of course

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y/ns pov

we were taking the long way back to the tower in quieter streets with less people. it had stopped snowing but it was still quite cold. We were in a comfortable silence walking past many familys happily walking down the street, i could tell both wanda and i were a bit jealous since neither of us had much of a loving childhood. We walked another street and a structure caught my eye. I looked at it closer and saw it was a empty playground. I started to steer towards it and when wanda noticed she smiled and joined my direction.

I went and sat on the swings motioning for wanda to join me. We sit and swing for a while smiling and talking until it is quite late out. The food i ate isn't settling to good but i push the feeling down not wanting to ruin the moment. We went on the monkey bars, a random flying fox, slides it felt like we were normal kids again. But we soon retreated back to the swings. We were about to get up to leave until a car came up and parked right next to us.

3rd person pov

Both girls had fear flash for a second in their eyes, that is until the front window rolls down and a familiar red head asks if we need a ride

4 hours ago in the avengers tower

The team are all around in the meeting room just finishing up as they discussed the details for the new mission in a couple days. 'great, cap, merida and witchy can go, merida get the intel witchy can help cap with the agents' tony settles no one objects and steve says he will inform wanda when she got back. The team went out of the room and back up to the kitchen just in time for dinner to arrive.

Dinner is finished and since it was pizza there really is no dishes so it takes five minutes for clint and nat to do the kitchen. After that most people weren't feeling very social and went back to their rooms.

'shouldn't wanda and y/n be back by now?' clint asks nat. she checks her watch and notices its half past 10.

'yeah they should be back right now actually, FRIDAY where are they?' she asks the AI

'ms maximoff and little widow are currently at a playground near 52nd' Friday informs them, nat chuckles

'of course they are' nat says under her breath 'ill go get them' she smiles standing up putting her drink down, grabbing her jacket and going down to the garage.

Nats pov

I get in my car and get Friday to take me to their location. After a couple songs American pie comes on just as i reach the park.

'hey, need a ride?' i smirk, y/n checks her watch than tells wanda something and shows her her watch as well. They get in the back and y/n instantly perks up at the song as i turn it back up and sing softly. y/ns voice seems familiar at first i think it is because ive herd her sing a bunch but then i realise its familiar with this particular song. I turn down the radio in which y/n looks at me playfully annoyed,

'what?' she asks

'did u sing this with a guitar from that dude like a bit over a month ago' i ask her, wanda finds this amusing

'yeah, did you only just figure that out' she laughs

'you really are slow nat' wanda laughs as well

'shut up' i tell them turning up the music again.

3rd person pov

They make it back to the tower and up to their floor to hear a lot of grunting and clashing, the door opens and they see a couple of the avengers with red electricity things on them on the floor. Others still in fighting stances when all their attention turned to the new commers.

'wow natasha couldn't even warn your new family of my arrival, how rude' the blonde smirks with a thick Russian accent

'yelena' nat acknowledges

'yelena' y/n questions softly stepping out infront of nat to see the person she thought she would never see again. Yelenas expression changes to...


well this is shit anyway im going to see NWH on Thursday so in 5 days i hope its good

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