens 2 is for visitors of the avengers, Athens 3 is for family of the avengers, Athens 4 is for the avengers that do not live at the tower, and Athens 5 is the highest level that only the live in avengers have as well as pepper pots and 3 unknown people.' Kady explains taking a breather after no the only people left to go through is ned, mj, peter and y/n. y/n and peter though it would be best to go last but now they realise that they were wrong and everyone is looking at them. Ned goes first.

'EDWARD LEEDS, Athens 2, no weapons clear, welcome back ned' Friday greets everyone is shocked by neds status, next mj

"MICHELE JONES, Athens 2, weapon granted, welcome back mj' murmers start when they realise mj has a weapon, she is a bit surprised at first but then realised nat gave her a knife to have and learn tricks with but she just uses is as a book mark. Next its peter. He hesitates but see everyone waiting and realises there is no way out.

'PETER PARKER, Athens 5, all weapons granted, welcome back mini-stark would you like me to inform t-' Friday starts

'NO Fri that's okay' peter ensures stepping around his class to his friends the sounds of the whispering is making his head hurt. Now its y/n

'Y/N Y/L/N, Athens 5, all weapons granted, welcome back little widow, you and mini stark have not used this entrance in a while would you like me to inform your girlfriend or na-'

'no once again that is okay Friday' when y/n gets to her friends almost everyone is questioning them some making mean comments but they don't care, they are about to walk to their death though.

'okay for the first part of the tour it's the public museum just through this door, she motions to the door on her right and everyone follows her into the large looped room. 

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