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Nats pov
y/n keeps having nightmares both times she has stayed over at the tower she has had a nightmare however todays seemed to be worse. Ill have to ask her about it in the morning or well when the sun has risen.

In the morning

I wake up to y/n pacing my bedroom. Mumbling Russian curse words and short sentences. 'Язык'(language) i say imitating steve and making my presence known, we just laugh before she explains what is wrong.

'i have a Spanish test i didn't study for' i smirk it is nice to know that even though it seems she has had a rough life she can get stressed over the simplest teenage problems.

'Pensé que hablabas con fluidez' (i thought you were fluent) i question her in Spanish knowing she still hasn't realised.

'bueno, sí, pero ese no es el punto.' (well yeah but that isn't the point) she replys in Spanish until realisation washes over her. We both laugh and make our way to the door. 'uh sorry for last night. For all of it. Im usually not that emotional' she apologises rubbing the back of her neck.

'honestly its okay we are not here to be perfect' i reassure her pushing her out the door. When we make it to the kitchen. y/n sees sam making bacon and eggs to wich she looks very confused by.

'whats that?' she questions pointing to sam dishing up the food on to many plates.

'never had bacon and eggs?' i question she just shakes her head scrunching her nose up at the smell.

'up until a week ago or so i never really ate regularly' y/n says casually. We were now in earshot of the rest of the avengers.

'wHaT' they all question at once slightly yelling.

'breakfast, breakfast that is' she clarifies however now i can sense a slight lie. 'i wasn't a big food person in the mornings id rather have like juice or something.' We all just nod many of us not use to eat breakfast either. What concerns me however is y/n doesn't look that different than the day we met her still really thin. Almost as if she doesn't eat anything other than the food she eats with us. which i know doesn't help her that much because of her motabolism.

3rd person
All the avengers crowded the dining table an dug in. y/n was very hesitant to eating the white and orange food. Considering she saw most people chop theirs and gooey liquid oozing out of it. When the others noticed her discussed face they all laughed. 'eat, it is better than it looks' Pietro insists. Reluctantly she chops it a bit repulsed by the oozing liquid. y/n wasn't the one to try new things a lot but she made an effort for her friends and family. She ate the food and didn't show any emotion which would lead us to if she liked it.

'soooo how does it taste?' steve questions having already scoffed down his food.

'i mean its not bad but ive had better' y/n explained trying the bacon in which she seemed to enjoy more. After breakfast y/n heads of to school cargo pants and hoodie that had luckily been washed.

y/n pov
i kept walking to school noting someone was watching. As soon as i stepped up to the gates i was shoved harshly into the brick wall by none other than flash Thompson, i sigh and stand up again it doesn't hurt that much because flash isn't actually that strong. Shrugging it of i walk to out usual spot, mj is there as usual and i sit down laying on my side on her legs attempting to rest some more. 'hey' she mentions looking at her laptop.

'mmhh' i say rolling to my back looking at her. She looks down at me and asks the same questions she does every day.

'can i do your hair' i nod sitting up. 'also did you eat today' this is when i smile, and nod,

'i had this strange food eggs than i also had bacon which was nice' she nods grabbing her hairties from her bag. Mj continues to braid my hair in 2 braids than rolls the bottoms up and under to make them look like little buns. She pins them in place and smiles, i thank her and layback down. I turn my head over to see what she was writing. When i realise i quickly turn my head up to look at her.

'u started it?!' i question she nods and smirks. Mj had been telling me about how she wanted to write this book since i met her and now she is finally doing it. She scrolls up allowing me to read it. I finish reading and already have so many questions. 'that was so good' i complement. She nods and goes back to writing while i go back to sleep for an hour until school starts.

Mj pov
y/n had fallen asleep again which i rolled my eyes continuing to write. The boys walkover laughing and i quickly glare at them to shut up in which they do and they both gulp. Then they see y/n sleeping and realise.

'is she okay?' peter questions concerned.

'yeah? Why wouldn't she be?' i question now concerned.

'uh-um' peter tries


'right so uh last night while i was patrolling i had called y/n to see if she wanted to join but she didn't pick up so i assumed she was asleep. I continued to swing around until i saw a body laying on a roof. I didn't know it was her at first, i went up to the body and it was y/n cuts and bruises on her face and hands etc especially her stomach it was bleeding quite bad.' He pauses to get a breath while i look at y/n sleeping peacefully. 'uh my first thought was to bring her to the hospit-' ned cuts him off

'but y/n hates hospitals' he interjects

'yeah ik, so i took her to avengers tower instead' he explains. Ned gasps and i urge pete to continue. 'okay so i called out to Friday luckily she didn't recognise me and called mr stark down.' Neds mouth hangs open obviously still not having his head wrapped around the fact that 2 of his friends know mr stark and the avengers, however y/n knows them more. 'most of the avengers came down and they took her in. and that's all i know'. I nod and look back at y/n. 'i don't know how or why she got hurt also' he clarifies.

Soon y/n woke up. 'О, эй, ребята' (oh hey guys) y/n yawns. I laugh at ned and peters confused faces.

'английский чувак' (English dude) i laugh, she laughs as well.

'sorry, hey guys' she explains in English. Ned asks her what happened at the tower and peter asks how she got hurt. 'to early' she yawns but i nudge her side wanting to know as well she rolls her eyes. 'okay fine, A. how i got hurt, i denied going home with some 30 y/o man so he beat me up and cut me blab la bla' peter turns his head to her mouth slightly parted. 'and B. when i got to the tower idk i was unconscious, than i woke up got changed and sleeped'

3rd person
y/n left out the part about her emotions still not used to them continuing to explain breakfast etc.
when she finished luckily the bell went so no one could ask questions. Luckily no one really herd abut what happened the other day which was good and surprising considering it was high school.

Spanish class

Peter and y/n nervously walked to Spanish, y/n was fluent but kept feeling like she was gonna fail. Peter on the other hand was only nervous because the teacher didn't like him., thy walked in with fake confidence and sat down in their allocated seats. They did one last face to each other saying good luck as the teacher announced the test had begun, y/n looked over the test and let out a relieved sigh as she new everything. Quickly filling in the answers she had 50 minutes left of the hour they were giving and just chose to maladaptive daydream or the rest of the time. Peter on the other hand, knew all the answers but kept second guessing himself. In the end he did hid first instinct and finished with 20 minutes left.

The timer goes off and everyone hands their tests in. the pair walk out relieved.  Chatting about the answers. They both defiantly aced it.

the rest of the day went well and flash got caught bulling both y/n and peter after chemistry in which flash got suspended for the rest of the week which his father wasn't very happy about.

Currently peter and y/n were walking to the internship...

possibly another today. a couple more chapters until what you want happens. You know who you are @jednoducho_viki
anyway see you all in the next chapter. adios

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